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Everything posted by joemturner

  1. On September 12 I'm performing at a benefit in Spring Hill, TN to raise money for the Alzheimer's Association. It will be an afternoon/evening (3pm to 9pm) affair with live music, magic, food vendors, an auction, etc. If you have friends, family, or colleagues in the area - and I'm sure many of you do - please encourage them to take a lawn chair to Evans Park and pay a $5 admission to be part of a good cause. Thanks in advance.
  2. I spend a good amount of time in airports and try not to let an opportunity pass to say "Thank you." It is a rare day when a serviceman who is in line with me at the airport newsstand or concession stand has to buy his own Coke!
  3. For those who have wanted to say something but didn't know how...
  4. After being gone last weekend for a private event and then spending most of last week in Las Vegas, I am back in town and will be performing at Paisano's tonight from 6pm to 9pm. Come out and enjoy the fun!
  5. I've kept my dang mouth shut and avoided conflict for at least a couple of weeks now. That should be worth something.
  6. I thought about taking a pic with my blackberry, but I ultimately decided that the possibility of working on the show or with this director again in the future was worth more than a snapshot.
  7. I'm back in town and will be performing at Paisano's on Cedarcrest tonight from 6pm to 9pm. Hope some of you can make it - please tell your friends!
  8. Set was closed and posted with "No Photograph" signs everywhere. I would have loved to get a snapshot but it was not possible. She is pretty but there is no doubt that makeup and cameras soften some of her features. She kept the cast and crew waiting for about 90 minutes until she was 'ready' to go. I can see how some of her attitude might be difficult to work with over time. That said, once in place and ready, she seemed very energetic and bubbly. She certainly didn't have to bother to shake my hand but she did and went for the whole "kiss kiss" thing to boot. So there you go.
  9. With Paula Abdul in the news and being discussed here on pcom, I thought I'd mention my brush with fame this week while it was still topical. I got a call on Tuesday that the Lifetime show "Drop Dead Diva" needed a magic consultant for a bit in an episode being taped this week. I met with the director, assistant directors and the actor in question on Tuesday and went down for the taping yesterday. (I was just a consultant and technical adviser for the episode and will not appear on the show.) Hung out in the trailer with Jackson Hurst until the taping began, then just hung out on set.
  10. If I flew airtran more, I might consider buying a pass... this might convince me to give them more of my patronage, though!
  11. I'm in the air flying to Los Angeles and decided to try out AirTran's inflight internet service -- at least to see how much it cost. Turns out there was an outage and I couldn't connect to anything except their live chat support. They said the system was down but when it came back up, I'd get a promo code for free access. So now I'm logged in and surfing for free... checking my Facebook and pcom... remembering how weird I felt the first time I used a cordless phone, first time I had wifi, first cell phone, first cell access to internet... and now inflight internet! I'll be gone for
  12. Back at Paisano's tonight! See you between 6pm and 9pm! I leave Sunday morning for a week in Los Angeles, so this is my last performance in town for a while. Hope to see you there!
  13. Just off Old Cartersville, in the large area behind that new Chevron.
  14. I loved my recent visit - I have enjoyed eating at River House seafood and the Cotton Exchange Tavern when I have been out in Savannah performing. Have a great trip and happy anniversary.
  15. 1. "Crud that passes for disinformation" according to whose judgment, and measured by whose standard? Those are rhetorical questions, of course -- it's still the publisher's prerogative how to manage the publication -- unless it gets nationalized or something. My point is simply that the views (and biases) of the person who owns the sandbox are a valid consideration to keep in mind when such judgments as the one above are being discussed. Comments like that quote are illuminating. 2. Please note that the comment above is not political. It's simply an observation about THIS discussio
  16. The show airs again tonight at 9pm on Channel 30 - Public Broadcasting Atlanta. In addition to the magic I perform during the actual segment, there are also clips of my performances in the teasers before the show (shown after the previous show concludes) and during the opening segment. The segment itself is now on YouTube and you can view it
  17. After missing a few weekends due to performances around the country, I'll be back at Paisano's on Cedarcrest this Saturday night. Don't miss it! I just got back from two *sold-out* theater shows in Mississippi, a corporate meeting in Mississippi, a speaking engagement for Greystone and other EMCs in Savannah, and two presentations on a church mission trip in Jacksonville. I have two meetings on Friday, and I leave Sunday for a week at the Magic Castle in Hollywood.** This Saturday, though, I'll be entertaining at Paisano's from 6pm to 9pm and I hope to see you there! I'm going to miss
  18. The finished product will air on WABE during July and August, but it is now available for viewing online. I’m quite pleased with how it turned out. This link takes you straight to the page where you can read about the segment and click to view the video: http://tinyurl.com/mp4f43 The segment treats both the club and the art of magic with a wonderful combination of humor and respect.
  19. Oops, my mistake. That was Sotomayor. (ETA: Just kidding, people. Don't have a cow.)
  20. I remember getting creeped out by that show when I was a kid. And I stumbled across the new series just today while changing channels.
  21. Just a quick P.S. Did anyone happen to get any pictures of the lit marquee? I didn't have anyone taking photos this time (unfortunately) and so I wondered if there might be someone reading who got a snapshot. Thanks. JMT
  22. Just wanted to say "THANK YOU" to those who came out for the show. It went very smoothly and Lenay Walker could not have been more helpful. She is a real pro. Caroline Folsom did a fantastic job and I am thankful for her participation. We raised enough money for a healthy donation, but we did not raise as much money as I had hoped. Despite having scheduled the show way back in February, the PR for this one never seemed to get off the ground. We eventually ended up being at the same time as a bluegrass festival and a fireworks display... although we actually were done well before
  23. Thanks to Pubby & Jeremy (or Jeremey?) for mentioning my show in the weekly news video. I hope many of you will be able to make it down to the Dallas Theater tonight at 7 for the show. Bring the family, bring the neighbors... we'll have a grand time. House opens at 6:30pm and it's general admission. You can get tickets at the door. Have a great weekend... JMT
  24. http://www.pauldingcountyschoolfoundation.org My support of an organization's initiative or goal is not predicated on a complete agreement with everything they have ever championed. What I am supporting here is an organization's mission to award scholarships to students and grants to teachers as part of their mission. I know there was a divisive issue a few years back and there were multiple points of view, but this show is not about that issue. It is about providing additional opportunities to students and teachers, providing needed services and extended capabilities to schools, helpi
  25. Here's a quick trick you can do at home: 1. Take any regular 6-sided die from a board game -- Monopoly, whatever. 2. Roll it a couple of times to make sure it's fair. 3. Roll it again, and whatever number comes up, add that to the number on the opposite face of the die -- that is, the number touching the table. 4. Have you got that sum in mind? Hold it in your thoughts... focus... and concentrate... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The number you are thinking of is... 7. Which, oddly enough, is the starting time of Mi
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