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Joe Sixpack

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Posts posted by Joe Sixpack

  1. You could always plant a GPS chip in their skulls . . .


    I think you may be right though. We were supposed to be able to track the buses through the web and I haven't seen a link as such.


    Perhaps I misunderstood and only the bus barn can track them . . .

  2. From Wiki . . .


    A Googlebot is a search bot used by Google. It collects documents from the web to build a searchable index for the Google search engine.


    If a webmaster wishes to restrict the information on their site available to a Googlebot, or another well-behaved spider, they can do so with the appropriate directives in a robots.txt file.


    Googlebot has two versions, deepbot and freshbot. Deepbot, the deep crawler, tries to follow every link on the web and download as many pages as it can to the Google indexers. It completes this process about once a month. Freshbot crawls the web looking for fresh content. It visits websites that change frequently, according to how frequently they change.


    Googlebot discovers pages by harvesting all of the links on every page it finds. It then follows these links to other web pages. New web pages must be linked to from another known page on the web in order to be crawled and indexed.


    A problem which webmasters have often noted with the Googlebot is that it takes up an enormous amount of bandwidth. This can cause websites to exceed their bandwidth limit and be taken down temporarily. This is especially troublesome for mirror sites which host many gigabytes of data. Google provides "Webmaster Tools" that allow website owners to throttle the crawl rate.

  3. Paulding animal owners face new restrictions now. The 2007 Paulding County Animal Control Ordinance was approved at the Paulding County Board of Commissioners meeting Tuesday:


    • Tethering animals will no longer be permitted as a permanent form of restraint.

    • People will need special use permits to have more than three full-grown dogs or more than three full-grown cats.

    • Female animals in heat will need to be kept in an enclosure to prevent breeding.

    • People cannot let their animals make noise that may disturb the neighbors.

    • Animals need to have proof of vaccination.

    • Vehicle operators will be charged with cruelty to animals if an animal is locked in a closed vehicle between May 1 and September 13. The animal control department may use any force necessary to remove that animal—with no injunction or claim for damages honored.


    Any violators will have to pay fines:

    • First violation: $300

    • Second violation: $500

    • Third and subsequent violations: $1,000

    Additionally, after the third violation resulting in conviction or guilty plea or no lo contendere plea, violators may be jailed for no more than sixty days per violation. Community service may be added also.

  4. Yet another opportunity to keep our kids off the streets, and involved in a physical activity. Thank you!

    I would love to give it a run, but wouldn’t want to encroach on trails used by horseback riders. Do they share the trail or is this a trail independent of the horse trail? If I rode up to the trailhead at Florence Rd, would I recognize it as an off road trail available to bicyclist? Obviously, that is why you want the kiosk, but you know what I mean . . .

  5. Local honey = local pollen


    To stave off allergies I’d wager. I’ve heard this wives tale before. But, some of those old wives were pretty sharp . . .

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