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Posts posted by lisabug28

  1. What about shoe sizes? I don't have any clothes in those sizes. Where is the drop off place in case of having any items?



    I'm not sure of any other sizes yet, she's going to email me when she gets home. I was out walking when she called earlier and didn't have anything to write down on. I'm in yorkville, and work in marietta, so I can pretty much find a meeting point between the two. I will be here today and tomorrow until around 3, and then won't be back in town until monday evening. I unfortunatlely won't have my computer with me then and won't be able to check my messages, but will check monday afternoon.

    Thanks again. I will update more with sizes and such as I get them.

  2. My firends mom and dad's house was struck by lightning around 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. They are in east cobb. Everyone is ok. One cat is safe, the other they can't find yet. They can't get back into the house until the insurance adjuster comes and tells them it's ok. They lost everything. All I know is the mom is a size 22/24, petite pants, and the dad is a 3x. She has a 14 yr. old sister, who is a size 2/4. If anyone can help out please let me know. I'm just devastated for them.

  3. all righty, go weigh-in...only 3 have so far!! GO, GO, GO!!! (cheering, not yelling) :-) Make sure you are logged in. If not, you can not get to the log-in section. This section is secured by password, so unless you are registered, you can't log or weigh-in. Since it is password secured, you do not have to worry about others seeing your weight, and we are all in this for the same reasons, getting healthier, and losing weight. If you are on the main page, you will see the weigh-in section below it. Again, you must be logged in, and don't forget to log-in under the right date! ;) Good luck everybody!!!




    Do you have to be a commerce member in order to join a group. I am not finding the groups tab. I am not completely stupid I promise.



    no, but you do have to register. You won't find the fitness page in the main tabs of pcom, but I added a link to my last post. Hope that helps!

  4. We had a lot of people who said they were interested in the forum getting up and going, but only 3 people weighed in last week. Tomorrow is a new day, and the beginning of a new week, and a new weigh-in day. We need people to post if you're interested to keep it going, so weigh-in tomorrow, and GOOD LUCK!!!

  5. ok, go to the main page, log in....you have to be logged in to see that part of the forum. When you see the date, go in and log your weight in. We do this at our own home, don't have a big mass weigh-in or anything. Haven't been on there today, but there were only 3 of us yesterday who had logged in.

  6. I posted the first weigh in for today. Good luck everyone.


    Here is the website: www.pcomfitness.forum5.com

    Thank you!! Seems like we have more people joining us this time!! Again, let me know if you need any help.

  7. rival brand girl here, too, and I DEFINITELY agree with the removeable liners. Just toss the bag in the crock, then the food, and toss it out and wipe it down when you're done. Makes cleanup soooooo much easier. A little recipe for you when you get yours: A nice thick pot roast, 1 can french onion soup, 1 can golden mushroom soup, about 10 little red potatoes, and about 1/3 can coke. Cook for about 6 hours, high...yummmy.

  8. Ok - did that - but just checked and I didnt loose any weight yet? What's up with that?
    hehe...someday soon, with some hard work maybe!!!



    I joined too!



    awesome!! :yahoo: We should be able to weigh in soon.

  9. I agree. We have paid on our house for 8yrs now and the total seems to only be coming down very little but because of taxes here in this county our pmt is always going up...stinks. We never asked them to drop the MIP so it remains on there and if it works like it should then im glad we never dropped it. It is my thinking if our mortgage was discharged (because of our situation they cant forclose) then the MIP should cover any deficiency from a bank sale.



    Possibly, but you probably wouldn't have been able to drop the PMI after only 8 years, it usually takes about 15, if I'm not mistaken. Your PMI should have decreased in the amount over the last 8 years though, reducing the payment, if your property taxes have stayed somewhat stable, and your home insurance has stayed the same. If you still have the option to refinance without losing your home, you may be able to do that, if your credit is good enough to do so.

  10. The PMI goes on your original loan value, unless you have had it refinanced, then it will go on that amount. If you are in a position to refinance and have the PMI dropped or reduced, then do that, if it means you also get a lower interest rate. I'm about to do this with my house. I bought it as a foreclosure, but walked into it with over 20% equity. I have 118 dollars in PMI each month because I financed at 100% even though I have the equity there already, so I will refinance soon, so I have a lower interest rate and no PMI, will drop my payment by 200 bucks a month! Definitely check it out, call the bank or fiance company, they can tell you how much the houses in your neighborhood are appraising for.


    The banks are losing money because the PMI only covers a certain amount, not the whole loan value. Most of what a home payment is is interest, they do get that, and I'm sure they aren't losing as much as they say, but with the home marked the way it is, they are losing a good bit (a lot of foreclosures out there).


