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Everything posted by gog8tors

  1. You do know your topic had nothing to do with poor folks v "rich" folks right? I don't care who you are the law is supposed to be blind. Lets see who can we name Lindsey Lohan Pick a rap "artist" Charlie Sheen Pick a Baldwin We could go on and on. This has nothing to do with black/white/pink with purple polka dots. It has everything to do with name recognition. No pass.
  2. Oh you mean like Hosea Williams? Habitual drunk driving, but for all the good he did for Atlanta he kept getting off. I'm sure he was black, and with a name like Hosea he may have been Hispanic too.
  3. Glad your back. We had a very nice dinner. All three kids were here and of course the grandbabies (not babies so much anymore) and DD fiance'. Amazingly no fights were had!!
  4. Just had a topic on this last week. I have a Pinnacle Dazzle system that I wasn't sure would work, I pulled it out today and found out that it will work. My problem was that I didn't know if I would be able to do this from my VCR to my computer to make the DVD's, but I can. Go me!!! http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/topic/258605-anyone-know-how-to-copy-8mm-tapes-from-my/page__p__3322243__fromsearch__1&do=findComment&comment=3322243
  5. DD convinced me to go with her to Wal-Mart in Woodstock. I spent a whole $9.48. DD spent more, but she bought the coolest ornament for DYS. It's a football jersey with his number (80) on it. Do you know how hard it is to find something like that. DYS loves it!!!
  6. That's where we saw her last week.
  7. Can they trade it in for a real car? JK I would much rather have a 1976 Camero.
  8. I have the Pinnacle software, but I don't have the camera anymore. It broke before I could get all of the videos on the computer. Guess I'll call Wolf and see how much we are talking about. Yep looks like that's what I'm going to have to do.
  9. I don't know what that is. Would I be right in guessing that it would transfer at the speed of the tape playback?
  10. That looks like the Pinncal thingy I have. Can you play the tape in your VCR and down load it to your computer?
  11. I don't have a camera, but I do have the VCR adapter. Will it let you edit the DVD?
  12. I have the same issue. You can get them done at some of the CVS places. The only problem is the DVD they do isn't editable (is that a word?) That's why I haven't had them do mine. If someone could help both of us that would be so great.
  13. I know, but just imagne the raw material that he has to work with now.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgcrEhhiEhA Jeff has new material
  15. Sorry for your loss. There are a ton of benefits that Vets and their families don't know about. Thank you for posting. http://sdvs.georgia.gov/portal/site/SDVS/menuitem.e429305ad2099d1d6eff626ed03036a0/?vgnextoid=7b677c5c038f7210VgnVCM100000bf01020aRCRD&vgnextchannel=1b50f0d1ca7f7210VgnVCM100000bf01020aRCRD http://www.vba.va.gov/VBA/
  16. Look I'm not trying to stir up drama. I get enough IRL. There are many things that have a small amount of risk, I'm just stating that this is something to consider. That's all. If your doctor and you are comfortable with a small amount of radiation then fine.
  17. http://www.rupture.co.uk/Self_portrait.html This is what the TSA gets to look at.... Warning graphic http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/backscatter+radiation radiation, backscatter, n radiation that deflects off its target at an angle of deflection greater than 90°, possibly affecting those who may be off to the side of or behind the main beam. See also radiation, scattered. If your doctor doesn't have a problem with it OK. I do know that we are exposed every day to many types of radiation. I'm just saying if the doctor would not do a medical x-ray during pregnancy t
  18. Oh OK. I guess all the precautions that I take against back scatter radiation is not necessary. Found this: https://www.asrt.org/content/ThePublic/AboutRadiologicProcedures/PregnancyandXraySafety.aspx I'm just saying. Truthfully I have dealt with radiography for over 20 years. I have sat through a total of 36 hours of REQUIRED radiography certification. Every one keeps talking about this being a back scatter technology. This is the x-rays that the lead shields protect you from when you have a radio graph done. The difference is that ultra sounds are sound waves. Think son
  19. Why? Do they not have trains anymore? Are the fares more expensive?
  20. How do they handle the ladies that are preggers?
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