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Posts posted by joeherren

  1. AGG's brother upon meeting a woman-"Hi, its nice to meet you. Do you know how to mow a lawn? No? Okay..next!"


    I think he has a whole series on DVD.


    that's terrible....my Dad says neighbors used to give him dirty looks cuz my mom cut the grass

  2. not to fuel your fire, but my bachelor, until 41 years old, brother says thats why women have smaller feet...so they can stand closer to the sink. Wonder why he did'nt marry earlier?


    When we would visit my grandparents my granddad would shake his iced tea and someone would go get him some more....used to drive

    my sisters crazy.

  3. I'm not a liberal and I don't consider myself smarmy, so he certainly can't be calling me that, and if he is I'm not allowing it to apply.

    do you have a mop and broom sister ??? :p :p :p :p


    wow..good looks and charming,too!


    "you don't sweat much for a fat girl" :lol: :lol:

  4. OK, I've read that 3 times and I have no idea what you're talking about.


    And you just woke up this morning and thought "smarmy liberals"? Maybe you should turn your alarm to Lite FM or something.

    well, you dont' understand because you're dropdead gorgeous and no man would ever choose your girlfriend over you.....

    .....not really....I'm tryin' to be friendly :D :D


  5. So Joe, what exactly prompted your initial tirade here? An additive to your Wheaties this morning, or something else.

    well, smarmy liberals...what else....you ever met a smarmy liberal?


    They kind of act the way some women act when you pick their girlfriend :lol: :lol: :lol:

  6. I am so frustrated right now ------ I re-applied for my gun permit 6 months ago and still can't get one. Seems there is a "problem" getting one of my background checks back. I understand the law and know I can't get the license until all necessary information received. My problem is the lack of care or concern I'm NOT getting from the Probate Office. So what am I suppose to do??? Carry illegally??? Not carry??? There are times I want to carry my gun when I ride horse trails, there are times when I want to carry my gun in my car - BUT I DO NOT want to carry without a permit. And for those who want to know - there is nothing in my background to cause these kind of delays.

    And you have experience with the Govt. working efficiently in what area ?????

  7. Your alter ego. :p


    WalkingTall. Posts crap just like you only from the Democratic side.



    "CRAP".......words on a screen hurt me to my innermost being...do you people realize how you can devastate

    me with words typed on a computer?


    Will you be there to pay for my therapy? Does it please you to annialate your fellow human beings in such

    a thoughtless, callous manner?.....I don't know how to spell annialate


  8. Sorry for my protracted absence. I can explain it in one word: mycoplasma.


    Tomorrow the Christmas show season really kicks into high gear. I'm glad I had some time to get treated for this thing.


    Hope all of you are enjoying Christmastime.

    If I hadn't of heard from you today, I would have totally forgotten you....who are you again? I forgot .

  9. I take offense :closedeyes: ...there are MANY people in New England who are very religious, drive pickup trucks, listen to country music, love George Bush and or the Republican party, are arch conservatives, etc, etc , etc. So you ar stereotyping, my friend! Try going up there, you'll be surprised! Are the type of people like you describe there? Duh, yeah! But DONT act like everyone up in the Northern states is like that- you look FOOLISH!!!!!!!!!

    Give me a break...there's people in Paulding County or many other Republican strongholds who'll vote for Hitlery or Obama.....you, like too many people on this board....take offense too easily.....don't be offended.....be INTELLIGENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Glad to see we have a :wacko: on the other side to counter WT. :lol: :lol:

    who is WT ???

  10. The arrogance of the srecular left I believe is gonna sink them again.


    When the panzy liberal Socialists at the mainstream news networks ask all these questions about God

    trying to smartly (in their minds) make Republican candidates look like right wing extremists all it really does is make

    them look more like America.


    In their arrogance they think Americans think like northeaster corridor socialists and secularists living

    in New York, Boston, Los Angeles and other cities the likes of which Chris Matthews lives in.


    America as a whole is much more like the flyover country Rush Limbaugh talks about than the Washington

    beltway crowd. Have you ever met a condescending liberal who talks of southerners and tradition as if He or She

    were totally disgusted someone would actually drive a pickup truck and vote Republican...and possibly go to church?

    they are usually narcisistic modern day Woody Allen types in varying shapes and forms who are in reality peeved at

    their differences from everyone else. They know the real percentages out there and how many few real liberals

    there are. For instance, I used to work with a (I'm lookin' for a politically correct term)...let's say a male florist.

    This (male florist) was peeved after an election that in his mind He had to live in a community that voted someone

    He considered to be antihomosexual into office...if only He'd had lived in San Francisco He could live his life with

    the misguided notion that the way He was living was perfectly fine.....and there'd be no preacher in his community

    or sphere that would dare tell him He might just be as misguided as ...well......He is....certainly noone to mention

    the Bible or the intolerance that permeates that mean ol' book.


    I say....let the secularists and panzy socialists ask their questions, they have fun doing it..they asked them to

    Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and every other conservative to come down the pike...but no liberals lately

    are winning 49 out of 50 states.


    So, if you're a panzy journalist....put 'em on the spot....and try to pump up your 2008 version of Michael

    Dukakis or Geraldine Ferraro.


  11. I found out yesterday morning that my 15 yo stayed out of school thursday last week and monday this week :angry: !!! I found out from one of her friends mother. I left work early to be home when she got home to punish her. So when she walks in the door what do I see? she has taken an old starter stud and pierced her own nose :angry2: :angry2: !What is wrong with her, I told her no piercings (except ears) untill she is 18! I just dont know what to do, how do I get her attention? She doesn't care about school all she want's to do is socialize.

    18 year old girls are no fun for parents...maybe 18 year old boys...but not parents

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