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larry t

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Posts posted by larry t

  1. I had my waaayyy back when it was not a simple procedure, over night stay in hospital , bilateral (bad mistake, very difficult to wipe my hinney with bandages on both hands , 10 stitches, 6 weeks recovery time.

    Now I think it is out patient, itty bitty cut (1 stitch to close) and 2 weeks recovery....good luck... it is instance pain relief !!!!

  2. My advice... Don't forget to hug Mommy and Daddy when they come in the door......My son told me one day

    MOM, you never give me a hug and kiss me anymore, you just grab the baby and run....( Maybe a little jealous, but true) from that point on I made sure I acknowledged them both before I got the baby !!!!

  3. OMG !!! We have just come in from Deanne "1st year" party hosted by S.T.A.M.P. It was awesome I am so very proud of my Daughter and her recovery. Thanks for all the congrats,She is seeing them and she Say's thanks !!!!!

    We have come along way and she still has work to do BUT, just having her alive and sober is something I often worried would never happen. Thank You God for giving her the strength to over come this addiction !!!! and pray everday that she will continue to stay strong !!!

    I Love you , DeAnne MOM


    Thanks R&J for the cake, it was yummy

    Thanks J for you Story.....





















  4. It seems like only yesterday that I contacted you in total desperation for help for my daughter.

    As you know she will be celebrating her 1 year into recovery !!!! I give thanks EVERYDAY for you and Jason

    and the work and commandment you have put into this program. With out the love and support she has received for ALL

    involved , I do not think she could have made it this far into her recovery.

    I have my "Baby" back and she is doing great and we are so excited to to have back with her family. We are SO VERY PROUD of her

    I have to give my Thanks to GOD and of course S.T.A.M.P.

    For Anyone "out there "that thinks there is no hope for the recovery of addiction of Meth..... Know there is hope and I see it everyday in the smile of my beautiful Daughter !!!

    You shall be Blessed !!! Love, A MOM

  5. Never a boring moment at my house ....let's see today I have me, hubby, my Mom His Mom, My daughter, my son, my stepson and 5 of the 10 Grandbabies MMMMMMM.....nerves a wreck House is a wreck !!!! Pantry is empty !!!!


    Savor the moment !!!!!

  6. My POPO son just got certified to carry his taser with SO...I got to see the video of him (and all of the guys and one itty bitty gal, who by the way was a champ ) being TAZZZED

    OMG !!!! IT WAS AWFUL !!!! My POPO said the pain was unlike anything he has ever experinced...and don't want to ever to feel it again !!!

  7. I love it! I'm a storm lover! I feel my MOST relaxed during a storm of all things. It's so calming. ^_^ I know i'm not alone... :p


    I wish my 88 yr. old MIL felt this way she just came toddling down the hall with her pillow and blanket to sleep on the couch she is TERRIFIED of storms !!!

    On the other hand my hubby is out on the porch with a beer and cigarette waitng on it to get worse....he to, loves a storm finds it very relaxing !!!!

  8. Yes, the roar of the school bus brought music to my ears !!!!!


    ( it was so sweet, my 6 year old said..Nana will you miss me today... I said yes Baby, Nana is gonna miss you so much that I am going to cry myself back to sleep as soon as you leave !!!! ) hehe

  9. O.K. my 6 year old is is ready, Her routine is all out of whack, up late -sleeping in. The new has worn off of Christmas toys. Excitement has settled down and she is BORD !!!

    Early to bed tonight .... It has been fun and we had a Great time, But looking forward to getting back to normal routine.

  10. Towards Villa Rica ( Past Ellis Astins, on left)


    It was a structure.. not woods, just not if it was a home or maybe a barn. I was driving and really did not have time to look


    Not in subdivision... but looked like several other buildings/ homes around it

  11. For some weired reason my Hubby installed timer light in our bathroom, stays on 7 minuets.... I often find myself sitting in the dark, if I raise up and swing the wash cloth around in front of the the senor it will come back on...... go figger !!

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