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Posts posted by joeherren

  1. Really, so if you were in jail you would be a c***sucker like Mark Foley or Larry Craig?

    No, but I don't want to be in jail....no carpets to munch...my oral fixation doesn't go the Richard Simmons route, jolly ranchers and lolipops is

    about the extent of my oral fixation...... in the liberal direction or Elton John direction.

  2. :D


    How do you get them to treat you so well?


    Is it something you do, or do they just read your mind.

    My Dad taught me a little trick when I first got into Real Estate and I've used it every since...my Dad is flawed but he is

    very good at dealing with people...I just can't transfer the skill to message boards and liberals....... :D :p :lol:

  3. Assuming is a good idea, when you are dealing with someone who is about to mistreat you.
    Oh, well, I don't get treated bad enough to call it mistreating...more like "less than friendly"...if I was a woman, I'd be in jail for murderor a carpet muncher like Hitlery.....if I had to choose I'd go the carpet munching route.
    Assuming is a good idea, when you are dealing with someone who is about to mistreat you. When is the last time you've had your jaws slapped, Joe? :)
    I honestly don't remember....I will say that for the most part people probably treat me better than I deserve to be treated.
  4. Are you aware that "no one can make you feel inferior without your concent."

    Elenor Roosevelt said that.


    Do you own, rather than complain about, how people treat you?


    People learn by results. When a person treats you bad, and you accept that treatment, you have validated their behavior toward you. Their conduct toward you will be influenced by whether or not you accept their bad behavior toward you.


    How you interpret and react to a person's behavior determines whether or not they are likely to repeat it, good or bad!

    Are you aware of this fact?

    That makes me an enabler...I just assume someone is having a bad day and I actually feel sorry for them.

  5. Most choose their profession,^^^^^^^^^I am with you AGG on this one!

    There's bad apples in every profession, I'm sure police hate being called revenue collectors, they're just doing what they're told,

    unfortunately someone always tells them to hand out tickets where the speed limit is 45 and should arguably be 55..you can write tickets

    all day because people who aren't even in a hurry are routinely going 15 miles per hour over the speed limit.


    I find it hard to believe that these police are "revenue collectors" of their own free will..the sad thing is these men and women who see

    horrifice scenes and accidents and people taking their last breaths on the side of the road are reduced in many peoples' minds to being revenue collectors because their superiors feel they need the funding and use tickets as an easy means to get it.

  6. You're absolutely correct about that. There are enough real problems without making problems where there are none.

    Of course people who know me would say...."easy for you, you don't listen to people anyway, I do"......

    to which I would respond...."did you say something?"

  7. :lol: I can't help but laugh at you!! :lol:

    Well, that was a funny reply, but for the most part I'm talking about peace of mind, I've been around women and one remark can make

    them miserable for days.....in my mind that is totally stupid and self destructive.


    Like I said, most people are self absorbed and think of themselves, don't be dumb and spend all your time thinking about them too, especially, just

    because they said something stupid or rude...totally counterproductive in my mind.


    But, men are logical and women are emotional, maybe you can't change their wiring.

  8. I have decided that this Thanksgiving while sitting across from my mom and listening to all her nastiness, that I will try to take into consideration that she may be under some unknown form of stress that compels her to be so mean. I will not react or respond to what she calls constructive criticism.....I may very well explode trying to keep it all in but I refuse to participate <_< I pray I find that peace of mind you speak of by not being so reactive.

    Just say, "Mom, I saw your lips moving and my mind cut you off, don't be offended, be quiet"

  9. Brilliant. Treat anybody however you want, ugly or not, because you are in a bad mood. Everybody has a story but not everybody uses it as an excuse to crap all over other people.As for what you know about women: Nothing nice to say. :)
    I'm not talking about excuses, I'm talking about peace of mind, if you say something that upsets me, that's my bad worrying about what you said.In my mind it's a waste of time...I"m upset at you and you're thinking about your next appointment, your next sale, picking your kids up, going to the store....or whatever the case may be....I"m saying most people are self absorbed, they're thinking about themselves and you're thinking about them too, I say, it's dumb....forget it....for your peace of mind, not because they were right in what they said.
    How's that toe jam taste? :p
    I'm just trying to get women to have a little more peace of mind, if someone thinks I put my foot in my mouth, that's all in their head,not mine, I know I'm right.....modestly speaking.
  10. ...you might just find it !!!!!!


    I remember coming back from social events (or any gathering of people) with an old girl friend and inevitably she would say...


    "I can't believe so and so said such and such, the nerve of them"

    "I can't believe you let so and so get away with saying such and such"

    "I can't believe you didn't defend me when so and so said such and such"


    She used to actually get mad at me because I never got mad at anyone else.


    I used to try and tell her and she never understood me, "maybe she's having a hard time with her husband", "maybe He's

    having a hard time with his wife", "maybe his boss is on him lately" or "maybe he or she is a salesman and things are slow"....

    or "maybe they have teenagers and all hells' breaking loose".


    Now granted I have been accused of being the least observant person in the world but why get mad everytime someone opens their mouth,

    it's a total waste of time. Why get mad at somebody when the person you're mad at is thinking about their bills, or what they need to pick up

    at the store, their kids, their next appointment...or whatever.


    I had to vent because I think women mostly would have so much more peace of mind if they only changed their mind.

  11. People who don't say "thank-you" when I hold the door for them upon entering or exiting stores.

    People who don't throw their hand up and say "thank -you" when I let them in front of me in traffic

    People who walk down the center of the aisle in a parking lot instead of moving to the side so you can drive through

    These guys here at work who don't get their paperwork submitted on time so that I can meet the payroll deadline

    My dog (anybody want a dog?)

    Plus, about everything else on here that everybody else has said. :p

    You want to get rid of your dog ??????????????


    I cannot believe you said that.....YOU NEED TO REPENT.

  12. I hate the fact the whole world isn't like Paulding.com...how great would that be ????


    "Honey, I just love this house and all the dogs in the neighborhood, when I saw those 25 kids get off the school bus

    in front of the house, I was sold"


    Oh, I hate the fact when you hear the phrase


    "I love animals and children"........you can't believe it.

  13. :lol: :lol: :lol: small hijack but it is my post :p ..had a listing presentaton this week and the seller said(hand to God) that her dog is negotiable but she is taking her Orbs in a suitcase with her when she moves. Promise.

    That is unreal.


    It's kind of like smokers, dog owners don't realize the smell of their animals like smokers dont' smell the smell of all the cigarette smoking...it's amazing how many people are oblivious to their biggest problem.

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