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Posts posted by joeherren

  1. SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. — Rodney King, whose 1991 beating by Los Angeles police led to deadly rioting the next year, was shot on a street corner but his wounds were not believed to be life-threatening, police said Thursday.


    King, 42, was hit in the face, arms, back and torso by birdshot fired from a shotgun. He was shot "possibly two or three times from a distance," then bicycled about 1 1/2 miles back to his home in neighboring Rialto and called local police shortly after 11:30 p.m. Wednesday, Rialto police Sgt. Craig Crispin told The Associated Press.


    King and others at the home appeared to be drunk and few cooperated with officers by providing information, Rialto police Sgt. Don Lewis told The (Riverside) Press-Enterprise.


    King was taken to Arrowhead Regional Medical Center in Colton. His condition Thursday was not immediately known.


    "They are non-life threatening wounds," San Bernardino police Lt. Scott Paterson told the AP.


    No arrests were made and other details of the shooting were sketchy.


    There was "speculation" that the shooting may have involved some kind of domestic dispute but "we're not sure about that yet," Paterson said.


    King, who is black, was videotaped being beaten by white Los Angeles police officers after he was stopped for speeding in 1991. Four officers were acquitted of most criminal charges in 1992, triggering rioting in Los Angeles and neighboring cities that left 55 people dead and caused $1 billion in property damage.


    King sued the city over the beating and obtained a $3.8 million settlement.


    However, he continued to have run-ins with the law. In 2004, he was ordered to spend 120 days in jail and ordered into treatment after pleading guilty to driving under the influence of the drug PCP after he lost control of his SUV in 2003 and slammed into a power pole in Rialto.


    Rialto and San Bernardino are about 55 miles east of Los Angeles.



    Well, I guess the answer is - NO - we can't get along now.


  2. nope Greene was cut from the patriots to make room for former Atlanta Falcons TE Jason Rader.



    here here,

    i thought i was the only one who thought that



    Brett Favre was drafted by the Atlanta Falcons in the second round if you don't remember

    falcons have picked some great players but they let them go!!!!

    Yeah, I loved Deion Sanders and they let him go.l

  3. I cant stand VICK or what he has done but i dont want anyone contributing to that terrorist group, i wouldnt piss on a PETA member if they were on fire!

    Well, I don't like 'em either....but it's a political correctness move....if it would work I'd be all for it....Falcons need a QB.

  4. RICHMOND: Michael Vick has paid the U.S. government nearly $1 million in restitution after pleading guilty to federal dogfighting charges.


    For continuing coverage on this breaking news event, please

    refer to http://www.wvec.com?bn.




    RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -- Two of Michael Vick's co-defendants have


    been sentenced to 18 months and 21 months in prison on federal


    dogfighting conspiracy charges.

    If Vick paid the Govt. 1 million they ought to make him pay PETA a million and do a commercial holding a dog or something and then play next year.

  5. Brohm ain't worth a draft pick. Unless he goes in the third round. Who needs another rookie to sit on the sidelines and learn the system for two years? We have DJ already. Greene is on the Patriots practice squad - could pick him up for a second day pick as well. Our first round and second round better go to an O Lineman.

    We do need O linemen...but we're talking Falcons here....we're too dumb to find a Tom Brady in the 6th round....Falcons are lucky to find gems in the first round...but at least the odds are better...DJ and Greene aren't franchise type QB's.

  6. Do you know who Richard Feynman is? Greatest Physicist of our generation. I actually had him as a guest lecturer while working on my Doctoral degree. Impressive to meet such a great mind. Anyhow - here is his take on religion and mysticism - hope you enjoy it. The latter part was most interesting to me - he is so magnetic.


    In the universe without any purpose....lol


    reminds me of verse in the bible....."I will make the wise foolish and the foolish wise"

  7. You let the Bible do your thinking for you. That's dangerous. Religious zealotry is what caused 9-11-01 and the Christian Crusades. What's worse - you are getting caught up in the Bible but truly have no academic training in Tanakh and Talmud. You follow a religion that is based on something you don't even have the first clue about- Judaism. Most Christians have absolutely no clue about the history of their religion. Just what some pastor with a high school degree spews evey Sunday for an hour. Now on to homosexuality - Do you know how many wonderful people in the world are gay or transsexual? I am still in shock that dislike gays and would never go see Elton John because he may or may not be gay (he has been married to a woman). His music was a profound part of society during the 1970's. I can still remember his first hits - songs like Crocadile Rock and Candle in the Wind. Bigotry is ugly. It caused the death of 7 million of my people. Be careful - you are going down that horrible road.

