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Posts posted by joeherren

  1. I would say that yes you would have a very Happy Birthday then indeed! Happy early Birthday!

    thanks....$10 in cash ????


    My anniversary is Dec 7th so I'd like everyone to send me half the money ( we'll split it so I dont sound greedy) and I can get that three carat diamond anniversary band I've always wanted!!! Sound good?? Hey, did I mention my name was Charity

    My moms birthday is Dec. 7th...happy early BD>

  2. Nice. I added it to my favorites. I think you are honest and forthcoming. I don't always agree with everything you say and I would not ask you to cat or dog sit. However, you are entitled to your opinions and I respect you for giving them in a respectful manner and taking advantage of the opportunity to do so, while simultaneously attempting to maintain at least some semblance of decorum in the face of adversity. You have to respect that.

    Sometimes honest isn't good, Jack Nicholson was right...too many people can't handle the truth....my Mom always said


    "Nothing makes people recoil in horror more than the truth."


    Jesus is Lord

  3. and,no lie, Mr.Big Shot, I was scrolling down this page to say that I really do like you no matter how controversial you are. Uh hu...okay then...I see how it is...I've got a SPECIAL STIP for ya...you crazy,right winged, Republican, Bible thumping, greedy Realtor. :p Dont mess with me Joe, I'll scratch your eyes out.

    I'd never get serious with you...being a Realtor and all...I'll joke with you...but I'd never stand between you and a dollar bill. :p :p :p :lol:

  4. We went shopping for a flat panel today, and I'm totally lost at the process. My boyfriend really likes the one with the 120 tube thing where the image looks 3-D? I don't particularly care for that one at all. They vary a ton in price and then there is the LCD vs. Plasma thing...and if that wasn't bad enough, my boyfriend wants something called a blueray which I have a feeling is going to become the next beta-max.


    So...what did you guys consider when buying? Is there a "flat panel for dummies"?


    The one good thing that came out of it was that I'm thrilled at how low the prices are on these!!! I'm happy that I waited until they came down!

    go to



  5. Ok, first off, I don't eat it much. I contribute much of that fact to me dropping 30lbs to my current weight of 185. However, I ate at two different places this weekend.


    First, I opted for the joint that serves the small square hamburgers. I ordered the combo with 3 'chiks' and fries. I asked for cheese on them. The drive-through visit first went awry when they left my straw out of the bag. It took 6 minutes to finally get someone's attention. JHC. WTF? I drive off and bite into the now losing temperature 'chik'....No EFF'n cheese. Considering it would take two U-turns to get back there and no telling how long to get someone's attention to fix them..I opted to not eat the cheese I had been charged for.


    Tonight I wanted some **nuggets from the place with the big golden arches. First, I sit in line for 20 minutes. I am asked at the 'pay window' if I want sauce. I tell them what I want. 7 minutes later when I get my food--no sauce and no straw! I ask for the straw and sauce. She hands me ONE pack of sauce for ten nuggets--hardly even enough to wet my whistle. Then she hands me my hot fudge sundae and it had just enough hot fudge on it to piss me off. I look at the sundae, look at her, look at the sundae, then back at her. She looks at me like "Yeah, and?". I had had enough. I said 'eff it and drove off. OH, not to mention when I ordered 'Dr. Pepper' to drink she comes back with "That is a number 10 with Sprite?".....W T F?




    I hate when you go through the McDonalds drivethru and order a sausage and egg....I always say..."no cheese"....they may say "SIR, A SAUSAGE AND EGG DOESN'T COME WITH CHEESE"....but yet half the time whoevers makin' it puts cheese on it....somebody needs to come up with a way to motivate fast food workers...they have absolutely zero desire to do a good job.


  6. I've always believed that there was too much stock put on draft gurus' and scouts and player personnel opinions

    when it comes to the NFL. Tom Brady was drafted in the 6th round and may be the best QB ever. Teams get locked into

    contracts and forecasts of individuals futures because of conventional wisdom (which is often wrong just like in politics) and

    where they pigeonhole themselves with players because of oftentimes wrong expectations.


    Chris Redman came into the game today as the 3rd string QB..1st string QB makes the most money, 2nd string Qb makes the

    second most money and 3rd string QB makes the least money of the 3 quarterbacks Redman looked better in 2 quarters than any

    other Falcon QB has looked all year and He was far from perfect that just tells you how bad they've been this year...along with the O line.


    I felt in training camp Redman was the best QB but I seriously believe because of money issues they let it cloud their judgements...and

    just how bad is their judgement...wasnt' Harrington a 1st round pick and Joe Montana a 3rd rounder and of course Tom Brady a

    6th rounder.


    There's so much mental about being a professional athlete and some people just have that "it" that can't be measured in 40 yard dashes

    or arm strength or how many bench presses a man can do.....God knows if other teams can make lousy decisions on personnel, you

    know good and well the Falcons can....I'd like to see a real bottomline fight for the job next year on the field, not just playing the guy you

    put the most money in.

  7. He has proven himself to be exactly what I tried to tell everyone he was from the start. One dumb S.O.B.

    Athletic ability is not the most important trait of a QB?????

    Crazy things like accuracy and decision making abilities are...unfortunately for him.

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