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Status Updates posted by **Bren**

  1. are you stalking me???

    lol >starbump

  2. Bumped your stars!!!!

    Go Raiders ;o]

  3. caught ya peeking!!

    star bump*****

  4. HA!! we have the same birthday!!

    star bump*****

  5. I see you peeking!!! Pretty baby!!

    bumped your stars, now act right

  6. I see you sneaking a peek!!!

    Outlaws RULE!!

  7. Miley, LOLOL!!!

    star bump

  8. Please email me info on the stationary bike


  9. that is so not your birthday


  10. The bestest pizza ever!!!!!!

    We love Sal's

  11. You have a beautiful family!!!

    You are doing a great job with the news. Keep up the good work.

  12. *~Merry Christmas~*

  13. *~Merry Christmas~*

  14. *~Merry Christmas~*

  15. *~Merry Christmas~*

  16. *~Merry Christmas~*

  17. *~Merry Christmas~*

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