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Joe Sixpack

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Posts posted by Joe Sixpack

  1. I would have to say that I have on rare occasions, maybe twice in the last two years lost Internet only with Comcast.


    I have three computers running it right now here at home. They run 24/7 without a problem. Talk with Cableman, he will find a way to make your Internet experience everything it should be.


    I will have to add that I also bought my own modem and router, so I can't speak for the quality of their modems only because I have never had one.


    They only run for about $100 each and I see $50 rebates for them all the time at Best Buys. I don’t know what the rent is for the modem, but buying is usually cheaper in the long run.

  2. Mr., Carey pales in comparison to our Cableman.


    Plus it is just plain fun watching a man of his, shall we say, stature, flying around to 11 TVs and 4 PCs making sure everything is just so before he goes.


    I haven't needed Cableman for a long while because he set me up right from day one, but I was thinking about screwing something up on purpose just to see how fast he could diagnose and solve a problem the first time out, simply mind-boggling.


    Love Ya Cableman. Hope all is well with you and yours again.

  3. You take it apart.  I work with LOTS of computers and that was a great solution for the older type keyboards.  It doesn't work with the newer ones.

    That may very well be why it worked for me. This was a good 10 years ago when I tried it. Now I would most likely just go buy a new one, they are just too inexpensive to be bothered with.
  4. Loved the show guys. I listened live. One suggestion would be to take questions and such via PM or posts for those of us who don't want to talk live on the phone.


    I'm sure ellery (sp?) wouldn't mind adding that to his to do list, seeing as he obviously has eight hands and all.


    Keep up the good work.

  5. Thank you Cardie and Roo, I had no Idea how to respond to those posts, but you two did so very eloquently.


    50% of what I read on this site I have no interest in, I most often look to see who started the post to decide which I read and in which order. The others I skip.


    Mr. Bennett's posts always have and will be read by me.


    Post on Sir Bennett, post on.

  6. It doesn't really matter who we sign. They will have a stellar regular season and then do absolutely nothing come October.

    And I'm sure they appreciate your optimistic view on the regular season.


    Free baseball in October is what it's all about. Don't count them out so soon. This is a whole new team (again).

  7. I travel to and from work down 92 between Sweetwater and Hiram/Sudie every day and have yet to be inconvenienced by the repaving.


    I’m sure the people standing around talking would just as soon be working if there was work to be done. They are most likely waiting for the next run of asphalt to be laid so they can do their job. They are at the ready for the next truck to do their job so they may do theirs.


    What would you have them do while they wait on the trucks, build a subdivision or paint a house? If the waiting was too long I can guarantee you they would be sitting rather than standing.


    I have never worked road construction, but the trucks and other equipment I am sure is having a hard time dealing with the traffic just as you all are.


    I swear, some people complain because they are being hung with a new rope.


    Walk in their shoes brothers and sisters, walk in their shoes.

  8. Quasi; you sounded nothing like the voice I hear in my head when I read your posts. You sound as if you have done this all your life! Great job.


    BravesDave; you too are a natural! You sounded confident, knowledgeable, and humble all at the same time. Outstanding.


    Pubby; you sounded like Pubby.






    Just kidding! You were great too. You guys take p.com to the limit.


    Keep up the great work.

    : )

  9. Bubba ~ Tell your daughter that I have a 16 yo girl who takes out the trash and takes the can to the curb, maintains her side of the house (bedroom, bathroom, extra bedroom that she has set up as a living room, does her own laundry, washes dishes, sets the table and clears after dinner. These are just the regular chores. She will pitch in whenever she is asked. (though she has never volunteered to lend a hand).


    In return, $20.00 a month and me as a dad.

    Lucky girl.

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