    If you look at your loan papers, you usually end up paying over 100%, or double what the house is worth at a fixed rate, 30 year mortgage, especially assuming no down payment, so those who got the 100% loans, many got in over their heads, getting more house than what they could afford, with either a 100% mortgage, or the 8 0/20 arm, and their payments went up (due to escrow, including home insurance, PMI (which doesn't go up), or their property taxes). That, with the state of the economy, people leave the house they foreclose on, never make another payment on it, the bank re-sells it for less, and then they don't see the rest of that amount. Unless they go after the original signer of the loan, who is usually bankrupt by this point, they don't recoup the full amount of the home.

  11. um...Not sure. I don't think so, but again not sure. It should go towards that payment, or back to you, I would think. I would have to look at the original loan papers and see. I, hmm....wish I knew that. I would find out how much the house was still below that 20% mark and go from there. I have seen where some keep the amount of PMI the same and don't lower it until you ask them, so you may have more in there than you think you do.

  12. I'm not a mortgage person, but PMI is mortgage insurance. Very common. It is taken out of an escrow acount if you owe more than 20% of your home's value. Say you want to borrow 100,000 and you put 20,0000 down, you have paid 20%, so you won't have PMI, if you borrow 100,000 and put 10,000 down, you will have PMI, but it will be lower than borrowing 100,000 and putting no money down. This is why some people do an 8 0/20 split and do two mortgages, so they don't normally have PMI, however, they usually have one or both parts of the 8 0/20 as an adjustable rate, somtimes ruining them in the long run, because the rates go up and they can't refinance because they don't have enough equity in their home to do so. Also, if you buy a home as a foreclosure, you usually have instant equity in the home, so you can refinance sooner, and therefore drop the PMI sooner, assuming their is a 100% loan. Hope that helps.


    As for what it covers, nothing on the buyer's end, only the loaner's end. It is insurance to make sure they get paid if the person can't pay the amount they have borrowed.

  13. Just click on the link, and if your already a member post away. There are some great tips and recipes on there. I guess I will start the weigh in tomorrow.



    thanks, and let me know if you need any help with anything...now if I could only remember my password...hmmmm.

  14. I think I was a memebr there I can not remeber though...


    but yes I am interested... I have been exercising and watching what I eat..


    it may be better if we could do this on pcom... since we are all here..


    I thin there is a forum for this... on here..


    you could ask pubby if it could be password proetcted to keep it from being on the fast read page all the time..



    It was definitely password protected. I don't think any of us would have been there, listing our weights if it wasn't.... :lol: It was great to have people motivating you and holding each other accountable! I hope you join us when we get it going again.

  15. Hello my name is Bob Gardner and I desperately need the assistance of all my fellow Paulding County residents !!


    I am trying to locate my sons vehicle which was stolen from our driveway at 257 Fox Ridge Ct , Dallas on Tues 24JUN08

    between 0330-0400.


    Details and description of the stolen vehicle :


    Vehicle : 1970 Chevy Nova SS -- Very clean two door .

    VIN# : 114270W339047

    Plate# : AAR0556 GA

    Color : Sky Blue metallic

    Engine : 350 HP Chevy engine with Chevy chrome valve covers .

    Trim : New black on silver side moldings

    Wheels : Chevy Rally rims with Winston double flag tires.

    Interior : Very Clean - bench seat with B+M slap shifter


    These brazen thieves came within six feet of the door to my home while comitting this crime , they need to be caught

    and sent to jail before they injure someone while perpertrating their next crime .




    Have you looked in the apartments across the street, if I'm thinking of the right neighborhood? You may want to definitely try that. I used to live there. Also, please list your phone number in case someone sees it they can call you immediately, not have to wait until they get home, look this up and hope you are online before they get gone. I hope you find it!! I know I would be heartbroken.


  16. Anyone interested. This was started around new years. Can't remember by whom, but it was a great idea. Kept me motivated! Then it dwindled down. I know there are a lot on here who are trying to lose weight, tone up, etc., thought it might be a good time to get it started back up. For those who don't know what it was, it was a site away from here, you had to register, and there was a weekly weigh-in and different forums where we could share weight tips and just positive motivation.

    Anyone??? ^_^

  17. Is he up for company from those he doesn't know. I have two nephews - ages 11 and 6. I would love to take them by next week if it would cheer him up any. Any restrictions on what he can/can't have? I know boquet would know these answers and hope she reads this is you guys don't happen to.

  18. If it's to the upcoming Kenny/Gary allan show---go. So much more than just country. You'll have fun even if you don't know the music. Or, ask them to give the tickets to someone who would enjoy them if you really hate country. Don't make yourself miserable just cause something is free. I'm sure someone else would love tickets to a show they would enjoy. If she can't find someone, offer to sell the tix for her, and then split the profits maybe?

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