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larry t

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Posts posted by larry t

  1. I think that is a wonderful idea !!! we have a concrete dog, looks just like my red bone we had for 11 years, I ablosulty treasure, no ashes but wish I had. We buried her in the yard, which I regret.....

    I say go for it, That way you can always keep her close as well as creating a beautiful memory garden for her as well as something for you to enjoy !!!

  2. I would ask them to undo the " nice thing " they are doing because you feel it is putting someone in harms way....tell them you just do feel it is the right thing to do , but thanks anyway !! Lacking details.... so can't make a big judgment call, but risking one live is serious, would not want to be in that position..

  3. strip me naked and toss me in the flames!

    Don't want anyone wasting $$ on me when I'm dead and can't enjoy it!



    You sound just like my Hubby, has made me promise him I will have him creamated...save the money to do something useful !!!


    I really don't care....BUT make sure my toe nails are painted !!!! ( I hate nekked toes)

  4. The spray bottle works great with a cat also, our cat wanted to climb on the screen door, I would spray him EVERYTIME he did it . Only took about two days and he learned to think twice before he climbed !!! ( I was misting my plants in the yard last week, needless to say he left the primises, took me a minuet to figure it out 'till I realized I had dreaded "spray bottle " pretty funny !!!!!

  5. Hey X, we need to talk , I think we need to get you to the "Vacuum cleaners anonymous" support group, This is a serious addiction, They will tell you that it is O.K. to go to bed with lint on the carpet, I promise you, it will still be there in the morning...4 times a day !!!! Girl, I'm doing good to get it done once a week !!!!! hehe !!

  6. Earlier today...some fool ran his car up the bank at the end of Cochran Ridge road...not sure exactly how he managed to do that , I feel sure he was up to no good...cuffed and stuffed when I came by...Did anyone her the specific of the incident ??????


    Nevermind...saw it in another thread...BUSTED !!!

  7. I have felt the same way for 3 days...( med's don't seem to have any affect on my symptoms) Headache, pukky feeling, neck and shoulder pain.... not sure whats going on ..but I want to to go away...on top of feeling like poo..I gotta work !!! I am and headed out the door, wish me luck the I make tru this 6 hour shift. I will rest the weekend.

  8. O.K., I will respond on the compassion side, I am a care taker of the elderly, so I probably would have considered the possibility of him being an alzheimer's patient, asked him questions, ie: are you here with someone, do you live around here, are you looking for something I could help you with ? That's just me...

    Or Maybe stopped by the service desk and told them about your encounter (Because I realize there are "real " nuts that are dangerous out there) Just to make them aware of the situation, just in case he were to follow someone out that could be in harms way.

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