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larry t

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Posts posted by larry t

  1. I had a VERY bad reaction to Zycan, in January we were in Knoxville, Tn as the hubby's grand father had passed away and I didnt want to be sick, so I got the gel nose spray... what a mistake!!! I had a major headache for three days NOTHING helped the headache and I didnt notice the cold got any better, maybe it did but the headache was sooooooo bad that was about all I could think about!!!!


    See, now that scares me...I know it is homeopathic...and I haven done good when it come to herbal meds (several has cause itchy allergic reaction) Maybe I will just stick to my OTC cold meds. Headed off to bed with Vaporizer and vicks vabor rub. Hoping to feel better tomorrow. Need to be @ work monday, so Lynn won't fire me. hehe



    orgional post under "DeAnne" dd Log-in

  2. I wouldn't say my Dream Job BUT truly enjoy my job as a cook for an assisted living home, I worked daycare for 20 years and burned out Caregiving seems to be what I love best SO tried my hand with the elderly and I abosulty love it All of "my" folks" are so sweet and I love spending time listen to their stories, Some days I feel they take care of me. If I am having a bad day they will say something to cheer me up and I try to do they same for them. Some are just like children that need to be reminded of daily task, others are just as sane as me and you and Have choosen to live there to keep from being a burden on their families. We have a good time, and when I leave in the afternoons I tell them all that I love them, I keep in mind that they might not be there when I get back tomorrow !!!! Yeah, I do love my job....

  3. I have been so bless !!!!


    S.T.A.M.P. is one of my most precious blessings !!!

    Over a year ago, I contacted Rebekka about the program, as I had a daughter that despertly needed Support with her recovery...I has been amazing... 9 Months clean and sober. She is doing great , I feel without S.T.A.M.P. she would not be where she is in her life now. It is such a blessing to hear her laughing and playing with her girls, being a parent, a daughter and a sister...something I feared I would never have again.. THANKS to all involved in her recovery !!! Mostly I thank GOD for my answered Prayers !!!!






  4. I will NEVER forget 9/10 We were living in Columbia Md.(about 30 miles for the pentagon) We had a new Grandbaby born @ 10 Am .. I booked tickets on Delta out of Dulles Airport @ 5:10 to fly home ON 9/11 ... needless to say it did not happen, I was very affected by the events that took place. I did not get home to my family for 10 days. I WILL NEVER EVER FORGET !!!!!

  5. These creatures are just too cool for words. I honestly had no idea that they were so aggressive and so noisy until we put up our feeders this year. I have well gotten my money's worth of enjoyment from watching them, and will hate when they leave for the winter. :mellow: :(



    My thougth excatly.. we have truly enjoyed watching them. I have two feeders and they buzz from one to the other all day long. This morning while enjoying my coffe on the porch he buzzed up and sat on the rim of my coffee cup and just looked it me... THAT WAS THE COOLEST !!!!

  6. Grab a Mountain Dew and a Goody powder...... that should wake you up !!!!!

    ( Talking from experiance, not thinking one morning I stopped a store to get a cold drink for lunch also had a slight headache so I grabbed a pack of goodys at the counter, well, I popped open the Dew to swallow the powder and Man oh man, I got a kick start that wouldn't wait......

  7. Here is what you do...... SIT IN THE CAR ... if they pull it one inch while you are sitting in it they can be charged with kidnapping. I got that straight from the PoPo's mouth !!!! (don't think I would try this if they are weilding a gun)

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