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Everything posted by converse

  1. Yea, I think bad movies are a great source of knowledge to base everyday living.
  2. I’m sorry about your situation, but research has shown that most skin damage caused by the sun is done while you were a child. Studies show burning represents the highest risk in developing skin cancer. When do you remember your worst burn; from a tanning bed or natural sun? And to say there is no benefit from sun exposure is simply untrue. Your body produces Vitamin D during this exposure in quantities you could never ingest and retain. There are several studies out now showing the significance of this vitamin and how it relates to over all heath. It is undeniable a healthy level of
  3. I fly with Delta a lot and have no plans of changing. I have yet to find an airline with better over all service. Having Medallion status helps with some of the little things though.
  4. I’m learning to play the bass guitar this year. Anyone else learning something new? Anyone know of get–to-gethers people go to play and hang out? Not sure how this all works, but I am certain new playing buddies aren’t going to just show up at my house out of the blue some day.
  5. I have my hotel reservations already for 13th - 17th a couple streets over from Canal. The best part of it was its free. Not going to any balls, but plan on having a ball!
  6. That looks very nice! I will really have to think about trying that on mine.
  7. Apple.com If you watch a refurb 8gb will pop up for $149.
  8. In my new “hobby” of picking up vintage home audio equipment I have come across three pieces that are now my most liked. The first is a 1949 Leslie. A couple weeks ago I replaced to some capacitors to get rid of some very bad distortion and now it is completely functional. The second is an Ampeg ReverbeRocket. I picked this up as not working, but it was a simple fix of a repair that had broken again on a capacitor wire. The third is another Ampeg, the B-15. I picked this one up because I am going to attempt to learn to play the bass. From all I have read this is a nice amp for that instr
  9. Spelling is important regardless for reasons displayed in this topic… People judge you based on the way you communicate. I have known some truly brilliant people who couldn’t write. They excelled in what they did but in the end were held back because this. I have a hard time with spelling and writing in general and put a lot of effort in to bettering myself several years ago. I never truly understood how some people looked at me until my (ex) in-laws called me stupid. They based this opinion on one or two meetings I had with them in the very beginning and it all had to do with how I co
  10. If the cost to employ someone is cheap enough, I think a large number of companies would take the gamble. Lowering the cost to produce an item makes the business more competitive.
  11. It would last as long as current benefits last.
  12. Thanks for adding to the discussion. Since you’re being helpful with grammar, I’ll let you know you spelled their incorrectly… Spelling must have confused you and for that I apologize. Surely you understand the current employment environment? Some companies may be “hiring”, but it is not keeping up with the demand from those beginning to look for employment or losing their jobs. It may come to you as a surprise, but companies are tightening things up. They’re doing it in the form of laying people off and hiring freezes. All I am saying is I believe there are better ways to spend the
  13. Business can't or don't want to higher right now. Government is handing out gobs of cash to everything that won't help. So...I say instead of spending all this money that hasn't seemed to help much if any at all we create a program that puts people to work while helping small businesses who employ the vast amount of Americans. Minimum wage is $7.50 now. Why couldn't state and federal governments share a portion of this wage with businesses who higher new employees? Say I own a box factory and bring in 2 new people under this program. The government would pay $3.50 of each $7.50 I pay thes
  14. The parts list 1 MFD - 600 volt .015 MFD - 600 volt .005 MFD - 1000 volt .1 MFD - 400 Volt .001 MFD - 1600 volt
  15. I'm needing to buy some capacitors for an amplifier I am going to rebuild. Radio Shack doesn't carry what I need. Are there any other shops around that carry these parts. I'm needing some 600, 400, and 250 volt capacitors if it helps any. I'd rather buy locally than over the web if I can.
  16. Bring back up to see if anyone might have some stuff they are looking to get rid of. I've collected a good bit since the last post, but plan on making room for some new stuff if/when it comes in! Thanks!
  17. There is a different sound with the tubes. Jazz and vocal type music sounds much better to me over the tubes. Other types I like better with the built in amp on my receiver. One of the amps only produces 7 watts, but creates more than enough sound to listen to. I hope to find a pair to one of the amps I have now.
  18. I am a geek... Have the body to prove it! I started a couple months ago in the to audio stuff and have picked up a few things... The three tube amps have been the funnest so far.
  19. I have taken up an interest in old audio equipment and been picking up pieces here and there. Over the weekend I picked up 3 old tube amplifiers and one needs the capacitors replaced. I'm thinking about picking up some old test equipment to tweak/repair the stuff I have and find. Anyone know of places that carry this stuff or or seen it stuck in a corner at a place you visited? I've become a bit addicted to the old speakers and tuners now and would love to hear of anyplace you might have seen some for sale. I'm interested in anything from about the late 50's to late 70's. Here is a
  20. They'll be open today for anyone interested in stopping by for a look. Directions and class schedule are on their website.
  21. This is a cool place that is learning oriented. You won't be treated as a "piece of meat" for the upper ranks. You do get to "play" when you're ready though.
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