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Everything posted by gog8tors

  1. Your PM box is full. I have some thing very important to ask you.
  2. Call the police. They are disturbing the peace, and there is domestic violence going on. How hard is that? Here in the USA abusing your spouse is against the law. Also exposing your child to these things is also wrong.
  3. Ummmmmm you would be the one who made a stretch. Duh, It was just a statement of where I see this going. Given your own statement that the "professionals" know better then the PARENTS,
  4. You know as well as I do that at some point the gooberment is going to get involved (not like they haven't already) in these things. Like vaccines, bike helmets, etc. Yes, of coarse I think that those things are good in moderation. But, it just seems like every time "they" come out with some thing new the gooberment jumps on the band wagon, then it becomes law.
  5. Ooops someone is getting their panties in a wad. Did your pediatrician at least ask about your child's physical activity level? Did s/he ask about their sexual activity as well? How bout if they are into sports? Did the doctor ask about heart issues and recommend a cardiac work up?
  6. Yea, they can be. Specilly when parents who give a flying flip about their kids know when things aren't right. DUH. But then I refuse to abdicate my PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY and RIGHTS to the gooberment.
  7. I keep forgetting that ZC thinks (IMHO) that ONLY the "professionals" and gooberment know what is best for us.
  8. Nope, not into those "self help" books. I can figure it out on my own with out making some one else rich. (Oh dang now you get to go off on a totally different rant.)
  9. +5 They just want to give the kids a crutch. That way when they start getting into trouble there's an excuse for them to not take responsibility for their actions.
  10. "If you carry a gun, people will call you paranoid. That's ridiculous. If you have a gun, what in the hell do you have to be paranoid about." Not paranoid here.
  11. I think correcting information should always be done. Of course you may need to make some sort of drama filled "reality" show for it to be watched and taken seriously. The PETA people are nut jobs.
  12. I have an e-mail set up specially for those things. If it is people I know sending all the fowarded if you love Jesus, you'll have good luck etc. stuff. I usually send it back to the person with a note that I do love Jesus, or I don't need a stupid e-mail to bring luck. Please do not send again. Stops em in their tracks every time.
  13. No, use in auguring. Those kind of people (ZC and others) show their true colors (pun intended) when they toss out the race card. They see race in everything, most especially when there is no insult, insinuation, or veiled statements made. I think they are the true raciest. As far a MHS, we moved just in time. My dd was there in 2002 when they had SWAT on the roofs. It used to be THE school. Not so much any more.
  14. Kevin and Taylor on the Fish had too much fun with that yesterday.
  15. They have been around quite a bit, and are ALWAYS snarky. It's not like we don't already have enough of them. As far as the topic....if you are a veteran you can get an exemption on your property taxes. You do have to have a certain amount of SERVICE connected disability.
  16. Seems like every month is ___________________ (insert special project/cause/recognition.) So, I thought I would post this for someone special. http://www.holidayin...idays/march.htm Irish American Month Music in Our Schools Month National Craft Month National Frozen Food Month National Irish American Heritage Month- designated by Congress in 1995. National Nutrition Month National Peanut Month National Women's History Month Poetry Month Red Cross Month Social Workers Month http://www.kidney.org/kidneydisease/kidneymonth/ http://www.eatri
  17. I like these. They lock onto the earring. Or these. There comfortable.
  18. Well I did think about an abacus, but it's been a while since I used one.
  19. And, this is why my son uses the old fashion calculator. pencil and paper. I am also teaching him cursive. My own handwriting sucks, but I do think it important that he knows how to write.
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