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larry t

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Posts posted by larry t

  1. GOOD !! I am glad that I am not the only one Pi$$ed... Called to make a Emergency appointment for a nasty sore in my mouth I was freaked out (I am a smoker so I was thinking the worst) for course they could not see me for three days. The morning of my appointment they called to reschedule..... listerine and alot of swooshing and spitting and it has healed...

  2. I have a wonderful hubby 3 children 2 step childern, 35,33,30,30,27 We have 10 grandbabies ages 17,15,9,6,6,6,4,3,2,and 9 months. I am a SAMG(randmother) Hubby is 63 and I am 49 we have been married 24 years. I Have my Mom and MIL and one of the 6 year old that live with me. My two boys are Sheriff deputy's Oldest works for PCSO and is a SWAT team member. My middle son works for Bartow county and is a Hostage Negotiator. Daughter is finally getting her live togather and has a bright future ahead of her. I am so proud of her, she has had a rough ride because of some bad choices but has over come them and is "back full force" I am very proud of all our children. I have the best big sister she is my best friend, one brother I see once or twice a year. I am bless with wonderful DIL's.(hope one day to have Wonderful SIL's, last two did not work out !!) Everyday is a challange in my household, but I am bless and love my life... would not change a thing..

    Oh, and we have 2 dogs one cat and 3 fish.

  3. I would have enforced more responsabilty on them.. been alittle more attentive to who they were hanging out with...

    I was a good mother, I beat myself up for so many years thinking that I had not "been there" for my kids but I now realize that I did do all the right thing as far as teaching them right from wrong. As teenagers and young adults they choose to make the wrong choices. They learned from it and have grown into productive law abiding adults, but it sure wreak havoc on their mother nerves to get there !!!!

  4. Update...Family member called and he is in ICU suffered 2 strokes, it has affected his speech MRI shows damage, but at this point they are treating him with meds to keep it from happening again. Please continue to pray, we are not sure of his prognosis at this time.

    Thanks for all of the prayers !!!!

  5. My husband couisn was life flighted.... Family thinks he had another stroke, was hospitalized several weeks ago with small stroke. Waiting on information this morning on his condition. Please pray for this family they have been through so much latley. They have a teenage daughter who love her Daddy so much !!! will update when we get more information...

  6. Well, I guess that explains it, because I have noticed that is when his annoying beepbeep sounds starts... right after the clock goes off in the early hours just before daylight...... Mocking bird, now I know where he got his name !!!!!

    I guess I will close my windows... I think it might scare the He** out of me if I heard a bird that sounded like a vaccum cleaner !!!!!

  7. Denise and Family, I pray for your little man everyday..but want you to know that I pray for ALL of you, your stregnth is amazing to me, like you said God has has carried you this far and he will continue to carry you. I pray for a full recovery and can't wait until the day that Ashton gives you that hug you have waited so long to feel. May God Bless you always

    Love, A Friend

  8. Well, Nana would have gone and got that baby some Pan-a-cakes..... I love me some Jackson, he is the funniest child I have ever seen... just last week he told Ma Belle ( his other grandmother) we was so gonna marry his Nana !!!!

    I Love you Jack Thomas !!!!! You are Nana's sweetheart..

  9. My 6 year old will love seeing this, she loves nature and has ask about humming birds and the fact that they are so small as adults, they must be tiny as babies, SO now I can show her just how small they are. Thanks for sharing !!!!

  10. For future refrance the camp ground on Tybee island is "Rivers End" and it is super nice. Priviate bath houses, small store on site, Pool and only two minuets from the beach. I would Highly recommend checking it out.. we love it.












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