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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. Sitting home...again. My foot is still jacked up and I was going to the lake and the podiatrist said He said...saltwater or cholorine pools only.
  2. He stuck a knife all the way through his little sister and stuck her to the wall.. ummm yeah. he needs to be DIRT!
  3. Up next should be Nick Tate!
  4. Casey Anthony don't have nothing on Andy. He is the description of evil
  5. Nathan still around. He lived with the next door neighbor. That is the same next door neighbor whos house he ran to and had call the cops. Nathan don't want to have anything to do with his brother. He will not return letters or anything from his brother. We had to do a project on death row inmates.
  6. meh... if you like them...you like them. I don't care for them. Lots of names I've never heard of and the ones I did try I didn't like.
  7. Mob Wives, Swamp People, Cake Boss,
  8. I can tell you that if you put rubbing alcohol on the inside of the area and put the boot on...it will stretch it. I do this with mine. This is a trick that the Ariat dealer told me at horsetown.
  9. If you knew any of the austell officers....that would be the best town to rob..
  10. Yes I just came by there... evidently someone was left the roadway headed west bound on Nebo and ended up rolling the car/vehicle through the pasture on the opposite side of the roadway. If you live in that subdivision the car ended up right behind that first houses little shed they have on the side.
  11. Giver a bullet so she will understand I keed...I keed.
  12. I think it's great that BFL has a compassion about EVERYTHING she talks about. But her passions are not mine. Underage drinking already has laws and punishments set forth for those who do it. We all know that underage drinking is bad and most parents try to steer their snowflakes away from it. LOTS of bad stuff can happen while drinking at ANY age. While I do understand where she is coming from...parents are trying to be friends with their kids. I see them dropping them off at stars and strikes or the movies just to hang out. I also see those kids running across the street to go to the ga
  13. BFL.. it makes NO sense that a parent would actually think that their little snowflake is away at college a not party'n/having sex/staying out all hours of the night. We are not living in 60's or 70's. I grew up in the 70's and 80's. MY parents wasn't blind. They TAUGHT me right from wrong. What this ADULT did was illegal. It almost cost her too. Stop trying to make this like an 8 yr old was hitting the bottle.
  14. I loved it...I'm planning on adding it to the dvd collection. I saw Battle Los Angles.... umm yeah.. Glad I only spent $5 seeing it. It was ok...to sci-fi for me. I will not be buying the dvd
  15. Thanks Bigsky. I will do that. That will be great to take with us for snacks during the park.
  16. NC...how do you make pepper jelly? That sounds good!
  17. LR...with my gimp foot... I'm thinking about it.
  18. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Marcus M. Cherry....age 18 died in Iraq serving his country.... I really could give a flip about an ADULT who was breaking the law, got drunk and fell face first into a wall. Underage drinking is ILLEGAL for everyone under the age of 21 in ALL 50 states. So your girl got 'too' drunk on something she shouldn't have been doing PERIOD. But you keep claiming how good of a girl she is..blah, blah, blah. Of course she ( the mom) didn't think her precious snowflake was doing anything wrong.
  19. Jetman...there will be NO cooking inside. This all has to be done outside.
  20. Ok we are going to Disney for a week in Aug and we are taking the motorhome. We thought about just buying the dining packages but the DSD wants to do the camping experience. She is 8 and this is her first camping trip and trip to Disney. So I am in need of campsite type foods that would be easy to cook and easy to clean up. I don't want anything complicated where I have to take a million ingredients. Oh and don't say grilled fish we won't be having that. So far here is what I have: Hamburgers (turkey) Hot Dogs (turkey) Frito Pies Grilled Pizza's Smores (of course)
  21. Good luck... have you tried VBRO.com? http://www.vrbo.com/40395 All I've been seeing is 950 and up
  22. Congrats MrDis.... Are you buying your bike from the Honda Dealership there? That's where we bought the vtx
  23. it's not about class...but I can tell you that a store clerk don't know about site design and the in's and out's of land development. Hell..I don't know about being a store clerk...but I do know about land development. I will tell you that when we are doing site development for Chick-Fil-A and Home Depot...we don't talk to the employees of the stores. They have their own engineers and architect.
  24. It was actually north of Nebo. Between nebo and arbor walk.
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