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Posts posted by joeherren

  1. AGG...you would thrive at Maximum One. If you never discount, you'll make a ton with us. If you're vested with KW, you won't even have to give up that profit share you've built up and you can start on a new downline with Maximum One.


    I too walk away from listings if I know I can't sell them. Some people just can't be informed .They insist they know more than I do. That's fine, they can figure it out for themselves. In their minds they don't need a professional. I respect anyone's right to sell their property any way they want to.


    However, statistics show For Sale By Owner listings don't sell as quickly or at a the highest price.


    Some may think it takes very little education to become an agent. And while it can take as little as three weeks, to as long as a 4 year degree, education is on going. People should choose and agent that they can immediately develop a rapport with. If someone acts like a used car salesman, they probably are. JM2CW.


    Joe...sounds like your Dad doesn't have a lot of faith in your abilities. But then again, I don't know him, only going by what you said here.


    Come talk to me when you're ready. You too AGG.


    My Dad was not a listing agent..or even a traditional agent, He mainly bought and sold distressed properties....and strongly

    discouraged me from venturing in that direction.


    The thing I've found in Real Estate is that "everyone" is a Real Estate expert...and that goes beyond the "Agents"....

    ...everyone seems to think they know everything and homeowners too often will not listen to you...it can be frustrating.


    What you said is correct, I"ve made horrible mistakes taking listings I should never have taken.

  2. her first. :lol: :lol: :lol:Ive never discounted even once. You want me...it'll cost ya. :p
    Most of the time my Dad wont' even take the listing....He never asks for a listing and doesnt' want 'em unless they are reasonable and they'll do what He tells 'em...plus it's not his niche...he actually hates it.
    Joe, I hope word doesn't get out to the "dead weight" that you are on p.com.Don't feel too bad, I've got some in-laws I carry around too. :blink:
    People who know me accept my humor..people who don't are misguided.
  3. Sounds like you're missing out on profit Joe. Come by my office on Monday and let's chat. I'll be glad to fill you in. I bet you'll be shocked when you see what the real world is like.

    My dad says...."I can't handle being a listing agent so I know you can't...if you can't buy foreclosures and rehab homes you should get in another line of work, I would if I had to do listings"

  4. I guess I'm the only non-agent in this thread (but Joe can make me laugh, so I joined in). :D But, I would have thought Remax was #1.I'm good at those, but no real estate license. :lol:
    A number of people have told me I should see that movie...the one with the character in your sig...said I'd like it....my speed...lol.
    Who said DISCOUNT LISTINGS??? straight to the tonk if I was in charge. :p
    lol....my Dad always thought along the same lines.....He said "I can't stand those Sellers at full price"
  5. Seriously Joe Herren -


    I've read and watched your circus for a while now and your attempts at funny and satire have fallen below the level of "Bless His Heart" (the Georgia ultra conservative version of dumber than dirt).


    How long is your length of stay with this forumn to be really mundane, unappologetic, etc.


    You remind me of comedian Don Rickles who in his heyday was a headliner and Tonight Show regular. Forty years


    later, he does the same routine to embarraseed, muffled laughs.


    You ain't funny no more, and if you were ever serious, you are sad.


    Look up (seriously) the words Republican, Democrat, Liberal and Conservative. Then check the "labels" JFK, Reagan,


    Johnson, Ford, hell even Ike and Rooseveldt and you'll find you don't know squat.


    If you're serious, get smarter before you spill crap - if your kidding, (I hope) get new material.


    I've been told I was funny before....I guess looks arent' everything though.

  6. I'm sure he would. Come January I will make good on my promise to Pubby to join as a commerce member. I picked up a buyer here on Pcom and after two days of showings this weekend, I'll be writing a contract on Monday to close in January. Look out for the check Pubby.


    I will say this I've never been happier with a company than I am with Maximum One. Joe feel free to come talk to me. No obligation of course. ;)

    I have 4 people licensed under me who do nothing....I need to change .

  7. Sounds like you're missing out on profit Joe. Come by my office on Monday and let's chat. I'll be glad to fill you in. I bet you'll be shocked when you see what the real world is like.

    You work for Maximum One ???? Do you offer discounted listings ?

  8. Sounds like you're missing out on profit Joe. Come by my office on Monday and let's chat. I'll be glad to fill you in. I bet you'll be shocked when you see what the real world is like.
    LOL...I wonder if Pubby would transfer Realty Services advertising somewhere else.....I think there is about 6 months left.
    :lol: Kimmer: "Cougar? I barely knew her."
    He was one of a kind...there needs to be more like him on radio.
  9. Maximum One. That's who. And our non-guaranteed cap is $9,900, and we don't pay royalty fees. Instead of 36% paid back, I only pay $295/transaction. And talk about training and FREE yes FREE CE classes once a month. Ask the former KW agents who are at Maximum One. Myself included. We are a much happier bunch.

    What is a non-guaranteed cap...excuse my ignorance, I always worked for my Dad...and we basically just bought and sold for profits not commission.

  10. Keller Williams- Who else offers a non-guaranteed cap and profit sharing on your down line. I work just as hard at building my downline as selling property. It is also transferrable to heirs. Do the math...cant beat it.ooooooooooohhh! He called me the Queen of all Kimmer Babes once!!! :wub: Love him! Miss him...he got royally screwed.

    I loved Kim Peterson, I thought that guy was friggin hiiiiilarious.

  11. I need a partner who is good at accounting, organizational skills and dealing with people, my weakness....lol...because I dont' like people, children,

    and animals.....lol (Kim Peterson)...whatever happened to him?

  12. That's the spirit. There are a lot of people who are just door mats. And, there are a lot of people who accommodate them.


    You have to hold a gun on me to be able to mistreat me!

    I love your Jack Nicholson pic...He's great. Love his movies.


    One of my worst experiences is a date with a woman that I took to see "Out of Africa" ....that movie was like

    Chinese torture, I still hate Robert Redford to this day (it helps he's a thorobred tree hugger)....that movie felt like

    it was 10 hours long.

  13. http://www.hbo.com/oz/


    There isn't a more realistic movie about prison than this show.

    I used to have a friend that worked at a prison....I couldn't understand for the life of me why someone would want to

    subject themself to that environment every day...I would find it horribly depressing, He actually liked it though.....

    different strokes.....

  14. Maybe you never saw OZ on HBO. They would make you grow a pony tail and wear a miniskirt.
    I saw the Wizard of Oz...only prison movie I ever liked was Cool Hand Luke.
    You don't have an inferiority complex; do you?
    I don't believe anyone has accused me of that trait....many others though. :p :p
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