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larry t

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Posts posted by larry t

  1. I had a friend who little one hs asthma as she would take her out side in the cool air for 4 or 5 minuets.. seemed to calm her cough.. I don't think waking her to do this would be worth it, but maybe try it when she is awake

  2. I have no where to put a tree up in my living room !!! My MIL has moved in with us and we remodeled the living room/ dining room to add a bedroom at the first of the year( with no thought of Christmas) with the new layout I just realize that I can't fit a my big tree anywhere in the smaller LR/DR combo.....can't do with out the sofa or the table mmmm...looking like a CHARLIE BROWN tree for us this year !!!!!

  3. I always LOVED it when my aunt would shampoo my hair in the kitchen sink using the sprayer to rinse it.....She would lay my legs and butt flat out on the counter top & head in the sink, no risk of shampoo or even water getting into the eyes or face..... Now as I am older it kinda grosses me out when the hubby talks about shampooing his hair in the kitchen..... But as a kid I loved it...


    I can remember my mom doing it the same way,it was a saturday night ritual I actually remember what the ceiling in the kitchen looked like to this day !!!

  4. My hubby has always said that it is scum of the earth that would steal a Mans tools, the very thing he makes a living with !!!! His drill was stolen out of his truck @ Home depot last week... One tool or a destroyed company.....the end result is the same if these guys can't make a living because a JERK(s) has to sleal !!!!



  5. I only stole something one time in my life. I stole a pack of gum when I was about 5 years old. When we got to the car mom took me back in the store and I had to tell the manager I was sorry and wouldn't do it again. I guess it worked because I haven't :yahoo:


    Did the samething, I remember my mom standing me up on the counter and made me apologize to the man...I was also about 5, and I remember it like it was yesterday. I never stole again

  6. We lived in Manassas and Gaithersburg worked in Rockville it was O.k. A far cry from Paulding Co..... I was homesick the whole 2 years we were gone. Rent was hight and traffic was horrible and the people "up there" did not get my country twang.... got laugh at alot.... Was glad to come HOME to PC

  7. My step son Just went to court over DRIVE TIME....Judge settled it with the time being split, who ever dops them off the other picks them up and vice versa.

    It alittle diffrence being they are both in state 1 hour drive, but if he picks them up for the weekend she has to come and get them on Sunday night..... If she chooses to bring them to him, He has to take them home on sunday.... fair is fair....Both are putting in the same drive time.

  8. This is so funny ...My DIL is also "Balanced" one day my son smacked her on the butt and she walked back in front of him and asked him to smack the other side !!! we cracked up because we alway are teasing her about he OCD

  9. What a blessing !!! I happen to be one of the families affected by the AWSOME work of S.T.A.M.P.

    Thanks to all involved in this Organization.... By the Grace of God and the support of this group, I experience this Miracle everyday when my daughter wakes up with a smile on her face and excited to be clean, healthy and happy again......

  10. When we found out that ours was a girl, we got her the green camo with ruffels on the butt... with a camo bib that said "Daddy's little Deer" toooo cute !!!!!!!

    (got it at Bass Pro shop)

  11. Oh I wish I could get him, we had a red bone hound for 11 years and she was the sweetest thing ever !!!

    BUT, circumstances would not allow me to have him, but good luck, they make wonderful,loyal pets (remember he is a hunter, he will dig and run if given the opportunity)

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