    There's nothing wrong with the Bible....religion is run by man therefore it's imperfect.


    There is no alternative but to believe in God, I refuse to believe in nothing.


    I choose to believe Jesus is Lord because the alternative is hopelessness....I'm not gonna

    argue if your eternity is a belief in a telephone pole...so be it...I just believe the bible....when it says\

    "every knee shall bow and every tongue confess[/b]"....and all that good stuff...I believe it...call

    me crazy. The bible even says the Jews would reject Jesus and called Jesus a stumbling stone...that won't

    always be the case though.


    You got to believe in something, you dont' want to end up like the rich man in the story of Lazarus.

  8. During my undergrad in the 1970's I took a media class that spent a great deal of time on an author named Alvin Toffler. He talked about global villages and some other theories that made him fairly well known. He wrote a book called Future Shock that was part of the class. He probably wrote a few dozen others; but this one I remember. There are three distinct things at work here. The community that gets the news is one of them. The government that creates the news is another. The media is in the middle; getting the information, preparing it for the people, and delivering the news to the masses. The government is not stupid - not by a long shot. They knew that if they altered or spin doctored the information in certain ways; they could get EXPECTED results from the media and actually make sure the news got to the masses just how they wanted it to. And they used this capability to create "future shock". They accelerated and manipulated the rate of technological and social change; which left the masses disconnected and suffering from "shattering stress and disorientation". This meant that the government could do things that people would be so shocked about that they denied it ever happened.



    They're all evil Moose...as the bible says..... Isiaiah 2:22 "stop trusting in man who has but breath in his nostrils"


    I just view conservatives as the less of two evils.


    I know what you mean about the media and Government....I went to public schools with pictures of every Democrat icon in history...I survived

    the brainwashing and never fell in love with Camelot....watch members of the media talk about Camelot....they do everything but have orgasmic


  9. Who is a Christian? God? God imprisoned Christians? Can you point to some chapter and verse from Old Testament to support that?





    We are talking about Reagan's proposal of different minimum wages for BLACKS. Please answer the question asked; which is about Reagan's proposal and not something else.





    Do you feel Reagan's 1986 Gun Ban was Unconstitutional then?





    Do you even know what it is that he did? You are OK with a President lying to Congress and destroying records so they cannot see them? You are OK with CIA using cocaine funds to buy weapons for a foreign country? Can you point to something in the US Constitution to support lying to congress or funding drug money from cartels to a war in Central America?

    No, Reagan was a Christian.


    Jews are Gods' chosen people, it's not for Christians to condemn them for not accepting Christ, as the bible says....they will in time.

  10. I guess you're right Pubby, we'd have been so much better off with Jimma Carter, Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro.....I guess it comes down to accepting a liberal lie or a conservative lie.


    It's like the highminded people who say they vote for the person and not the party....you accept a good ol' boy to go

    to Washington and take orders from Nancy Pelosi ??????????????


    I don't think so.


    49 out of 50 states voted for Reagan and Nixon.....sometimes anythings better than a liberal.

  11. What about Iran-Contra? What is your position on the three major components - selling arms to Iran, using that to fund Contras, and hiding or destroying evidence from Congress? What about those three items?


    What are your feelings about Jews? You already said you don't like gays; but let's talk about Jews for a minute. What do you NOT LIKE (if anything) about my people? Did it offend you when Reagan imprisoned JEWISH union executives from PATCO?


    What are your feelings about the Second Amendment? Are your for or against the Gun Ban of 1986?


    What are you feelings on lower minimum wage for Blacks than for Whites? Do you feel Blacks should have lower minimum wages so they will get jobs that might otherwise have gone to Whites? If you are for the lower minimum wage that Reagan proposed; what do you think the minimum wage should be for Blacks? $1/hour? $2/hour? $3/hour?

    I believe that Jews are Gods chosen people (they're misguided is all) ....I'm sure He inprisoned Christians at some point too and He's a Christian.


    I believe that if a market wont' support a high minimum wage it should be lowered..whether it's in black or white neighborhoods.


