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Posts posted by lisabug28

  1. my son went... he was on the 1st row.... I just got off the phone w/ him for the 2nd time going on and on about what a good time he had. Also talked to him last night while he was there. He said it was awsome!!!! Especailly Gary Alan in the rain.

    Was he in the sandbar or on the field? the sandbar is the area actually surrounding the stage. It's in front of the field seats, or to the side of. We were on the front row of the second section of the sandbar. That's where most of them stayed, Kenny moved around the whole stage, their were 6 sections. Your son may have been right there with us. Gary kicked butt, like I said, always been a huge fan of his (we drove to florida just to see him last year), but yesterday, even with a short set, he rocked it more than he ever has. My sister has never been a big fan of his, but even she was a new fan yesterday. Glad your son had a good time. My poor mom is having to hear it from me and my sis. Poor mom!!


  2. I sat in the truck and partook in a couple beer's while it rained. We missed Gary and leanne.



    Gary was awesome, but he is one of my favorite singers, and didn't sing any where near long enough, maybe 10 songs or so. It was barely sprinkling once leann took the stage, it only rained for the first 2 or 3 songs of hers. I wish she would have played first and then gary instead of the other way around.

  3. Yup...great show even with the rain.



    Yes it was. We had ponchos thank goodness since they were confiscating umbrellas on the way in (which wasn't a bad thing). I can't believe they were making people take their cameras back to their cars. We snuck all ours in. I wrapped mine in my poncho, a friend stuck hers down her pants, and my sis stuck hers in her back pocket. They were very unorganized at turner though. We had got in line, they opened the doors, handed them the tickets and they told us we were in the wrong line. We had to have wristbands to get into the sandbar area. So we were ticked!! Then they told us to take the cameras to the car. No way that was happening. We spent way too much on tickets to do that. I just think they should have had it marked a bit clearer to know which lines to get into (the sandbar line was marked, but it wasn't the gate we got to first, so we didn't know there were different gates. I hope everyone else got in easier and got to keep your cameras.

  4. We went as well and had a BLAST!! We had seats 15 rows from the field. We thought Gary Allen was really good, too. We were there the whole day. The weather was so nice after the rain!!


    Yes, it was. I'm glad you had a good time. I'm a HUGE Gary and Kenny fan, so it was the best of both worlds for me! Gary was looking mighty fine in his wet clothes and rain dripping off of him! This is what my sister does for my b-day every year. She gets me Kenny tickets, but it was our first time in the sandbar. Getting my hat signed and getting to shake his hand was just awesome!!


    We went, too! We had so much fun, but I am exhausted today! We were 6 rows back behind the 3rd base dugout. I can't wait til next year already!! :D


    me too. I had been in alabama over the weekend, and met my sis and friends in cave spring. We left the concert, and went to eat, we got to her house at 3:15 this morning, and I got to my house at 4:15. I had started not to take the day off work, and am SOOOOO glad I did.

  5. Lisa - I'm soo glad you dug this thread up - I haev the women's Keds shoes I'd love to give. Is the thrift store the easiest place to drop these off? We live in South Paulding.





    Sorry, I was out of town this weekend. The thrift store has just been offered as a drop off. I'm in Yorkville, and work in Marietta, if there is somewhere else more convenient to meet me, just let me know the place! I'm be glad to meet you somewhere.

  6. Went to the Kenny Chesney show yesterday. Had a BLAST!!! We had sandbar tix. Got to shake hands with Kenny, and hi-five Sammy Hagar. Gary Allan put on an awesome show, in the rain! Also, got my hat signed by Kenny. Awesome show. I hope that anyone else that went had a great as time as we did! Will have pics soon to post!

  7. thanks everyone for your offers and help. I am back in town, and am ready to pick these things up. Birdmom/The Thrift Store has offered to collect things. If you can, please drop them off here, or let me know where I can meet you to pick these things up. Again, thanks so much!! Lisa

  8. My weigh in day is Thursday but I'll post my loss - 3 lbs in the last week. 5 over the last two. Total down of 36 since mid January. 22 more to go by the end of the year! Whoohoo! Weight Watchers is working great for me!

    I posted mine. Mrs. Avalon, go and post this in the fitness forum, if you don't mind. It's off pcom, and we're trying to get it going again! But congrats on an awesome weight loss!



  9. I have no clothes in those sizes but if anyone has anything that they want to donate I live on the north end of 61 and will be happy to have some things dropped off at my home and will get them to you or take them to the thrift store since I was going to go there to drop off some things that I no longer need.



    I appreciate that, Thank you.


    Community Chest is giving this request emergency approval, for the donation of used clothing, and food.

    We are awaiting confirmation of redcross assistance for- shelter, food, and clothing.


    Need for anything beyond this has not been approved, until we can verify need.


    I thank you so much for allowing this to stay open. I didn't even think about the community chest when I posted. Just trying to get them clothes to be able to do what they need to do right now. They haven't gotten assistance through the red cross as of yesterday. I have sent a PM to community chest to verify all information.



    I have a box of men's clothes that were given to me for a yard sale. I have not had the yard sale yet and the clothes are still sitting in the box. They are mainly t-shirts and jogging pants but they are size 2X and 3X. I would be happy to donate them. I live in yorkville also. Please let me know where I can drop them off.



    that will be fantastic. This is what I'm having the hardest time getting right now. Thank you sooooo much. PM'ing you info now!

