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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. I prefer to remember Whitney in your "Bodyguard" years. I know she fought addiction to drugs/alcohol but she was also addicted to Bobby Brown for MANY years. Such a sad loss and waste!!! I feel so badly for her famly and especially her daughter. While saddened over the death of Whitney Houston it brought back sweet memories of a long ago vacation. We were living in AL but were spending the week with friends in Stone Mountain. We had been to White Water and the only place to eat as we headed home at bedtime was Waffle House. Three year old DS told the waitress "I can sing". She asked him t
  2. To The Dugout/Coach David.....I had thought about this members comment about her son's allergy earlier today. Knowing that you use peanut oil I was going to make a suggestion that you post inside the restaurant about using peanut oil. I am sure most folks will ask if they do have an allergy to nuts but you might want to make it known???? Not only would it be helpful to the public but it could also be good for you, too.
  3. Glad your wings were cooked the way you like them. I had no doubt. We order our wings dry/crispy lemon pepper and they are always cooked to perfection.
  4. He has had the same doctors: 1-WC, 1-WC Pain Mgt, 1-WC Surgeon for the past 6+mos. Thanks. We were told 60%. Guess every little bit helps. We have been told he would get paid for the first 21 days retroactive but I assume that is wrong. Can you message this to me, please???? THANKS.
  5. There has never been any smoking there when we have been - and we've been many times. It is a non-smoking restaurant as all are in GA that are not over 18 exclusive. This is a kid friendly restaurant. I have never had the salad with grill chicken but I've had the chef salad several times. It is always very fresh, cold and GOOD!!!! I love their ranch dressing too.
  6. Very true Pubby. THANKS!! (BTW, Did you get my PM???)
  7. Thanks for the info. DH reported is injury immediately when he was hurt and was sent to the WC doctor. He has been under doctor's care since then - Aug. 3rd but has continued to work. His surgery is FINALLY scheduled for March 16th. So once he goes out of work with the surgery he will be covered for those 21 days. He had just heard conficting info about being paid for the first 21 days.
  8. I have a friend who is in need of an AGGRESSIVE divorce/custody attorney. She doesn't want one recommended because he/she is "nice" or "sweet", etc. Rather she needs one who will not back down to her husband and his attorney. This is going to bget UGLY and she needs someone who can be ugly for her. Thanks for any recommendations.
  9. I have been reading the Ga WC Handbook online. But, I have a question that I didn't see the answer to. I know when you go out of work on WC your benefits start on the 21st day you are out of work. But, when the benefits began are you paid retroactive to the first day of being out of work with the injury? In other words when your benefits begin are you given a lump sum for missing work for 21 days? TIA.
  10. They are located on the corner where you turn to go to Greystone Power. There used to be a Smoothie Joe's in the same location. The actual address is: 101 Greystone Power Blvd Suite A, Dallas, GA 30157 Website: http://www.pcdugout.com The wings are great and DH is a huge fan of the hand patty cheeseburgers and I am a fan of the chef salad. And, no I am not related to the owners and did not even know them until our first visit for wings. Very nice and friendly folks. Just a regular repeat (and repeat and repeat) customer who likes to see a small home owed business do well.
  11. They will cook them however you like. Our first visit DD asked if the Lemon Pepper wings were wet and David answered "yes". But he followed that by saying, "but, I can cook them ANY way you want them." We ordered them dry and crispy. They were cooked to perfection!!! Before the night was over we had ordered NINETY wings!! Tonight DH and I went for the $.40 wings and I got mine dry/crispy lemon pepper once again and DH got the hot wings and got them wet. Once again, cooked to perfection!! YUMMMMMM. Give Dugout a call. You can order them ahead and pick them up at the drive through wi
  12. Unfortunately the value of NASCAR Collectibles has declined GREATLY the last few years. People think Dale, Sr items are very valuable. Immediately after his death (as in hours, days even weeks) IT WAS!!! NOW?? NOT. Just remember: "something is only worth what someone is willing to pay you for it." Depending on what you have I mightbe interested. GOOD LUCK.
  13. It was GREAT seeing you and the Hubby tonight at Dugout. Seems like it is going to be our every Thursday night hangout and meeting place. BTW, Coach David let me tell you again......the lemon pepper wings were outta the ballpark!! Cooked and seasoned to perfection!! And, DH really enjoyed trying the hot wings, too. I am glad to know you are going to be offering $.40 cent wings AGAIN TOMORROW!! P.commers if you have not taken advantage of this deal you are missing out. YUMMMMM.
  14. I know my situation is a bit different but I have polycystic kidney disease which I inherited from my Daddy. His brother had it, their mother had it. My 2 half siblings had it. The disease itself does not kill you - it will cause you to lose kidney function and the side-effects will be what causes death. My Daddy died when he was 48 from a cerebral hemmorage caused by the high blood pressure caused by PKD. Everyone in my family from Daddy to cousins have passed away except me. I told DH when we married I would not live to be old so to enjoy me while he had me. My children are 31 and 2
  15. We had pork chops seasoned with lemon pepper and garlic salt cooked on the griddle. Homemade hashbrowns and biscuts.
  16. Okay, I've got a couple more questions. I did his taxes with the Freetaxusa.com that was recommended. I haven't paid the $9.95 yet but it has not asked for bank info for direct deposit. Nor have I seen the option to pay extra to expedite the refund. For those of you who have used this software can you tell me what to expect after I pay for the Georgia taxes??? TIA.
  17. Jane Carrey did not have to stand in line and wait to get an armband and then return and stand in line again to audition. She didn't even have to go through the first three rounds of auctions. She had an appointment to go straight to the Judges for her audition. So, YES the only reason she was there was because of her "connections." Did you see her initial audition when afterward Ryan Seacrest was talking to Jim Carrey on the phone?? All for the drama. As I often say "there is no reality in reality TV". I agree, no one has really blown me away or even gotten my attention yet.
  18. You are talking about the National Park Resort. I probably recommended it to you. We stayed there for years every March when DS would attent a National Competition. We were never disappointed and for week days they are very inexpensive. Cracker Barrell is across the street up the hill a bit but in walking distance if you wanted to. In the parking lot for NPR is the Great American Steak Buffet. It is also a good place to eat. That's just GREAT, now you've got me wanting to go to PF!
  19. I agree. In years past DH and I NEVER missed it but I could count on one hand the episodes we have watched this season.
  20. http://www.ajc.com/news/cops-man-tries-to-1338449.html
  21. THANK YOU for letting me know. I called him to let him know and the food is still in their warehouse. He wanted to make sure they would take it before getting it sent to him. As soon as they bring it to him he will bring it home and we will deliver it to the shelter. And, you and the Shelter are MORE than WELCOME!! I know a lot of people are unable to contribute to the shelter like they have in the past. And, I know some people have to surrender their furbabies because of personal finances. Maybe this will help those folks AND help keep the shelter numbers down.
  22. My husband works at an ACE Hardware in Buckhead. They have a LOT of dry dog and cat food that is past it's expiration date. Even though the food is still good and would not harm an animal they cannot sell it and have taken it off the shelves. He called to ask me to contact the shelter to see if they would want it. Of course they are closed on Wed. Can any of the volunteers let me know if the shelter would want this food?? If so he can bring it home and we can deiver it to the shelter tomorrow. TIA
  23. AWESOME!! It is fun when you have someone to "watch" and cheer for. Remind me again what they sang. I watched it but my memory is SO bad. I will watch for them in the future and wish them both GOOD LUCK!!
  24. Let me know which one you recommend. I am preparing DS's taxes. Pretty cut & dry so I would like to be able to do them FREE! TIA.
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