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Joe Sixpack

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Posts posted by Joe Sixpack

  1. thanks for bringing it back Johnny J:


    It looks to be more popular now than it ever was (when I made it.)


    I would point out that one of the reasons we made it was to show folks there is a way to give directions in an exciting way ... i.e. starting at point of reference and ending at a destination. Imagine if this were done for a business or a development?


    It is actually less expensive than you might imagine.



    Show me the best way to the Green Lot at Turner Field . . . I know six ways to get there and they all stink on game day . . .

  2. I hope you're not planning to drum up any business from paulding.com - if so I'm afraid you're going about it all wrong !! ;) ;)

    He is +Commerce Member . . . he can say any stupid thing he wants . . .

  3. Anybody else hear Freegans being discussed on Clark Howard's radio show on Tuesday? A very frugal lifestyle. You may be intrigued to find out what the act of "urban foraging" is.

    {snip}Rent-Free Housing

    Freegans believe that housing is a RIGHT, not a privilege. Just as freegans consider it an atrocity for people to starve while food is thrown away, we are also outraged that people literally freeze to death on the streets while landlords and cities keep buildings boarded up and vacant because they can’t turn a profit on making them available as housing.


    Squatters are people who occupy and rehabilitate abandoned, decrepit buildings. Squatters believe that real human needs are more important than abstract notions of private property, and that those who hold deed to buildings but won’t allow people to live in them, even in places where housing is vitally needed, don’t deserve to own those buildings. In addition to living areas, squatters often convert abandoned buildings into community centers with programs including art activities for children, environmental education, meetings of community organizations, and more. [/snip]


    Funny, I can't see Clark Howard fully embracing all this . . .


    Not to say that I wouldn't participate in it myself if the need arose, but still . . .

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