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Joe Sixpack

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Posts posted by Joe Sixpack

  1. Joe, yes I know... But to show the actual liense plate on the Internet is a different thing. The owner could get pissed off and decide to take action against the photographer for showing it without their permission.


    EDITED: Check out this thread.


    Well if 'Model Mayhem' says it's wrong I guess I stand corrected . . . Silly me . . .

  2. This is the same SUV they drive on the road every day with the tag showing . . .


    Are there people who hate Kenny so much they would track them down?


    They even painted on their car where they were going . . . It's not like they showed the people or their children.


    Seems harmless to me . . .

  3. We were there, but too far away to see anything relevant to your question. I was surprised it ended so quickly as well. I commented at the time that it may have to do with the new economic picture facing Powder Springs. I hope that I am right. I'd hate to think something went wrong, or worse yet, someone getting hurt.

  4. My Mom's Spaghetti


    My Mom's Spaghetti


    My mom makes disgusting spaghetti

    with horseradish sauce and sardines.

    She tops it with pickles and mustard,

    bananas, and barbecued beans.


    She serves it for supper on Sunday.

    On Monday we have it for lunch.

    It's breakfast on Tuesday and Wednesday.

    By Thursday, you guessed it, it's brunch.


    I don't like to hurt my mom's feelings.

    I said that I loved it. (I lied.)

    I always gave mine to our doggy.

    And that's why our poor doggy died.


    So next time you serve us spaghetti,

    dear mother, don't make it like that.

    Please serve it with red sauce and meatballs,

    and that way it won't kill the cat.


    --Kenn Nesbitt and Donna Lee Murphy





    Posted by: Eastwestdirectory.com on Apr 18, 06 | 6:57 pm

  5. John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln , was born in 1839.

    Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939.

    Someone tried a bit too hard here to fit these dates. Oswald was born in 1838, not 1839. :o


    A month before Lincoln was assassinated he was in Monroe, Maryland.

    A month before Kennedy was assassinated he was in Marilyn Monroe.


    This is a latter-day addition to the list and nothing more than a bit of salacious humor. Even as a humorous coincidence it fails the test, as Marilyn Monroe died well over a year before Kennedy's assassination . . .

  6. I must admit, I was backwards when I first was married. My claim was "it looked neater in the back" But my bride showed me the way . . . The pattern or graphic on tissue, and paper towels for that matter, should be displayed.


    I was shone the error of my ways. Good woman, Mrs. Six . . .


    But the seat is up when I leave the room. If I have to go through the trouble to lift it, the least she can do is put it the way that suits her best when the need arises.

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