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Everything posted by Bradybunchmom

  1. That comes from you being a parent instead of a friend and teaching him, I would venture to say, about trust and giving your word, and paying attention to the things that he does.
  2. You could always get her a car- a matchbox one or remote control one. lol My ex wanted a boat one year- so I got him one- a Hunter Dan one and put it in his stocking. (He didn't think it was to funny). My kids want way to much that cost way to much! I told them it's just us now and a good Christmas will be having the bills paid. lol
  3. Here's the link for the story. http://www.kfvs12.com/Global/story.asp?S=13529337
  4. Woooooo Hooooooo!!!! I've been hunting all season ~ haven't seen anything but noisy squirrels, a red headed woodpecker and a couple of white tails flashing, so I'll try my best not to shoot the little ones! lol
  5. So do the tickets come with tree stand time too??????
  6. I understand where you're coming from, I deal with kids everyday and know some of their parents and the stuff those kids do just floors me - knowing what their parents would do to them if they found out their kid was acting that way. lol I don't know who you are under this name, but thank you for the kind words.
  7. Believe me that post was not directed at you or anyone else who punishes their child/children when they do something wrong and lose their minds- I am a single parent & have two boys at home and tell my 14 yo all the time - if he makes it to 15, it'll be nothing short of a miracle (puberty and all)! I guess I should have made clear that I was referring to those parents - who believe that their child/children could do NO wrong and it's always someone else's fault for why they are in trouble. You know the ones- not my little angel- they are perfect and would never do that..........
  8. I would venture to say that he was not dealt with harshly enough for him to learn a lesson. If more parents would be parents instead of friends and support the admin, then the admin in these schools wouldn't have to worry so much about the potential outcome of the punishments that are handed down.
  9. I drive out of SPHS and they are open today. Did not see any extra SO's there this morning when I dropped the "little darlins" off and did not hear any of the "little darlins" say anything about a bomb threat there today.
  10. Just a little article I "ran across"! http://ncaafootball.fanhouse.com/2010/11/15/starting-11-cam-newton-will-eventually-be-declared-ineligible/?a_dgi=aolshare_facebook
  11. I don't know that I'd really change anything. I'm at the best place I've ever been in my life and have the most wonderful people in it because of every stupid choice I made and wrong road that I took.
  12. I don't know that I'd really change anything. I'm at the best place I've ever been in my life and have the most wonderful people in it because of every stupid choice and wrong road that I took.
  13. LOL!!! I was wondering how long it was gonna take you! Who knows this year you might even get to send me a "Sorry for your loss"!!!
  14. This new t-shirt for Cam is almost as good as the Urban Cryer one. Couldn't upload the pic- but here's the link! http://www.smackapparel.com/WebModules/ShoppingCart/ProductImageView.aspx?productId=463
  15. I go to a Pentacostal church and we have people who dress from one end of the spectrum to the other, we even have women in our congregation who have short hair, we have people with tats and piercings and some who ride motorcycles and come in their leather, heck Sister Jessie even comes to our church sometimes. I can honestly say, no one has ever been "reprimanded" because of their looks or the way they dress. I'm pretty sure Jesus never turned anyone away because of their apperence or manner of dress.
  16. Had mine out a couple of years ago after winding up in ER with a full blown gall bladder attack (that's some painful stuff) - went home the same day, was a little sore for a few days, other than that no issues. I will second and third all the comments about what you eat afterward.
  17. Glad everyone is ok!! Prayers for all involved and so glad the wife of the suspected drunk driver wasn't in the car with him!!!! p.s. (It still blows my mind everytime I see "A" get on the bus at the high school! Hey came over and spoke to me one day and I was like "What are you doing at the high school?" He said, "Ms. Amy- I'm in the 9th grade now!" lol and it just made me feel old remembering when he was on my elem bus!!!! :-)
  18. LOL- that's what he said!!! :-) I told him if I didn't make him made and he didn't think I was mean sometimes I wasn't doing my job right! lol
  19. Thank you- just got a text that it was back on. lol My son thought having no power at school was a great reason for him to leave- I just told him to pretend like he was in the Little House on the Prarie days and he'd be fine. lol
  20. the power is out at Scoggins Middle School?
  21. It's usually not a good idea for me to watch BAMA play out in public somewhere! I have trouble sitting down and using my inside voice when they play, espically when they do like they did Saturday!!!! I think I will be watching the game with my BF and his kids- his oldest son is Bama fan and the BF and his youngest son are FL fans (bless their hearts!).
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