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larry t

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Posts posted by larry t

  1. Prayers sent !!! I have been in your same situation, Continue to pray, tell everyday you love and never, never give up !!! My daughter just celebrated her 6 months being clean, and we are so grateful for all that prayed and continue to pray for her recovery. It is a long tough road and the stress is awful for all involved, STAY STRONG.... and again tell her you love her EVERYDAY !!!!

  2. Welcome home, Hope to go to D.C. for Cherry blossom festivle in March....We lived in the D.C. area for 4 years I NEVER, not ONCE drove on the belt way. way to scarry for me....

  3. So Glad I can help.... It had been ALONG time since I have seen my daughter excited about anything in her life. It is a joy to me to see her involved in something positive. Yep, anxious to see what next year hold for her !!!!


    Thanks Big Sis, and Aunt Lana and S.T.A.M. P. for your support...Keep praying


  4. We have an outside Kitty (Bob) He is very social UNTIL ALL the grandbabies show up ...... He leaves, it is so funny on sunday's most of not all of the kids come to visit He is o.k. with one or two but let more that that show and he leaves the premises

  5. Bless you.... I married one of the best Daddy's ever, he paid for EVERYTHING for is kids which was wonderful.... until He chose to retire ( after they were grown), cutting our income in half... they were devasted, they came to expect it (car insurance,utility bills, cell phone bills even groceries) "MOM" did also , yep he has been known to pay a few bill for her to.....

    He called them all togatherand just said THERE IS NO MORE MONEY !!! stopped cold turkey on the hand outs

    GUESS WHAT THEY ALL SURVIVE.... Some how they began to pay their on way and began to become responsable !!!

    What you are doing is a good thing don't let her bully you. These Adults need to grow up. paying their way is crippling them.....

    (don't get me wrong, if there is a true emengercy, Daddy is the first on there for them, but you better be bleeding out your eye balls)

  6. I noticed the Dollar General had small stuffed toys of 75% off some were 25 cents I will be out and about to day and I will check on it if that is something you would be interested in... ( I usually buy them up for my POPO to keep in patrol car for the kids) But would love to donate to your booth if this is something you think is appropriate.

    Just let me know..I would love to help !!!!!







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