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Everything posted by kelwil

  1. you are so bad ... i like taco salads pretty good ... but u are right i do have taters at least ONCE a day ... its my big down fall i think ... never will be able to do low carb ...
  2. ah i know JJ ... but katie had to work friday .. so that kinda makes it hard to party on thursdays ... she is on vacation this week tho wooooooot ...
  3. me too LPPT .. i had to have my stupid shunt adjusted ugh ... dang doc has lil to no common sense .. but im back on again
  4. morning JJ .. how are ya man ? LPPT i agree ... its been ages it seems like !
  5. nah not whining ... i can always just turn u off ... sides .. ive missed you ! ... i am in dire need of one of your great hugs .. i think u owe me a few by now !
  6. indeed .. even if its just picking a sore n makin it worse !
  7. lol u are always picking at something ... just like a damn ole southern woman !
  8. ty ma'am .. yes she is a good bartender ... good music n drinks .. cant beeat it ...
  9. awww ty CC .. i hope u have a great day man .. u absolutely rock !\
  10. good deal .. when she replies tell her she is missed ! ...
  11. she is around some place ... shoot her a pm .. u might be surprised she answers it .. ?
  12. morningggggggggg GLGD ~!
  13. pjs all day sounds good LPPT i think i will too .. n bacon sounds good ... hmm u gonna save some for me ?????? n ty .. i appreicated all the prayers n good wishes for dad .. he is doing great .. getting stronger everyday ... cant wait to go visit him in may ! LR .. i dont know where u find that motivation .. but u need to share ! ... btw saw that son of urs at pool hall last night .. he is looking good ...
  14. mornings CO .. LR what do yall have planned for this great day ?
  15. how is everyone this wonderful morning ?
  16. i been with katie 23 years now ... cant get married in ga tho ... not sure i would want that title anyways .. i just want the benefits all yall enjoy ...
  17. sweet LR .. have a great day .. n enjoy your walk ...
  18. exactly Lr ... they need to think bout this a lil more ... bama aint that far for us to go .. forty five min drive ... in the long run thats gonna save me ?????
  19. morning lady .. u owe me a big ole hug soooooooon .. n why didnt u get up first ??????????
  20. indeeeeeeeeeed u lazy bones ! ... i hope you have a great n blessed day as well !
  21. sounds good to me HOG ...just send me a Pm or something if i aint on when u are the rest of week n let me know ... anytime after noon works great for us ... morning luv what you going planned for your day lady ?
  22. sounds like u could be allergic to the meds... call the doc in morning n talk to them bout it ... i know katie is allergic to penicillian ... n it causes her to have a rash ...
  23. yea we can meet for lunch at meryles if ya like good burgers ... they have the best around these parts ... so long as ya dont wanna get up too early lol .. i dont know bout you .. but when katie is off i dont wake up too early ...
  24. we live over in new ga off 61 south ...
  25. indeed .. be the best at it .. if ya gonna be ...
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