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Everything posted by ThornwoodMom

  1. I have you all in my prayers.
  2. The fact that former member supports her tells me everything I need to know about Ms. Morrison's "conservative values."
  3. Could not agree more. Cologne and perfume makes me wanna gag. ETA: Sweat smells great on certain people.
  4. Seriously, they should be scared of you. If they are not, it's probably because some dummy has been feeding it and it will likely end up getting put down. very sad.
  5. Awe bears won't hurt ya...they just want to hold ya real tight and roll around on the ground with ya for a couple hours, they are lovable like that.
  6. Wait a minute, here are her words: So explain to me, under HB87, just what happens when a vehicle you are riding in is profiled, stopped, and everyone asked for their papers? Your driver’s license is NOT proof of citizenship or that you are here legally. Wrong. Under HB87 your driver's license is proof of legality What do you do? As written, LEOs can stop ANYONE and demand to see their papers.Wrong, must have probable cause If they do not have any proof of legally being in this country they can be taken to jail and detained until such time they can obtain proof of their citizenship. Y
  7. Ooohhh I get it now! She was totally on point and read the case law extensively on that point, but then posted total made-up bs on the rest of the proposed law. okkk. PS: I'm done. If you support Ms. Morrison, that really tells me all I need to know about her.
  8. Nope. Only lets you off the hook as pertains to this law. There are other laws pertaining to fraudulently getting a driver's license.
  9. She was NOT making that point, read the rest of her post. And read the proposed law. If Juan, or Bubba, are pulled over for probable cause, and produces a valid driver's license, they are good to go, no further "papers" needed. Yes, there are a few problems nationwide with driver's licenses being fraudulent, but I see nothing unconstitutional in this law. What about the rest of Ms. Morrison's post, and what about the neighbors cousin causing you to get a felony charge? All BS. Care to use your extensive intellect to explain to me what she "actually" meant on that? Since you seem to be so intui
  10. Oh? It's going over MY head? We have a candidate who can't or won't even read the proposed law as it is written but makes ridiculously false claims about it and you think it's going over my head...laughable.
  11. Considering how obviously mistaken she is about the entire content of the law, I don't think that was the point she was making at all. In fact, a driver's license is proof enough if the law says it is proof enough. But I'm not here to debate that with you. I am trying to determine who I'm going to vote for. As of now, I have only concluded who I'm NOT going to vote for.
  12. I only meant in the context of HB87. It was stated by Ms. Morrison, that a driver's license was not sufficient to prove citizenship under the provisions of HB87, when the bill clearly states that is not true. ETA: Next time I will try to be more clear so that people who join the conversation in the middle of a post on page 5 will know what I'm talking about.
  13. "Concerning HB87 and the DREAM Act.......I clearly stated I have NOT read and looked at all the details in the DREAM Act." Ms. Morrison, you seem to be indicating that you DID read HB87. A quick google search indicates that most if not ALL of the facts you posted about it, and you even included an example about a neighbor's cousin, were false! Please clear up this discrepancy. Your potential constituents can't overlook this blatant disregard for the truth. Thank you.
  14. A brief review of HB87 refutes much of what was said above. You must have more than 7 illegals in your car to be convicted of a felony punishable by 1-5 years. A drivers license is proof of citizenship. And they still have to have probable cause to pull you over. Had me worried for a minute! 17-5-100. (a) As used in this Code section, the term 'illegal alien' means a person who has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of federal law. ( During any stop of a criminal suspect by a law enforcement officer, where the officer has probable cause to believe that such su
  15. I haven't decided who I'm supporting yet. I was hoping a thread like this would help. Not feeling it so far. I will say I looked at Ms. Braddock's voting record in the House and liked what I saw. ETA: I think some missed my point. It's really not about spelling. It's about working somewhere for years and not, somewhere along the way, picking up on how to spell the name of your workplace.
  16. Announcing your candidacy is pretty formal correspondence. Your mom would've probably used spell-check for that.
  17. I'm not a spelling nazi, but I would have a problem with my admin asst since 2009 (if my math is correct) if they still could not spell "veterinarian." I thought it was a typo, and kept waiting for the edit, but it's still there. Also, it seems to the average viewer that someone besides her is pushing this campaign. In fact, since the previous comments were made, I saw the name of the candidate below in the "reading this topic" list, but no response from her.
  18. Does anyone else have any recent experience with Dr. Szumstein? If so, would you please pm me? GG, thanks for starting this topic!
  19. I've been seeing Szumstein for a number of years. He can be ill-tempered and abrasive and he has a very poor bedside manner. However, he diagnosed what was wrong with me after 20 years of mus-diagnosis, so I've felt a sense of loyalty to him. But after a couple of recent incidents, I'm going to have to find a new doctor, maybe in the same practice. I've been thinking that this is the person who would be responsible for my life if I was in the hospital on a ventilator, or unable to speak for myself, and I'm no longer comfortable with him in that aspect. The negative comments in this thread are
  20. Wow! Yikes! I can't believe he just drove right through that in that little fishing boat! I wonder what could have drawn so many gators to that one area...
  21. S & D's Nana, I agree with you 100%. Your story is heartbreaking, it must be very painful for you to read some of these replies. I am glad that you shared it with us, talking about it can be therapeutic as well as instructive.
  22. Hopefully, cooler heads will prevail and they can work out a reasonable time frame for her to move. If he goes through the court with an eviction, it will be on her record and will show up on background checks that her future landlords will run. As a landlord, that's the last thing you want to see on a background check.
  23. This is so cute! Thanks for sharing the pic!
  24. I guess a track pack is so small it can't be detected when they flip through the money? That's pretty cool technology.
  25. Maybe you are just lucky like that. I don't judge parents of teens anymore until I hear the whole story. No matter what. OK I've read more of the story now. 15yr girl wants to go to a party at 1am so bad that she gets in a physical fight with her dad over it? There's one scratch on her neck and HE goes to jail? Assault and battery my a$$. I FULLY support this parent and the law needs to keep their nose out of it. I think some are looking more at who he is, rather than what the facts are.
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