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Everything posted by Bradybunchmom

  1. Maybe since staff reported that will make a difference and they can cut out some of the teacher work days or early release days to make up for this time.
  2. We love Doctor Miles and his whole office staff. He takes his time and really pays attention to what you are telling him and always knows just what questions to ask.
  3. I know part of the reasons for the school closings is the fact that there are several MAIN roads closed with very large S/D's (they are so large that they have their own bus). With the current economic situation and the amount of rerouting it would take to get these kids to school at this point is, well just a little on the expensive side. . I would also like to say that we have a GREAT Director of Transportation and I can assure you all that his GREATEST concern is the SAFETY of each and every child that rides a Paulding County School Bus and if he thinks there is the slightest bit of dang
  4. I talked to Scarlet last night and they went down to the store - but couldn't really tell much. The fireman that was there did tell them that the one good thing was, was that the water had started to crest so any more rain would just run off. They really won't know until it gets daylight. There are a lot of business down 92 that may have similiar problems, please pray for them all.
  5. Hey Hoshi, I have been wondering how you were doing with all of this. I saw an awesome show on TV this weekend called The Locator. It's on WE TV. Since you have so much info I bet they would be able to help you. It would be worth going to the web site and sending them your info. http://www.wetv.com/the-locator/index.php Good Luck!!!
  6. My daughter had Mr. Looney this year and loved him. She said he was the only teacher she's ever had that really helped her get Math. She was upset when we heard about it Sunday. From what we understood it was a Massive heartattack and he hadn't been sick or anything. He really was a great guy and a great teacher.
  7. Mine took the camper down and did some work Saturday- I'm ready for it too.
  8. Yep- me too. My dad would be at the football games and we would leave after the game go hunting for the weekend and I'm sure I stayed out of a lot of trouble. We are teaching our kids to hunt and take the time to teach correctly. The pics are awesome
  9. Teach your kids to hunt and you won't have to hunt your kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the heck is wrong with kids having a hobby? I wish they had had something like this when I was a Senior.
  10. That one makes me nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. At Christmas time- Curl's had some big stuffed animals on all fours. I got my granddaughter a stuffed deer.
  12. and make a little Pumpkin Patch board (like on a thick piece of cardboard or billboard) for the pics to go on.
  13. I am so glad that your daughter was found and is safe. Sometimes with some kids they always have to learn things the hard way and if your faith in God is as strong as it seems on here then you may just have to throw your hands up and say- "OK God, here ya go!" Please just take care of her. I am speaking from personal experience on that one.
  14. My 18 month old g'daughter will eat almost anything- not much on meat unless we put a little ketchup on it. She will eat brocilli, collard greens, green beans, fried cabbage, carrotts, almost everything except peas. Hubby picked some tomatos out of the garden the other night and she ate one whole (like an apple) she will eat squash and all kinds of fruit even lemons. Frosted Shredded wheat cereal too and loves V8 splash. She does better if we just put her in her chair and let her feed herself.
  15. We went today and got 9 shirts, 1 pair of shorts and 1 pair of Levi's for 126.00 and we also used our 10.00 coupon. I am holding off on Kohl's until this weekend (tax free) they are having their Power Hours on Friday and Saturday plus I got a card for 15% off of my total purchase.
  16. Thought this was neat. I for one do NOT want anyone but my Dr. and I choosing my health care plan. www.docs4patientcare.org click on Patient letter.
  17. Prayers for this soldiers family. God Bless them all.
  18. Prayers for all of these families. Thank you to all of those who have given for our country
  19. I would love to have the password, I sent a mod a pm about a week ago for the password and still havent gotten it. Oh well
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