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Joe Sixpack

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Posts posted by Joe Sixpack

  1. Down the road from me too Chris. I will keep an eye out for him. 92 can be an unforgiving road to an animal. I hope he finds his way home.


    BTW, look over my fence and you will meet my two boys who don't take kindly to strangers. Watch your 6. : )

  2. I only have one child, 16, so I can't speak from experience; but I always assumed a shower would be in order for each child.


    Do we have a Miss Manners in Paulding?


    I'll take that as a compliment.

    I just have a few people who do not find it appropriate. So I thought all of P.com will tell me their views on this. Thank you for yours.


    Sorry for the confusion Jessi. I wasn't calling you a Miss Manner; I was wondering if anyone here on p.com was familiar enough with the etiquette of such things and could shed light on the topic. I didn't know the answer either, but I was confident someone would. : )

  3. ChrisinPC:


    I don't recall you're posting on pv... I wouldn't say that I was 'overjoyed' to have the competition but I don't recall jumping on anyone who was talking about them. I don't encourage it and Joe Sixpack ... thanks for not promoting your Saturday night triva contest on PV here :) ...


    But Chris... I'm do discourage folks making posts that 'don't need to be'... you know like someone asks a question and someone replies... with the thought ... That is a stupid question you *** ...


    I would much prefer people be nice than 'vent' and try to stir things up. I would ask they consider the tone of their post and seek to be civil and constructive in their criticisims.


    Perfection eludes us all but if you think a bit before you post and even read or re-read your post ... heck, get up and get a soda or go to the rest room ... come back and read your tome to make sure it is not nasty or demeaning ... it is appreciated ... just as appreciated as your effort to post.


    PS: You should know that I decide about 25% of the time after the trip to get a soda; I decide that what I wrote isn't really what I want to say ... and just ditch the post. 


    Said just a little different, post quality rather than quantity.  You'll end up writing better and people will think more of you if you show you do put care and effort into your posts.

    Chris, I don’t post as often as I once did, but I still try to keep up with Paulding’s most active site. From where I sit, Pubby has said nothing more negative than, “It’s not my cup of tea” (not verbatim but you get the gist) About Pvoice.


    Words were exchanged in the beginning, between members to be sure, but Pubby tried to be as diplomatic as possible.


    Like I stated earlier, there is no “threat” from Pvoive. It is apples and oranges. I doubt PV will ever even go in the same direction as p.com in the long run (if there is one).


    It’s like comparing AutoZone to Kroger. They are in two different markets.


    Chill – It’s not all about you.

  4. Well put Pubby!


    It’s just another site that is in no way in competition with p.com. On the Voice, we just shoot the breeze. Talking about whatever comes to mind. No rhyme or reason for the post. We post to post.


    Here we post to gain info, make friends and vent.


    We all get along, and I post on both sites under the same name. Pubby knows this, and anyone who cares to me, don’t care.


    Honkn’ – I don’t recall the post you are talking about or what was said, and I was active there since day one, but I am indeed glad everything worked out for you and your little one.


    I’m just happy I have the best of both worlds. : )

  5. Well that sucks (excuse my language but, it's how I feel) Quasi. I must have missed that thread. I don't know even how to respond to the responsible parties as I don't know what was said. I for one will miss the show; I was truly looking forward to it.


    I hope it wasn't anything I said that was taken out of context. I for one loved the program.


    This has been a bad day all around p.com.


    I'm sad.

  6. I can't wait Dave!


    Will the beer wagons be open or shall I bring my own? : )


    Nothing tastes better than a $7.00 brew!


    I have been looking forward to this all month, and it looks like it will be a great day at the park.

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