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Everything posted by redneckinchevy07

  1. I used to get the $10 option back before I lifted my truck..Now I can't fit through the carwash due to the wide tires It was worth every penny to me
  2. I have to agree..Corey Smith does put on one heck of a concert. My favorite concert would have to be when I went to see Corey Smith, Rhett Akins and Brantley Gilbert at Chastain Park last year and Colt Ford showed up.. That was AWESOME Luke Bryan also puts on a Good Show..I've seen him play at Rome River Jam and at the Fair I want to go see Brad Paisley at some point and just to baffle ya'll I'd love to see an eminem or a lil' wayne concert
  3. That gave me a good laugh...Thank you
  4. Only place I know of is right there in the curve before the 3 way stop sign and it just looks like somebody went around the curve too fast and ran off the road...Let me know if you find anything Good luck finding something on scanner archives..last time I tried it said you had to be a paid member on the site to do that
  5. 3..almost 2 more months and I'll join you
  6. I saw the side of the new building coming out of Martins' Thursday and it looked like a drug store with a drive up window to me but I was paying more attention to traffic than the building and could have just saw wrong
  7. Ask OSCAR... I'm sure you'll be able to find the answer then
  8. I'M HERE!!! Sorry...I just got home from the Rodeo and Waffle House so I couldn't get to your topic...There is a mud bog next weekend up at Wesley's on School Road if I'm not mistaken. Just follow the signs.. There is usually a sign on 61 (cartersville hwy) before the dallas city limit that tells when they are also check out in Yorkville around Holly Springs rd they have the Swamp Bottom Mud Bogs up there and they usually have signs up...Hope this helps
  9. I agree with Madea..Its not like we can move up there and make a whole new civilization...although I do often wonder what it would be like if we only let certain people procreate
  10. THANKS A MILLION LADY RAIDER!! You are a lifesaver
  11. I've seen the Giant sign up at the old courthouse but I have no idea what its about... Can someone give me the details? possible the times also? It seemed like something interesting to do
  12. Whats wrong with growing cars in your yard?? You know how long and hard I had to work to get the landscape to match the cars??
  13. Is it too late for me to say GOOD MORNING? (since I just got up).. I'm thinking of going to that festival thingy in Downtown Dallas and see what that's about (I'm thinking the date was tonight) and maybe going to see Zombieland
  14. I hit up Arbys after I got out of class and I bought the 5/$5 deal so I'm having what I didn't eat earlier If I'm still hungry brunswic (sp) stew
  15. Thanks for asking that..I was wondering the same thing myself, I passed through town about 2:30 today and saw everyone lined up on the sidewalk..I was stopped at the redlight so I got to read one of the signs and figured out what everything was about
  16. I actually did that and was caught by one of the guys that either owned the section of the subdivision or was overseer of it..He was really cool and told me just to throw it off in one of the drainage areas and not in the middle of the road.. The rest of the time I just throw the stuff behind the house but we own a little land It used to be a Dump..I miss Dumpsterdiving
  17. Watermelon and if you don't like to think it is a fruit then I will go with Strawberry How long have you lived in Paulding County?
  18. I noticed that the other night, I was coming in from 92 going the back way home, I knew there was a sign up at Mckenna farms begging ppl to slow down and I didn't see a speed limit sign until I got nearly to the summer creek subdivision.. I thought the speed limit was 45 but now I know its 40 And I couldn't agree more if you don't have enough sense to know the road is blocked for a reason (especially if there are barricades up) then maybe you should be the one that everyone makes an example of
  19. Tired? LPPT Tired??? NEVER!!!!!...lol Hope you are keeping busy with your reports!!! and I hope I get to see you around here soon..I miss my Giant Hugs
  20. I'm glad to see you respond..I've been wondering where you were lately
  21. I thought ya'll could use a laugh: After all thats what I'm good at =) Today my boss asked to use my phone since the company pays for it. A few hours later the same boss called me into his office to fire me. Apparently the company checks the phone records and found a call made on my cell to a sex line. My boss made that call and just fired me. FML (taken from this website ) A guy runs into a bar and says, "Bartender, quick! Give me 20 shots of your best Scotch!" So the bartender lines up 20 shots of his best Scotch and watches this guy down one after the other. "Man," t
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