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Everything posted by LPPT

  1. Sounds perfect to me, I don't have any plans so far. I will pm you my number.
  2. I wish I had known you were up that way today, in fact I thought about you passing through to and from the doctor. I thought I should call and see if she is up this way we could do lunch. When are we going to try the Crossroads Grill?
  3. I have talked to a couple of friends that have been bitten. Chiggers are the debil
  4. In 2007 Paulding county published the results of the planning committee. Economic development uses the maps for planning and growth. It is my understanding that this was to prevent what we saw happen during the building boom. You can tell by the map were we will have industrial growth in the future. We have no large venues here for trade shows or entertainment of any kind. Basically without those it is almost impossible to put on anything successful, because you don't have anything large enough or with enough parking. I don't know many details about the amphitheater. I do know that wi
  5. Your kidding me right? surely you need some plastic chotsky( how the hell do you spell that again, my memory grows thin after 25 years) to to get by. I bought the hottest damn bathing suit at the Hiram Walmart last week. I thought to myself the new buyer needs a huge raise. They will probably fire her for showing them up, those under her are experts at clearance the garbage, it's job security and all that crap.
  6. Um I really do understand self employment. From day one I understand it. I also understand the responsibility that goes along with it. Even more I understand the sacrifice. There was a time when Walmart was entitled to their success. Nobody forced them to take on the responsibility of the largest single employer in the nation. We have every right to expect them to live up to that role or move over and let others do it better.
  7. I am the first to admit that my math skills are non existent. I have always felt that you were very intelligent. What is the equivalent of 3.5 trillion? If we are going to stress over percentages we need to know what kind of money we are talking about. What percentage is the lowest tier of the middle class paying percentage wise to supplement the Walmart worker, versus the 3.5 percent profit margin of Walmart. If you don't make enough to defend yourself, we understand.
  8. Their wages being the lowest does not bother me, not at all. They don't deserve to make as much as skilled labor. What bothers me is their wages are so far below the true cost of living, that those skilled workers making a good living are taxed to make up the difference.I never said I wanted to be obligated to make those companies profitable. I struggled and sacrificed to build a business, I did not work that hard to have to make them a success also. It is just about as unfair of a system as it can be. Cut these people off, They will not be able to go to work for these companies, they won;t
  9. Building a success on a business model that is only profitable because you hire only part time to take advantage of lower minimum wage rates while the people making enough money to owe taxes pays for the survival of your employees does not sit well with some of us. Especially when you are the single largest employer in the country. Add in these businesses using the same business model the numbers are staggering. McDonald’s 400,000 Target 355,000 Kroger 338,000 Sears Holdings 312,000 CVS 201,000 Home Depot 189,390 Safeway 180,000 Walgreen 155,200 Darden Restaurants 150,100 Gap 15
  10. I also think it is unfair to target just Walmart. I was surprised to see some of these other retail companies as high as they are on the list. Walmart raising wages would be a big push to the economy. This would not be so bad if many of these better companies that pay good wages and benefits had not experienced flat wages. Most of the pay raises in the better companies have barely kept up with the huge increases in healthcare premiums. The bottom line in health care reform is to move the middleman out of healthcare and push more money into healthcare. Opposite of what people believe this will
  11. They can completely move out of the entire country as far as I am concerned, let them see if some other country will support their workers.
  12. It is not a true profit when the taxpayer subsidizes it. Their employees do not personally contribute a dime to the economy. You and I move the economy by not only paying our way but theirs also. It is not a job it is slavery the live the bare minimum of existence in this country. Remove the entitlements they live on and watch the whole house of cards fall.
  13. http://georgiasexportimporthighway.com/Studies.html Project Summary Two Georgia Regional Commissions (RC's) - Three Rivers RC and Middle Georgia RC in partnership with the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT), local governments, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and other agencies, desire to begin a corridor study to identify feasible location and alignment alternatives for a multi-lane highway facility between LaGrange and Macon, Georgia. The study area spans approximately eighty (80) miles from I-85 near LaGrange to I-75 near Macon. A detailed scope of work, which ent
  14. Lets just say that the reality is that 40% of any population is either not smart enough or ambitious enough to do any more than the min wage jobs require. What do we do with the 40%? We do indeed have enough jobs for them, we accept that they need the basics, certainly we will not euthanize them based on their lack of inborn abilities. This is where the problem is, we reward the employer by giving them a break on wages and benefits by working these people part time. They shift the burden to us the tax payer. A simple solution is to change that, simply reverse it. Penalize them for only
  15. So you accept that we want the government to take our tax dollars to supplement cheap shopping sprees for the American people. You can't rail against welfare, then turn around and say it is ok because I want cheap fast food and cheap products. You can have one or the other, not both. You stop supplementing you will have one of 2 things. They will begin to raise the wages and charge you more or you will have street rioting, Street rioting could solve the problem if we chose to mow the looters and rioters down with automatic weapons. I don't see the position of Mexicans in our country any dif
  16. We are simply doing what we have been doing for years and that is supplementing cheap labor. The Mexicans need to take a long hard look at what happens to the cheap labor Americans import. I just saw an article going around that says Walmart employees cost the taxpayer about 6000.00 a year in food stamps, supplemented housing, and medical. I have been saying for years that it is not my job as a taxpayer to supplement the living of a business owners employee so the can build wealth. Yes the owners of the businesses are indeed building wealth. It is simply another false market created by ele
  17. I am not surprised at all. The Atlanta papers have very few stories period worth reading. The bottom line is this is a story that any journalist would want to write and publish. I don't see it as a race issue but apathy, if the stories aren't spoon fed to the reporters then they don't go after them. Look at the hatchet job done on Dr.Lugar last week. I think it has more to do with lack of coverage period.
  18. Somebody would have to have noticed. I wonder about the inspector inspecting the dumpster maybe they intended to tell him they were going to throw it out, then bring it all back in when he left.
  19. Golden Corral Dumpster Food? Golden Corral says it fired a manager from one of its restaurants after a rogue employee uploaded a stomach-churning video showing dozens of pounds of raw meat left outside near a dumpster. The employee in the video said the food would be brought back inside to be served to customers. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/08/golden-corral-dumpster_n_3560786.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular
  20. I talked to my daddy today and he is in full remission for the first time in 2 years
  21. Actually the airport is the best chance we have for getting a large industry that pays great wages. Companies in the business can deal with no interstate, but they must have an airport. Many of the surrounding airports are maxed out on space. This could happen to us if we piddle away that land to very small companies before a large one comes along. We have a large labor pool of qualified people working outside the county. We are not fighting we are discussing, you know like families that get really loud and you think they are pissed and a minute later everyone is cool.
  22. Thank you for the article, the rain has made a fungus nightmare in my garden this year, especially the plants I mulch.
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