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Everything posted by kelwil

  1. pork roast dumplings . n homemade mac n cheese ... was good .. but im over full ugh
  2. 75 btw beautiful stuffs u giving away SS ...
  3. im thinkin if they are as small as she described quite a few man ... anyway . i am off to bed .. gotta get some rest tomorrow is gonna be long ass day ... you take it easy .. n enjoy the rest of your evening !
  4. ok cool .. will be lookin for yas ... n u are sooooo wrong for that one ... u gonna have the lovers hating in my thread now !
  5. sweet .. i sent u mine back with the make of my car ...
  6. katie is working sunday .. but gets off at one .. we can meet ya around one thirty pm .. if ya would like ... ?
  7. yes indeed .. its good eating .. they have the best burgers around ... real meat ... yummmmmmm
  8. well i can see ur point ... i aint a animal hater .. but a damn rodent ? .. but i guess everyone is dif .. n i thank gawd everyday for that one lol ... its called meryles .. n i may have spelled it wrong ... i never do get it right ... n sweet .. we are gonna get to meet up one of these days man !
  9. damn he is lucky ... im glad he wasnt more seriously hurt .. n that does suck u had to go out there at that time of day ! ... n yea i noticed u makin friends all over ...
  10. yea we been pretty busy too ... katie has been on vacation this past week but our daughter n her gf have been in town visiting .. so of course been doing the family things ... they are leaving out tomorrow .. what all yall been up too ?
  11. hey hey ... whats going on tonite folks ?
  12. thanks Cc .. i should have done this but havent yet .. in fact .. didnt even realize i needed to
  13. kelwil


    you gonna have to go outside the box to find that info M ... i think everyone in paulding was interuppted ? ...
  14. indeed they are ! ... we just ate there this past week ..
  15. homemade pork roast dumplings ! .. yummmmmmmmmmm .. Katie is a mean cook !
  16. i dont have a suggestion for boys names .. but clarissa is a pretty name ...
  17. well u asked for boy names but listed girl names too .. so im confused ... do u need girl names too ?
  18. aww man ... i guess i should have .. ive got a spot on side of my face that is growing ... so i need to get her to check it for me .. i k now it will be 2 months before she can probably see me .. but i guess ive got time lol ... ty for answering me ... K9 !
  19. i looked on yellow pages n didnt see it ... if anyone has used her or knows her number i would be greatly appreciative if you can post her number for me .. TIA ..
  20. i know what T cakes are WB ... my granny made them up till year before last .. i never cared for them tho ... good lawd she was always trying to get me to eat them lol .. gotta love granny .. of course she is 95 now ... so no more bakin for her ...
  21. aww folks will be here when u get back .. u know that ! ... just get it done n over with .. th en u can play rest of day away ! ...
  22. i hear that ... im glad u appreciate him loving you ... it does rock to be loved ..
  23. well cut that crap out ! ... u know that man needs some time to himself with yas ... if papa aint happy aint no one happy .. it goes both ways ya know ?
  24. yep within a hour i was feelin much better believe it or not .. as ive said great surgeon .. just no common sense .. i dont think u can actually teach that can ya ? uh oh .. what in the world did u do this time ????????
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