  10. Sister sounds my size. I will raid my closet. Let us know where to drop off / send?

    that will be fantastic! Birdmom has graciously offered to let us drop off donations at the thriftstore. Just let them know who you are dropping them off for and she will keep them to the side. If you can't make it out there, I will be glad to meet you somewhere.

  11. Once again I will post this as my concern for family portraits is very strong.


    I'm so sorry to hear of another fire. The loss of most items can be replaced at the local store, but the loss of old photos can't be replaced.

    The damage can look much worse than it really is for the photos in albums and those still in the envelopes from the store.

    Photos are made of plastic on two sides of thin paper and the last step before drying and cutting for you to take home is a water wash to remove the developing chemicals. ( some new developers use a chemical to save water)

    The packets of photos in the drawer might be wet from the fire hoses and look burned but many times the plastic has melted on the edges and the person in the photo is in the center of the picture and is still in good shape.

    Take what looks like a total loss and put them into a plastic bag and seal it so the photos wont dry out.

    The photos might be stuck together but try to peal them apart. You will be surprised of how many pictures you can save up to several weeks after they got wet.

    You can always cut away the burned and wrinkled part of the photo and save the middle, the part that has the children's first birthday or the pictures of the grand parents or others who might not still be with us.

    Don't worry about trying to separate them in a tub of water or under running water and laying them out to dry by themselves. After all, you were about to throw away your family's visual history anyway.


    It's worth saving these memories. PHOTOS ARE VEHICLES TO REKINDLE MEMORIES!!!!!


    I would be happy to help you save some of those memories or show you how easy it can be, (sometimes) .

    Collect all the photos wet, dry, burned edges, smoked glass, burned on the edges.




    Call in the family and have a "save the photos gathering". You can all share in the re-discovery of the special memories of your family history and this time you can write dates and names on the back.


    Please call me if I can be of any help in any way.


    Nicholas Cole - Photographer 770-443-7355




    thanks! I had saw you post this before and had already told her I was sending it to her. She said all the photos are gone, but they haven't been able to get back in the house yet. They didn't have sprinklers, unfortunately. I'm hoping some of their stuff was saved, and they don't know it yet. Thank you again for posting it.

  12. The 14 year old is my size. I will be happy to give her some cute clothes!! PM me if they are needed and I can meet somewhere or drop off...


    ETA: My dad wears a 13 shoe, I'll also see if he has any in good shape to give....


    Also, anyone who is planning to shop for them, Ross has all of the above for CHEAP!


    that will be great, I told her about Ross too!


  13. could be the things listed above, could be a pinched nerve, coming out of the neck. Ice, heat, then ice again, then stretch, stretch again. Take aleve, or motrin (has an anti-inflammatory). Go get a massage (coming from the massage therapist.). I would offer to work on you early tomorrow, but I loaned my table out, and I'll be out of town all weekend. Let me know if you want to go that route, and I'll give you a recommendation on someone I know can help you out.

  14. this is the info she sent for them:


    My Dad is a size 46-30 or 46-32 in pants. He wears a 2x or in some cases 3x in shirts. He wears a size 13 shoe as well.




    My Mom is a size 24/26 or 3x in shirts and pants. She is petite though, so all pants have to be petite. She wears a size 8 1/2 shoe.




    My sister is a size 2/4 in pants. She is a small or medium in shirts. She is really tall and slender. She wears a size 10 or 9 1/2 shoe.




    Any help will be greatly appreciated.


  15. I could go by Saturday if you tell me what you're looking for. I wouldn't have a problem picking out 14 year old clothes.


    Sounds like the 14 year old is about my size? I'll hit up my closet. ^_^ ;)


    that would be awesome girlie. thanks! She's looking for anything right now. They just walked out with what they had on their backs. So anything will work right now. Thanks again.


  16. Hey, I just saw your post. If you can come by the store, I'll let you pick out some things for them. I'm sure I have the sizes. We are open from 10:00 - 6:00. We'll be happy to help out!


    Mary McFall

    The Endless Yard Sale Store

    355 Paulding Plaza

    Dallas GA 30132



    It will probably be tuesday before I can make it out depending on work hours. Those are the same I work as well. I will definitely come by to check it out. Thank you so much...Lisa.



    the man's jean size is 46x30, or 46x32. thanks.

  17. Not to be a killjoy here LB28, but they DID not lose everything. They escaped with their lives. They may have lost material objects but the insurance company WILL take care of that. If they need a few things to get them by in the interum I believe that the PCOM community will take care of that through you of course. But they still have the most important thing and that is LIFE.


    (sorry, just one of my things, everything is everything. They still have much more than they know especially with a friend like you.)



    I know. I'm very thankful for that. They do have insurance, but need things in the interim. Insurance will probably not kick in until next week, and they need clothes, food until then. They walked out just with the clothes on their back( and their lives).


    My dh has some pants size 58-30 that are too big for him now. He's welcome to them if they would work.


    I'm not sure of his pants size, but I will let her know.


  18. My daughter is in the process of going through her "high school" clothes (cleaning out) preparing for college. She wears a 2, 4 and sometimes 5 depending on the style. Do you know the shirt size for the 14 year old? I'll let you know what we get together.



    she's small/medium..thanks!

  19. thank you everybody. They need everything, not just clothes. They lost EVERYTHING. This just happened yesterday, so they are staying in hotels right now, but I can take anything and keep it until they need it. I have a basement, so storage is not an issue. Thanks again!

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