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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. I do not believe this attorney was the Jackson attorney at the time of Michael's death.
  2. Yes, it is a terrible and unnecessary loss of an extremely talented man. They were talking to a former Jackson family attorney earlier. He was saying all the signs were there and he encouraged the family to intervene. The news anchor then asked, "WHY DID YOU NOT DO SOMETHING TO INTERVENE AND HELP SAVE HIM"?? I am sure at the time he did not want to jeopardize his position on the Jackson payroll by stepping up to the plate. And, you are right, Britney was extremely fortunate to have someone with good sense care enough to step up to the plate for her own good.
  3. CONGRATULATIONS to the entire family!!! There are 10 years between my two and the age difference can be a good thing - it was in our case. OOPS.......What a Sweet BLESSING!!
  4. The UPDATE As Of 06/26/09 6:35. Does that mean as of this evening at 6:35 you are CLOSED?????
  5. It is hard to comprehend HOW someone, anyone can get 400 million in debt???? They were just talking about him owning The Beatles catalog of music and there will be a fight over the children to get possession of that priceless catalog. I had always believed the mother of his first son, Prince Michael and the daughter (Paris, I think might be her name?) had relinquished her parental rights. It is now reported she never went through the process and Michael only had custody. They also speculate the anonymous surrogate mother of the second son will suddenly come forth. And we thought the figh
  6. I, for one am enjoying the coverage and the trip down memory lane with all the video clips of performances, videos, etc. I am flipping between all the news channels and MTV who is continuously running videos. Of course, I haven't been home all day so I am just now watching and catching up. Plus, I tend to be intrigued by true life stories anyway. And, while on the topic of coverage I heard this once yesterday and only once on CNN. They said his father and brother were with him when he collapsed and they tried to resuscitate him. Then they said when the paramedics arrived, MJ's body was co
  7. That bad, huh???? You musta been really going FAST!!
  8. You go to be KIDDING???? My first thought when I read the title of the thread was "And just where did this baby learn to smoke? Someone had to teach him or show him." Then, when I read the news report I was sickened. That is awful, just plain AWFUL!!!!!
  9. It was great seeing you today Melinda and I am SOOOOOOOOOOO excited about all my great deals!!! Wade asked me if I got him anything and I told him, "Yes, hair stuff and I got you stuff for straight hair, curly hair and all hair in between." I am anxious for him to get home and go through it all. I am excited about my rack, too. It will work GREAT and help me get organized when I find all the clothes we talked about that are lost in Lowmanland. Maranda and her friend who was with me are going to have a "play date" and help me get it all organized - AGAIN. BEST OF LUCK to both you a
  10. We went yesterday. Glad you are in Paulding County and WELCOME to p.com!
  11. CONGRATULATIONS to both of you!!!!!! What a wonderful story to share. May your love live Forever and Ever Amen.
  12. CNN said his father and brother were with him and he died about 10:00AM this morning. They attempted to revive him prior to calling for an ambulance. The paramedics reported his body was cold when they arrived and he had been dead for hours. The delay in trying to get help for him doesn't make sense but I have NEVER liked his father and feel he contributed to the miserable life Michael appeared to live. Even in his death, there are reports of bizarre behavior - this time by those around him.
  13. Yes, he is definitely staying busy and working on frying those bigger fish.
  14. Sounds like a plan. I will work on a ride. I hope to be there!
  15. The South - You Gotta Love It Alabama A group of Alabama friends went deer hunting and paired off in twos for the day. That night, one of hunters returned alone, staggering under the weight of an eight-point buck. "Where's Henry?' the others asked. "Henry had a stroke of some kind. He is a couple of miles back up the trail," the successful hunter replied. "You left Henry laying out there and carried the buck back?" they inquired. "A tough call," nodded the hunter. "But I figured out no one is going to steal Henry!" Arkansas A Police Chief was giving a driver a citation
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