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larry t

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Posts posted by larry t

  1. OMG, I feel his pain, I spent 3 days in the hospital on Demrol !!! ( and they say it is worse for a male that a female) It was the worse pain I have ever had... I will keep him in my prayers and hope he has a speedy passing of the stone


  2. We too, found out the my Husbands Niece has Cancer, Both Breast... double Mastcemoy scheduled for Oct 30th. I will pray for both daily. She is only 30 years old and has a 6 year old. I plan on getting her some pretty night growns.

    Scarlt, thanks for your information....I will visit that store and will contact you later to help me put togather a basket for her !!!

  3. I started two weeks ago with the crud... Cold like symptoms, sniffy sneezy soar throat.. tuff it out miss 2 days from work but made it Thur the 2nd week still felt awful...WELL, last night I got SO sick, aching, coughing running high fever, sparked the worse migraine I have ever had, puking set in..... I really thought I was gonna die, Hubby begged me to Go to ER, but I was to sick to walk to the car, By 8 AM Headache had let up and I convinced myself that I had to go.... So Off to the Urgent care I went.... to make a long story short I have Bronchitis (Pneumonia possible waiting for the radiologist to confirm), Sinusitis. 4 prescriptions and shot in the butt, I am now feeling some better.... Don't mess around if you have the crud !!! get to the DR. and get on antibiotics !!!!!

  4. O.K. I have been sick for Two weeks. I took 2 days off last week, worked sick this week. On top of that I was obligated to pull 12 hours today 6 to 6 was not sure if I could make it but I did. I came home and soaked in a Epsom's salt bath took a goody powder and will be in the bed shortly...PLEASE tell me I will be well soon (oh, I have been on antibiotics of 8 days) this stuff is the debel !!!!!

  5. OK, ya'll live very near me. I have a black cat named Snapper. Snapper LOVES to roam. He is black with a white chest and white boots, and when I drive home, I see him 'smoozing' the neighbors. He ESPECIALLY loves little kids and will rub on them. He is home right now, but if he should come to YOUR house, please say, "Snapper GO HOME!!!" I tried having a collar on him, but he rubs it off. You will know who he is, because like I said, he LOVES children and wanders away to play with them. He's 8, so he is a little senile....


    Please send him home if you find him....

    (Sudie Way)

    I think your kitty visits with us on a regular basics, we actually gave him a name as "boogy" He loves my grandaughter and has breakfast with our kitty "Bob" several mornings a week !!!! I tried not to feed him...after a morning or two he came to the back door and meowed as if he were dying...so I fed him. after he ate he left... he is very comical


  6. There is a cow in the road at McClung and Hiram Sudie so be careful if you are heading that direction.



    Yes. Please be careful.... This reminds me of the first call my PoPo son went on when he went on the raod with PCSO. He was dispatched to a "dead animal in the road call" He and his fellow Officer contacted DOT and they disposed of it .. He called back in to the dispatcher to notify them the the " Victim had been MOOOved... Needless to say he was told by Captain that the humor was not necessary.... since them he has been more professional

  7. Starlight Drive In on Moreland Ave in Atlanta is AMAZING!! $7 a person for a double feature and you can bring your own food and beverages (yes, including alcoholic if you wish). It's a great deal and a great time! Colder months we sit in the car, but warmer months a lot of people go with groups of friends to picnic before hand and sit outside in lawn chairs with radios to tune in. It's definitely worth the drive and a great place for a date or double date. There's also a Kroger not too far down the road in case you want to grab sodas and deli food before going.


    This make me feel better, My son and DIL are taking the"girls" 5, 7years olds for a birthday party celebration on the 27th. I as alittle worried about the location. They reassured me that it was safe and would be fun and something that they have never experianced !!!

  8. One morning I was telling my husband about some friends of mine who were going to renew threir wedding VOWS on the beach, along with several couples. It was early in spring and the weather was cool and windy. She (my friend) made the comment that she wish they would hurry because she was freezing...My 6 year old was over hearing the conversation and said to us ......"Well how long does it take to say Your "VOWELS" it only A E I O & U

    We died laughing... she was so serious when she said it !!!

  9. Oh!!! if you want to Pi$$ Mama off, Just hang up on her I will drive to where you are at and beat you A$$

    At one time or the other my kids have choose to hang up on me, AIN'T NOTHING MAKES ME NO MADDER !!!

    and god forbid you put me on hold when I am in the middle of telling you something important ......UUGGGHHHHHHHH

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