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Joe Sixpack

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Posts posted by Joe Sixpack

  1. Here is my point and it is better stated this way:

    Down the street looms the Union United Methodist Church, an imposing American Gothic cathedral. There, the Rev. Martin McLee worries that the repeal could make Sunday seem less sacred. "The sacredness of the Sabbath can be preserved, without crossing the line separating church and state," he says. "It has worked for centuries; why change now?"


    Like other battles between church and state, the repeal of remaining blue laws may be a sign of how secular America has become. "Religion doesn't play a central role in politics anymore," says Mr. Drummey. "This does represent a shift - more of a symbolic changeover from another time,"


    And it's a sign, too, of America's growing pluralism. "The Sabbath was a time for religion, for family, to renew kinship bonds," says Dr. Snyder. "But religion isn't static in this country. Sunday, Christmas, Easter - these aren't necessarily the days of celebration for everybody anymore. [The repeals] show how dynamic society is, and how much things change."


    Now you see where I am going with this. Buy it on Saturday and you will not have to worry about it.


    Night all.



  2. Let's go back 400 years. It's Sunday. And you're in trouble. Lots of trouble. You see, back, then there were all sorts of religious rules that were passed as laws designed to make people be moral & upright. These "Blue Laws" prescribed all sorts of penalties for Sunday Crimes & Misdemeanors. Everything from whippings, to public stocks in the courthouse square, to burnt tongues, to severed ears --- all of those were punishments for such High Crimes as missing church, playing cards or shuffleboard, sweeping the floor, cutting hair, or even having any alcohol on Sunday.


    Yes sirrrreeeee. They may live like a heathen Monday through Saturday, but you better believe we'll have 'em sitting on the church pews Sunday AM singing Amazing Grace with the rest of the God-fearing crowd. Amen & amen & amen!


    Horse feathers.


    Since then most of these legal bans have gone the way of the Scarlet Letter, but not all. That's right. You still can't buy alcohol on Sundays in Paulding County (notice, that's the county.)


    Lord, do we need Cotton Mather to run for governor now?


    Critics of mine will say that I am calling for the Sunday to be like any other day. Well, for once, the critics are right.


    So let's go into the arguments:


    1) People need a day where they don't drink. Answer: it ain't any of your business if someone drinks or not.


    2) We don't want people coming to church drunk. Answer: you're kidding, right? Like they will come anyay? You had rather they come in with a humongous hangover from the night before? Sure. Pass the plate on that one, Rev. Robert Tilman.


    3) Sunday is the Lord's Day. Answer: right! That means it ain't yours so let others chose for themselves.


    4) Hmmmm. I can't think of any more.


    Now look. Jesus is Lord everyday of the week, not just on Sunday. So that "Holy Day of the Week" stuff went out when the temple curtain was split. Read The Letter to the Hebrews. There is now a perfect rest for the people of God & it is not on a day of the week but in the Person of Christ everyday of the week, not just on the Sabbath. Wait . . . Sunday ain't the Sabbath anyway. But I know some of you won't let simple facts get in the way of a Good Righteous Cause.


    So if there are no alcohol sales on Sunday, but a church uses real wine in the Communion Cup . . .? Sounds hypocritical to me. And you refuse to work on Sunday but you'll go out to eat & pay someone to work for you? We have a word for paying someone to do your sinning --- it's called prostitution.


    For those believers out there who don't worship on Sunday, I apologize for this insane law. For you non-Christians out there, I apologize for this gross infringement on your rights. For those who, as a matter of conscience, see nothing wrong with drinking in moderation but are prohibited from buying a bottle of wine on Sunday, I apologize for the zeal of others that constrains you.


    Yes, Jesus drank wine but if He comes to Paulding County on a Sunday, we have outlawed Him from doing so. This is not a Guinness vs. God, but a time to stop the religious zeal that infringes on the rights of others.


    It is time to repeal the Sunday prohibition against alcohol sales.

    You had me at Bring on Sunday Alcohol Sales . . .

  3. People who feel the need to announce they are going to the bathroom when they leave the room. I don't care where you're going, just go . . .


    Double redundancy phrases such as, 'Can I get me a drink of water?' or 'I'm going to get me a Coke' . . .


    People who use an ellipsis is a period . . .

  4. Have no doubt, I’m going to do what I feel is in the best interest to my family. If that means erasing a misguided minor, so be it. I have no intentions of opening dialog with the individual to find out their intentions. Cold as some may see this, and there may be some who have faced this decision, it's a fact.


    If a punk is fleeing with my ‘belongings’ s/he will live. I wouldn’t take the chance of an arrant bullet missing the target. My belongings are insured, and can be replaced. However, if an intruder is in my home, they will meet immediate and certain action, regardless of the law. If they are in my home, they are, by my definition, threatening my family.


    I have two, 75 lbs+ Chows who patrol the yard and house both day and night, (one with a real bad attitude) several firearms that I have for home protection only. I don’t hunt. Above all, I have my family who I will, to my last breath, care for. The law, which I respect and follow during normal conditions, will be circumvented if anyone, anyone messes with them. As I said before, if they are in my home uninvited, they are giving me indication that they are there to harm me or worse yet, my family. I will not have it.

  5. Our drivers can't catch a break. They drive too fast, they drive too slowly. The talk too much, they talk too little. They are on the road when you use it. The nerve of them.


    Drive a mile in their shoes, drive a route with one for a week. Just a day. Then come and tell us how poorly they do their jobs.


    Applications are taken year-round. They need drivers and substitutes at an alarming rate. Step up to the bat and lend a hand. The pay and benefits are outstanding. Plus you get summers off I understand . . .

  6. FBBC! Good to read you again!


    The only thing I can say is, hold your own to a higher standard. Now her friends and her friends' family. Be there for her and she'll muddle through. Imagine what it will be like five years from now when your kindergartner is there.


    8 )

  7. I heard tell of a young man who was offered $15 in real glass beads for his long, but little island. All his friends said, take the beads and run off to live a life of ease. The young man took their advise. :unsure:



    talk little, trust few, always paddle your own canoe.

  8. Not entirely true...  There is no place on the surface earth that you can take a spoonfull of materal and perform test on that materal to show that life exsist on this planet.  (Barring of course lava from a volcano or unnatural elements...)

    I was referring to the galaxy big guy. [voice=sagan]With the billions, and billions of stars[/voice]

  9. If anyone is still interested in the topic – I didn’t see the accident, but I saw the aftermath.


    Both vehicles were being towed off as we drove by. Both had substantial front-end damage. The first vehicle was a large truck. It was a dump truck type front end with a flatbed, fully loaded and very large.


    The second vehicle was a passenger car – about the size of an Accord. Front-end was pushed into the backseat. Little chance driver or front seat passenger (if there was one) survived the impact. It was horrific.


    While the truck was severely damaged, the driver most likely survived if he was belted in. It had to be a head on collision judging from the wreckage


    – Pray for all involved and their families – they will need it.

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