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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. I'm hoping to go to Rodney's for the $6.99 steak special. DH has been at the Braves game and is on his way home. (I gave my ticket to his co-worker since the tickets were given to us by DH customer. WAY to hot for an afternoon game for me!!!) Hoping after a shower he'll want to go to Rodney's.
  2. I believe Juror #3 is the one who ABC paid for her entire family to go to Disney World + monetary compensation for her interview that has already aired at least twice. Those who choose to go public that is totally different.
  3. I also have concerns over their names being released. People have taken this case to heart and I have no doubt some would be willing to cause bodily harm to the Jurors "to get Justice for Caylee". To answer the original question - NO!!
  4. YUMMMMM....the lunch special sounds AWESOME!!! Is the steak special good all day/evening? DH, I and another couple came out on Monday about 7:00 but found y'all were closed. My friend had gotten the email about the special but there was nothing on the email about closing early. We were loyal customers to get out in that thunderstorm and torrential rain!!!
  5. Ironic, huh???? But to answer to PO's statement - no some of us don't but it is no fault of our own. Just sayin.
  6. I agree 100%!!! I will NOT be buying any books relating to Caylee's death or watching any movies about it. If everyone would boycott anything to do with it and the sponsors the profiteers would go away quickly.
  7. They were paid a minimal amount to be on the Jury. Many employers also continue to pay a portion of the Jurors income. Not all, but some. This is also the Juror who was observed taking a lot of notes during the trial and there has been speculation he will write a book with those notes.
  8. Yeah, I'm watching. I found it interesting that Baez dropped out of HS, got is GED in the army and then went to college on his VA benefits. I knew they kept saying during the hearing that he didn't have much experience. He'd only been an attorney 2 yrs when he took on Casey's case 2 yrs ago. IF Casey was smart (and that is a huge IF) she would go ahead and write a book with the specific details of what happened to the highest bidder. And title it "Everyone wants to know what happened: THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED". She cannot be tried again because of Double Jeopardy. She will never be employable
  9. I expect her to get out tomorrow with time served. She has a year probation on the check fraud charge remaining so she'll probably get the 4th year of the lying to the police added as a year of probation. What time is her sentencing hearing? Juror #3 was to be on Nancy Grace tonight = she is the one who said she did not find Casey innocent only found that the prosecution did not prove their case. She also said the Jurors were sick to their stomachs that they had to find her Not Guilty. ABC has paid for her and her family to go to Disney World in exchange for her interview. Another Juror h
  10. NEW INVENTORY ADDED TODAY!! Sorry the Dale, Sr card set pic is so large. I minimized it all the way to tiny and it STILL stayed large.
  11. :rofl: :rofl: Casey has an offer from a porn company to appear in a porn movie!!
  12. Tim Miller, founder of the search organization that searched for Caylee are considering a law suit. They search for MISSING people and Baez stated "Caylee was NEVER missing." This organization put in a LOT of man hours and money into searching for a "missing" Caylee.
  13. They are now talking about releasing the names of the Jurors. It was obvious by their refusal to attend the planned press conference yesterday that they do not want to go public. I can't say that I blame them for not doing the press conference - I wouldn't want to face the media knowing the mass majority did not agree with the decision. BUT......to release their names and make their lives public??? There are a LOT of emotion involved in this case (as proved right here in Paulding County!) and people are upset at the verdict. Can you imagine the fear of having those livid folks coming after YOU
  14. VERY TRUE!! We have all the CSI series, TruTV Forensic series, etc, etc. Not all cases are so black and white and cannot be solved in 60 mins. BUT......the public has come to believe that IF it is a crime it should have all the dynamics of forensics to SHOW and PROVE to us what happened!!
  15. AWWWWWW......Aren't you a Sweetie!?!?!?
  16. THANKS, LR. NOW I am crying again for Casey Marie!!!
  17. Yeah, I am very familiar with Rhett and Scarlett's last statements to each other. I apologize, I was (and still am) ILL over the verdicts. I shouldn't have taken my frustration out on you. SORRY!!!
  18. I didn't say I give a damn - because I DO NOT. Just curious since as of right now she has NO money and NO family go to go. BIG difference in pondering the question and giving a damn. Just making it clear My Dear.
  19. Reckon where she is going????? She has NO family support NO obvious friend support......Where will she live once she is released from jail.....probably tomorrow??????
  20. NOOOOOOO THERE IS NOT!!!! Now she can go PARTEEEEEE ALL the time!!!
  21. ME EITHER!!! Not even manslaughter! I AM SOOOOO P*SS*D!!! NO JUSTICE FOR POOR CAYLEE!!!!
  22. I think it is going to be on ALL channels but for sure HLN and TruTV. Here is a link for those who need to watch on the computer: http://www.wftv.com/caseyanthony/index.html
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