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Posts posted by MrsGoBlue

  1. how does one get around the fire if they can't drive over the hose? I'm sure they don't want traffic backed up. I'm not being a smart ass as I can see why you should not drive over the hose, just curious as to how this should be adressed.


    You know you wouldn't want anyone driving over your hose :ph34r:


    Thanks OP for the PSA I've never come across the situation but now I'll know how to handle it if I do! :good:


  2. I'm not saying that we do. I was just wondering which driver doesn't whine because I have been a fan since I was about 5 years old and the only one I know of died a few years back and the sport hasn't been the same since. I can't think of one current driver - Indy, Nascar or F1 that doesn't whine and think his sheeze don't stink so I'm just trying to figure out who you think it is. Nothing personal. Gessh.


    Mark Martin doesn't seem to come off that way :)


  3. Thanks so much. This may sound silly, but I'm new on here...how do you PM somebody?


    You can click on their name and there is an option to send message! Welcome and Good luck by the way! :)

  4. Mine didn't hit. Did you use turbo tax with deposit by anychance. Can't locate mine and I did use Turbotax with direct deposit (last 2 digits 52) nothing in the bank. :angry: :glare:


    No we used tax act and we paid the fees up front we are 64. Hope you get yours soon! :)


  5. That is something that we should be adressing! Guess I will have to stick with Sweewater, their delivery isn't very far so the cost should stay the same.


    <Goes to look for number to local congress person to make sure this crucial need is being adressed>






    :clapping: There is NOTHING funny about rising beer cost. :glare: -_-


    :rolleyes: :lol:


  6. Its another thread about the IRS Stimulus checks.........


    Haven't gotten mine yet but I am waiting by the 'puter cause it's suppose to be dar today and I is gonna be rich wit all dat dar money :yahoo:


    If I don't get it where can I get information about where to complain to, and what stores will cash my check, and how much stuff can I get for my check, and if I didn't pay taxes do I still get the check?


    What about my 45 year old son that still lives with me that I still claim as a dependent, will he get his check? What about his babies momma? Will they get a check?



    :rofl: I couldn't help it 8)


    :rolleyes: shouldn't you be working :unsure:


  7. Wasn't there one of the Friends TV shows where they go to cancel their membership at the gym and end up canceling their checking account instead because the gym brought out "the hot women" that no one could say no to? Reminds me of that.


    But remember they didn't cancel the checking accounts they got joint checking because of the woman at the bank that they were going to use to pay the gym membership. :lol:


    On topic- I also hate people that try and pressure people into signing things or even now the "charities" and the banks that call 80 million times a day and if you pick up they really pressure you to donate or sign up for some service you had already told them you didn't want and then they start reading the script over. :wacko:

  8. Thank you, I am really tickled about him! He is so cute, but he seemed to be really scared. It was hard to leave him there today, but I'm going to go visit him this weekend. I


    Looking around the shelter makes me too sad, God bless those who work and volunteer there. There are lots of beautiful animals there and it was hard only taking one. :(


    I'll definitely post some pictures of him!! :)


    Congrats on your new addition! Can't wait for pics :)

    ETA- I saw the pic from the shelter Awhh he is so adorable :wub:

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