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Everything posted by **Bren**

  1. I can report the copters were out over Hiram high school last night. Are they running the tunnelsthrough that area
  2. Firestar was my favorite when I was a little girl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=629Tc2ubIDMhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=629Tc2ubIDM
  3. no, I believe the score was 33-8 and 27-0.
  4. hey I am getting earrings for Sue, probably tomorrow. Let me know if you want me to pick your stuff up for you
  5. I need a pair of earrings for my friend, can I get them today?
  6. doughnuts My oldest son told me that one
  7. I saw the address but where exactly is this located?
  8. what do you see when the pillsbury doughboy bends over??
  9. how much for the rally rag thingies? I have a friend who wants some earrings. let me check with her.
  10. I guess he didn't like the direction the game was going, he was mad
  11. who? trash the field house or break the window?
  12. this is Dutch Walter's website, I think there are more photos here. Check out #108 Terrell Hannah that is an amazing shot. http://dutchwaltersphotography.zenfolio.com/raidersvsspartans
  13. Okay, Dutch walters photography has some pics up, check out my boys(#67) http://eastpauldingfootball.com/index.php?option=com_rsgallery2&page=slideshow&gid=97&Itemid=15
  14. it's all good, Dutch was on the field and I promise you he will have some great shots for the Raider fans. I can't wait to see them, he stopped by the spirit booth and asked for my son's # (did i mention he is 67) so he could make sure i have some good shots to choose from. We love Dutch he is the best!!
  15. Dutch Walters should have pics from the "Raiders side" up in a few days, as soon as he does I will post a link. BTW Millcreek, nice pics.........my boy is barely in the last pic you posted #67 (he is the center)
  16. I agree, both of my boys turned into hideous monsters in 7th grade and I didn't get my boys back until 9th grade. I have had many middle school teachers tell me it's just something that happens in 7th grade. My DD is a current 7th grader and I can see the shedevil coming out a little more every day. I am gonna miss my sweet girl
  17. I was wondering when this would hit Pcom, East was in no way responsible for anything done at south paulding high school. However there is a broken window at the East press box, a South coach got carried away
  18. final score 34-0 good guess, I shouldn't have been so generous
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