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Posts posted by joeherren

  1. I don't like people who give you fake smiles, especially when they're trying to sell you something....some Realtors are bad about that.


    I opened myself up wide for a snide reply here >


    Oh, and when someone's $150,000 house smells like a a $150,000 dog house.

  2. I hope you don't expect any of us Gov't workers to do business with you. I get paid 30 hours a week and do way more plus lots of work from home. Good luck with your business from a Gov't employee. Bruce

    Oh get real, if you're a Govt worker and can't take this humor, that's rediculous, kinda like an IRS agent wondering why He doesn't have any friends....yall are amazing, hypersensitivity is one thing, but you're even over that line. :p :p

  3. I gotta say, I'm not too much into football, although I used to be, but you know what? The first time my beer is effed with over some global warming crap whether its real or not, I'm gonna have to go on a drunken rampage through Al Gores living room.

    I love your Coulter sig.

  4. Since no half-time, maybe they could shut them off during caution flags. You think.

    We'll always have to put up with liberals, even if we put them on one side of the country and us on the other.....they'd be asking for money in a week.

  5. uh oh.You went "Rush" on 'em. Ye shall surely die.

    (I heard the loveable fuzzball talking about it today :wub: )

    Bob Costas always struck me as some kind of girly man....how's that for describing the male hairdressers and interior decorators????

  6. I would like to second that comment. I'm a chick and I love football esp. my Cowboys, but when I saw the green, no lights thing I about flipped, not to mention that Bob Costas DOES NOT even need to be talking about football. He needs to stick with the Olympics, I've been bummed everytime Sun. nt. football comes on because of Costas and now this green global warming thing and then to add Matt Lauer on there giving his pump it up speech on watching the Today show all this week....please, give me a freaking football break!

    Yeah, Matt Lauer is a liberal from the depths of hell....like Rush Limnbaugh says though, most of these sports journalists are just a big a bunch of panzy liberals as the ones who cover politics or work for the New York Times....Keith Olberman, ......what a liberal piece of human debris he is....and I say that in a matter of fact way, not a mean spirited way....lol.

  7. So....you're a man and you watch football, you may be safe there right.......WRONG !!!!!!!


    The panzies at NBC decide to turn the lights out during the halftime show to show their support for

    the global warming BS everyone just loves to jump on and harp on these days.


    They're trying to seep this BS in the national consciousness and then act appalled when right wing extremists dont' want to

    go along with the taxation that's inevitably coming from this global warming scam.


    I could understand if you watched PBS or Phil Donahue or Oprah or something and get assaulted with the latest politically


    You don't have Queer Eyes for the Straight guy types here, you have normal men....YOU KNOW WHO LIKE WOMEN AND



    NBC....if you want to get behind the latest panzie a$$ socialist, leftwing cause, do it during that Grace show [EDITED BY MISS CRUMP FOR THE CRUDE WORDS],

    not football.

  8. Watch something other than Fox News, possibly read a history book and examine our Constitution. I'm sorry, next time I'll use the word fellatio, other than that I did not cuss. I'm sorry your delicate sensibilities were offended, but you continue to bring up things irrelevant to the discussion. The original post had nothing to do with "fellatio" or marital infidelity, but you went there. If anything or anyone is repulsive, it's you. Young men and women die each day, bravely fighting a war which is destroying our economy, and our respect throughout the world, and you are worried about an obscenity. People like you are far more obscene than myself. You claim to love our country and are patriotic, yet you have no problem with a President who has destroyed the ideals which have made us a great nation. We have a President who has never tasted war and avoided military service through his well connected father, willing to spill the blood of young men and women and make future generations pay for it. Certain factions of the Republican Party have chosen to bring, up "smokescreen issues" like gay marriage, or flag burning, knowing there are many narrow-minded, bigoted, people like yourself that are offended at the prospect of all Americans being represented by our politicians, instead of the chosen elite. The sad part is, these people that you think are Jesus-loving, God fearing people, have no problem lying through their teeth. If I am distasteful, you are a pathetic, misinformed, person who would rather focus on issues more suited for the Jerry Springer Show, or The National Enquirer. Obscenity comes in many forms, among those being blind allegiance to political leaders who do not care about our country. More obscene, is your willingness is to call those who disagree with you, unpatriotic. I uttered a borderline obscenity in anger, you are truly repulsive.

    There is no obscenity greater than voting Democrat....you need to get your mind right.....lol.

  9. History will be kind to Bush, we have yet to see the full evil unleashed by the Islamofascists. Abraham Lincoln was despised in his day too.


    And another thing, it's old and tiring to label every conservative President as dumb, liberals have been doing that since Roosevelt and Jimma

    the dictator lovin Carter was the dumbest President we've ever had.

  10. ]

    umm,Im pretty sure if you refer to her as Hitlery,you just jumped off of the fence. But,please,be my guest. :D

    No, I'm on the fence as to whether the American people will elect her or not.....I'll readily admit I won't vote for her....I can't stand the black pantsuit.


  11. The idea that the Democrats including Hillary are somehow going to increase spending for welfare so folks don't have to work is absurd.


    Bill Clinton was in office when the welfare system was overhauled and things such as a maximum two years per lifetime were established for welfare (major change in the law in 1995).


    I once sat down with Hillary in 1987 with a leadership group in Arkansas. I asked her the toughest question of the period. She was the 'governor's wife at the time.


    I suggested that since it is established that 'head start' was a success and great investment in pre-k youngsters and that Reagan had severly curtailed the program, would she persue state funding for the shortfall for this program.


    She asked the reporter there to go off the record and then she said, "No" ... dispelling in my mind the idea that she was some flaming liberal.


    The other thing you have to remember is that when Bill Clinton came into office the federal deficit was structural and was running at close to $200 billion a year (from GHW Bush and Reagan) and with six years this 'free-spending (not) Democrat had balanced the bloody budget.


    Now I'm not a great fan of Hillary and I detest the idea apparently being fostered by the media that we should have a Bush and Clinton a Bush and another Clinton as an absolute abberation based on centralized power of the media and our absolutely absurd private system of campaign finance.


    But those are secondary issues. The idea that we are faced with socialism or Honor (I guess you're talking about the honor of an Attorney General who authorizes torture and violation of numerous Constitutional prohibitions which is no honor in my book) is absolute bull.


    Now it is your constitutional right to believe that just as it is your constitutional right to think the world flat or Nixon innocent of covering up a third-rate burglary. But suggesting the issues are that clear Honor v Socialism is less discriptive than the alternative - war v. peace ... fiscal irresponsibility v. responsibility ... scientific ignorance v. studied awareness ... or even young v. old.


    There are many more productive and nuanced ways to view this election and I just find the dichotomy suggested here seriously flawed if for no other reason, the incompetence and even dishonorable conduct of folks from Tom DeLay to the gay GOP hypocrites hardly qualifies as honor.




    Right or wrong, these were opinions from my "family"....basically it's either a opitimistic conservative opinion or a pessimistic conservative opinion (there are no liberals in my family). I'm actually on the fence, I honestly dont' know if America would elect Hitlery....I'm hoping that she would get "GERALDINE FERRAROED"....but I am not positive she will be.

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