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larry t

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Posts posted by larry t


    D A N






    How about this ?


    Edit O.K. I see, it want let you do it on the screen but I know what your talking about !!!

  2. Yeah, That happened to me, One Thanksgiving Mom and Dad came to visit, after dinner at my sisters We Came home and my Mom's BostonTerrier had Killed My $ 700.00 Cockatoo.

    Not long after that after that he ( Butch, the dog) was Run over and killed by a car. We grived for months at the death of both our pets. OH, by the way Boston Terriers can Jump Really high, knocked the bottom out of a hanging cage, It was not pretty!!!

  3. I would love uniforms !!!! Less hassle 5 days a week, weekends to wear " your clothes" 3 or 4 name brand out fits verses 10... I am all for it. My Necies had their kids in privite school for years and they knew no diffrence, they had the "latest styles" and were allowed to wear them any other time, BUT, knew what was required for school. Never was a problem.


    DO NOT Make the mistake I made, when My 5 year old lost her first tooth, we made such a big deal out of it, the tooth fairy left "glittery money and fairy dust". The second tooth, well, let me just say it fell out right at bed time and the "FAIRY" was not equiped with all the "STUFF" to make it just as fun....So we had to explaine that Just the 1st tooth was A Big Deal...All the rest get your standard $1.00.... and nothing else....

  5. Slap alittle peanut butter on a warm moon pie...Oh yeah, yumyum

    (15 seconds in micowave, just till it puffs up !! add PB after it is warm, big ole' glass of cold milk and Waa-Laa,

    Moon Pie a la mode)

  6. I do wear jammer down the driveway to put kiddo on the bus, Fuzzy house shoes and all.... have for tha entire year....underwear encluded lower half anyway.....The one day I was dressed, the driver asked if we had had a death in the family....... 14 more days..and I am sure I will be in my PJ's each morning.......coffee cup in hand, to the STORE, NEVER, UNDERWEARLSS, NEVER.

  7. We (Allgood) recieved a letter with 5 days of suggestions.... A card on Monday, show kindness on Tuesday( I got candy kisses in a flower pot ) Wednesday is "send a memory" (sending classroom pictures thru out the year) Thursday (hand written letter) Friday is flowers or small token gift. Got it all for less than $15.00..... My K'er picked all of her teachers gifts out and is very excited to take something each day next week.

  8. I think there is a place in Carrollton...We too, are looking for a good quality, reasonably priced swing....I will try to get the information on the place and let you know....

  9. I have 23 family members and friends headed to Illinois for the funeral for my Ex BIL, who died unexpectly. Please pray for that family and All that are traveling the 12 hour trip there and back.

  10. Lets see.... we will definatly have to cast "Hellraiser" she is a hoot, and something about a Navity secene, PCSO, Moose, pubby on a big inflatable slide and lots of clips on "look how cute my kids are, wearing cute hair bows and Jewely..... YEAH, we may be on to something here.....

  11. "SOMEBODY" gave me a 3 pieice URN (black and pink flowery) set for christmas one year, large, medium and small....

    since there was already bad blood between us I was a Gracious receiver..... Later, she moved into a new house and I offered them back to her, becaused it matched her Decor SO MUCH better..... she still displays them in her living room today...(and I might add, they are still just as ugly as they were then)

    lucky break for me !!!!

  12. Funny you mention this, My Mom is a huge"Imus" fan (watches him # 6am'sh) she fall asleep and leaves her T.V. on, the other morning as I am fixin' coffee and I hear COWS, strange, I even looked out the window..... Nope RFT T.V. on in her room she was sleeping thru the auction....

  13. This is the same person. He has a daughter that is about 27 yrs old.

    He went to PCHS and graduated in the late 70's---probably around 78 or 79.


    This is correct.... James, Joyce. His Daughter name is Brandy and He had an older sister but can't remember her name


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