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Joe Sixpack

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Posts posted by Joe Sixpack

  1. I wouldn't give up my side of the garage for anything. I haven’t scraped a window free of frost for a long, long time.


    I have a full basement that takes care of all the storage I need, plus a shelter outside for the mower. My dogs even have their own room in the basement for inclement weather with a dog door.

  2. Heck no. Umps, for the most part, do an incredible job. Their focus is on the play at hand and I respect them even when I disagree with them.


    If your going to add instant replay, why not aluminum bats, and corked balls.


    Let the boys play and the umps do their job.


    And I agree with you GAState 100% DH is BS

  3. I am just glad no one was hurt.  Do you know how fast those mobiles go up in flames?

    Less than 5 minutes.

    I think that is a given. The teacher did their job irregardless of the circumstances. The bur in my saddle is the whitewash that is so easily accepted by (many) parents. The kids were safe, God knows that's the main thing, but let's push the envelope and ask how, why, when, what, and where.
  4. After further consideration, I retract, in part, my previous response.


    I wasn’t there I don’t know what really happened. After rethinking the situation, an odor (unit being fired up for the first time in Lord knows how long) or some debris or small critter may have found its way into the system, hence the smoke.


    The teacher may have reacted in preemptive measure to insure the well being of her/his students.


    As they say, where there is smoke . . . .


    But I stand by my “too high and for too long” response. Hogwash.

  5. It may have been some of those kids who were cold at the start of school and now that it is alittle cold and wet outside the had the heat on to high and for too long.

    I am not a heating and air technician, nor do I portray one on TV, but that doesn’t sound like a reasonable excuse to me. This sounds like just a glitch in the system.


    I leave my heat on “too high for too long” all the time on cold days and have never experienced anything remotely resembling this.


    I may be wrong, but that sounds like hogwash to me. Heaters heat, end of story. If there is smoke, someone screwed up whether is was maintenance, instillation or manufacturing.


    Units just don't blow smoke because they are overworked in an 8 hour school day. If they do, they need to find a new company to supply the units for our kids.

  6. Pubby, my teen (16) is a "Drama Geek" in her words. Follow-the-rules type of girl, (Lord knows where she got that from) and she says that paulding.gateens.com is an invitation to insults and ridicule from the word GO.


    Product name is a big selling point as you well know.


    You may want to think about paulding.com/4teens as an alternative.


    Paulding.com/pcteeens would be good too, but it is spoken for according to my typing.


    Just a thought

  7. Hi my name is Michael, student @ Paulding County High School, and I would like to share this with everyone, I have made a Paulding Teens website like this, but for Teen topics. Dont worry parents, nothing bad is mentioned there, because it is monitered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year except for leap year, then it will be 366 days. Check it out for yourself...then tell your teens about it!


    Paulding Teens Website - pauldingteens.dk3.com

    How can a parent lurk to see what the teens are talking about. Do we have to register?

  8. I just had one last Wednesday. It's no big deal at all anymore. I took the day off because my appointment was at 11 and it was just easier that way. If you “need" to be at work you should be able to with no problem. You just can't eat or drink very well for a few hours because of the novocain.


    A lot of this depends on the doctor too I suppose. This one last week was my second from two different doctors but both were painless.


    Best of luck and don't fret it.

  9. That may be so Pubby, but it would be fun to get a bag of unknown coins from that era just for the archeologist experience of cleaning it and perhaps making it museum quality once again (price still being low I understand). But the adventure would be in the restoration.


    I think it would be worth the experience considering the reasonable price.


    I would equate it with buying an $8.00 gold pan to spend a few afternoons searching the creeks in the area. While the likelihood of finding gold is minimal, it does exist. You wouldn't make a living out of it but it would still be fun.

  10. Hey Q - I did a Google for "dirty roman coins" and got lots of hits. You will have to read up on this it sounds interesting.


    It seems that they are Roman coins that have been found and they are literally unclean, so no one knows the value.


    I wonder if there are further investments that need to be made to properly clean them?


    It must be a painstaking task to clean them to museum quality, hence the lack of interest from museums that have enough to represent the different coins produced.

  11. I'm still a teenager so i don't know what its like to rise one but i do know what its like to be one. I think the best way to rasie i teenager is to set rules and stick by them no matter what. If you raised them right when they were little the should turn out ok. I know we like to do strange things like changing our hair color every other week( mine has been purple, red, black, brown ...) but its just how we express ourselves. I got lucky i have great parents who I can talk to, get advice from and know that if i do somthing wrong I'm going to be in trouble. We learn form our mistakes and thanks to our parents grow up to be great people.



    Why did my heart just swell three sizes to large?


    Love ya Booger! :wub:

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