    I believe in the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms.


    I believe Reagan won 49 out of 50 states and Jews are misguided SERIOUSLY if they're still voting liberal.


    I'm fine with what Reagan did in Iran Contra...no problems with it.

  12. Your true colors are showing. Reagan was dangerous. He was unintelligent and extremely racist. He was also against the Bill of Rights and did many Unconstitutional things.


    1. Iran-Contra scam. Reagan illegally sold arms to Iran, illegally funded the anti-Sandanistas in Nicaruagua; and illegally destroyed or widhheld thousands of documents from investigators. Reagan also had the CIA use South American cocaine money to fund the Contras.

    2. Anti Second Amendment. Reagan supported and signed the 1986 Weapons Ban.

    3. Forced Labor. Reagan, who had looked the other way during the Postal Worker strike and other strikes; decided to make an example of PATCO. All these people wanted were better working conditions and a 32 hour work week (due to the stressful nature of the work). Reagan fired 12K employees and banned them from Government work for life, and imprisoned the Union Leaders.

    4. Slavery. Reagan proposed that Blacks have a lower minimum wage than Whites. This proposal was made during the primary when he was competing with Bush for the Republican nod.

    5. World War III. Reagan's SDI brought us closer to WW III than any president since Kennedy.




    Take off your white hood; my little goose stepper. Everyone has a right to choose their sexuality. Hitler gassed the gays along with the Jews. Your way of thinking allows things like this to happen.


    Als die Nazis die Kommunisten holten,

    habe ich geschwiegen;

    ich war ja kein Kommunist.


    Als sie die Sozialdemokraten einsperrten,

    habe ich geschwiegen;

    ich war ja kein Sozialdemokrat.


    Als sie die Gewerkschafter holten,

    habe ich nicht protestiert;

    ich war ja kein Gewerkschafter.


    Als sie die Juden holten,

    habe ich geschwiegen;

    ich war ja kein Jude.


    Als sie mich holten,

    gab es keinen mehr, der protestieren konnte.


    When the Nazis came for the communists,

    I remained silent;

    I was not a communist.


    When they locked up the social democrats,

    I remained silent;

    I was not a social democrat.


    When they came for the trade unionists,

    I did not speak out;

    I was not a trade unionist.


    When they came for the Jews,

    I remained silent;

    I wasn't a Jew.


    When they came for me,

    there was no one left to speak out.


    Well, I don't believe in attacking people....I don't believe it's an attack to say you're misguided.


    I loved what Reagan did with the strikers....absoolutely loved it.


    He got in by pandering and won 49 out of 50 states ????


    You're misguided but you're not alone...many people are.

  13. Who the boss is?!?!?! Chill out??!?!?!?


    Reagan threw the union leaders into prison without a trial in order to bully employees into going back to work without a contract. FORCED LABOR. Some of the imprisoned leaders were JEWISH. He wanted to WAIVE minimum wage for BLACKS. Do you understand the implications of that? He sold illegal weapons to Iran; then took the cash and gave it to the Contras. He banished the SECOND AMENDMENT - signing the gun ban of 1986. He was probably the biggest racist and anti-Constitution tyrant in the history of USA. Not a single BLACK or JEW voted for him - he got in by pandering to White Supremacists and the Religious Right.






    That is totally offensive to transsexuals. You aren't homophobic or anything, are you?

    Reagan was one of the greatest Presidents this country has ever had...you are seriously misguided.




    Homosexuality is wrong I believe, I know that's not politically correct, but I'm never going to an Elton John concert.

  14. Yep. He was a proponent of forced labor and slavery. He didn't fire them - he JAILED them. You have selective memory.


    Interesting side note - I watched a debate between Reagan and Bush during the primary. Reagan suggested a lower minimum wage for Blacks than Whites so they would have lower unemployment and therefore increase their lot in life. I know his heart was probably in the right place; but I was in shock.

    He JAILED 'em...then I like him all the better.....lol.

  15. here you go






    What was your favorite part? Where he illegally sold weapons to Iran and fed the cash to the Contras so they could go to war in Central America?


    My heroes were Founding Fathers like Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson; who sacrificed all so you and I could be typing this right now.

    My favorite part was when he told the striking air traffic controllers to go back to work or you're fired.

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