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Everything posted by **Bren**

  1. hijack, guess who was lurking today
  2. he is lurking come out, come out wherever you are!!
  3. Nice to see you back
  4. uh oh, I think I unfriended someone myself
  5. well, she coulda been a HoHo in the grass
  6. great deals!! I hear ya have a new menu, is it online
  7. voted for Jordan, Jef was a dipstick for putting Russell out and trusting Knat & Kevin!! Yes I know it's a Gnat, what kinda snack
  8. I need one of these preggars on here to pee on a pregnancy test for me
  9. OK, I've got it............I'll tell him I'm pregnant that should do it
  10. don't believe in Karma that video was funny though
  11. yeah I scared him in the shower once he almost decked me oh my goodness we do that to. It never scares him but it scares me to death
  12. uh huh, I still have to cook his dinner umm, no! I need a platic snake/spider/rat something to put in his truck
  13. My not so dear hubby and I were in the garage when he decided to hit some button on the stupid air compressor thingie and and it hissed like some wild rabid anumal and scared me to death!! I must think of a way to get him back.
  14. Granny just gave me robitussin, I got jipped
  15. still voting, only 10% you guys need alot of votes!! good luck
  16. VOTED, GOOD LUCK hORNETS!!! stupid caps, lol
  17. I have never been, but I would like to go...when is it??
  18. Just wondering.......has a Pcom cookbook been done before?? Everyone has such great ideas & recipes I think it would be a great idea, maybe give any proceeds to local foodbanks.
  19. umm yeah, kinda. I like watching my kid play, but I don't understand most of it
  20. red beans & rice w/ sausage & cornbread chicken & dumplins
  21. we are such bad parents I'm considering deleting her as a contact, YESSS!!!
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