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Everything posted by solosoul

  1. They have possible 3 injuries and have called for Emory Flight. LZ will be Yorkville Ball Field One injury is a 10 year old child Just asked for more units due to 5 people hurt.
  2. It gets to where hitting the Recent Topica Button is NOT something you want to do.
  3. OK ENOUGH.....you have had your share and then some LOL Enjoy your vacation.
  4. Well do you really think they would admit to doing that? Right...................
  5. I will see him in the AM when he comes to do my yard
  6. I LOVE the Marietta Diner and you are right the desserts there are GREAT.
  7. So you think if people do the speed limit it is a public disservice? Tell me how long it took you to learn to walk on water??? that first step gets me everytime.
  8. Guess yu missed my point....never said I was FOR DD. As it stands I will not vote for either.But being you are going on about DD record I take it you know his win/Lose????
  9. When I look for a Lawyer the last thing I ever look for is if they are a "nice" person. I want someone who is going to kick ass. I am NOT looking for someone who is going to be buddy buddy with everyone. I want a shark.I want someone who knows what the hell they are doing and will go balls to the wall to get it. I have seen what we have in a DA and I am not thrilled at all. I am not sure if DD is the answer but I do know that DL is not....I am getting very sick of never having a "GOOD" person to vote for. Seems a lot of people are left with voting for the lesser of two evils way too much.
  10. It is very funny....now that I know why she was acting the way she was.
  11. Ok I am one that had NOT seen the video before she sent me hers.... After seeing the other I am not as worried as I was about her.
  12. I love Verizon... the only droped calls I get are from my daughter who has Sprint...heck she can not even call from her house on the cell most of the time.
  13. How can anyone can say anything after ONLY seeing the tail end of what happen?
  14. WOW I was so glad to hear the good news...well sort of good news. My son and some others went yesterday to see the other guy man at the hospital..or rather his family. Talk about bad luck. The young mans father was bitten by a copperhead the same day his son was burned. His father is OK now and out of the hospital and able to be with the rest of the family. This yound man just married in June. They still have not been able to transfer him to Augusta. Our Power Guys ROCK for all they do and the danger they live with daily.
  15. Great news Had me worried after the last guy got hurt so bad.
  16. Yes... it explains why they need a stranger LOL
  17. I am glad they are taking care of it but being it started in April and it is now half way through July I do not know if swifty is the word I would use.
  18. Sure you could...you may have to take the swing down
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