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Joe Sixpack

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Posts posted by Joe Sixpack

  1. I think I have found the trick to getting rid of those darn pesky little things.I had a fireant hill in the front yard and just out of curosity,I poked a hole in the middle of the nest and poured a little PINESOL into it and they not only left the hill,they left the yard.I haven't seen any in over a month.Yeeeeeaaaa.Hope this helps someboby.

    Urine works as well, and has no environmental backlash. Honestly . . .

  2. First and for most I want to say before Lesley does.. I am NOT pregnant.. But.. I was wondering if there was a stomach bug going around .. b/c my stomach ahs been hurting for the past 4 days.. I feel like I am starving and I am not even hungry,.. it is very bloated as well.. just wanted to know if anyones kids has had a virus or anything and if so how long does it last ... I am leaving for Panama tomorrow.. I dont want the toliet flu :lol: thanks guys

    Hope it's not what I had . . . I didn't feel awful or anything, just off my feed. Hungary all the time but can't eat much of anything. Lasted about a month and lost 10+ lbs that I didn't need to . . .

  3. Hey chic, listen. Since when do we listen to what husbands say anyway? All you have to do is go get your


    animal. First go and buy all the supplies, get the house ready figuring out where the pet sleeps and such,


    have the best laid plans on walking feeding etc..... and bring your pet home. You are 50% of that


    marriage....50% of the house belongs to you ( Georgia State Law ) if he wants to draw a chalkboard line for


    that 50% then so be it. But put your foot down. I'll bet there are plenty of things sitting in your garage right


    now that he bought while you protested.


    Just do it !!!!


    3 months from now that pet will be his shadow and he'll be rubbing it in your face. :p

    Who gives a flying fig newton what he says. Go get the dog . . . what's he going to do about it?

  4. I have no idea - I'm not familiar with that side of the county at all. I just read that from the minutes of the Commissioner’s meeting and figured that was what you were talking about.


    There was also this - but again, I don't know if it's relevant to what you heard.


    Ecological Concerns

    The Georgia Department of Natural Resources wants to purchase 40 acres in the Paulding Forest for $285,000. The board voted to support this offer through a Georgia Land Conservation Program grant of $140,000. The DNR will fund the $145,000 balance.

  5. From 'another forum'


    Recreation Matters

    The board agreed to send a notice to The Potts Company to propose a Guaranteed

    Maximum Price (GMP) for the design and construction of the new Paulding County Burnt Hickory Multi-Purpose Park. The preliminary design is set at no more than $250,000, which will become a part of the total GMP contract.

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