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Posts posted by retiredteacher

  1. I was there yesterday and a man brought in the cutest puppies. Said they were walker hounds. I'm not a dog person but, oh, they were so cute. Brown and white spotted and black and more. Also, the cat room has spilled over into the puppy room. Some real sweeties there and a few calico cats and kittens. It's so hard to walk out without one but the inn is full.


    Now, if I can get my son to move out, I'll have more room for cats!

  2. My reset button is on the front of the case below the power button, but you may have to look for yours.



    You've got to get power to the pc before you can tell if the modem is working. Her power supply may have issues like mine did once after a storm.

  3. It's not only a fun(ny) place to visit but very useful, too. Members can point you in the right direction if you need something or directions somewhere, etc. We have some really good commerce members that we try to support in their businesses. If you have a question about anything, just ask. We're like a big family complete with some relatives who are nicer than others, but we try to play nice most of the time!


    Welcome to our little world!

  4. I'm enjoying this thread so much! I do an ongoing donation each month so I can't do anymore right now but if we can have an auction or big yardsale, I have mucho stuff to donate! Keep it coming, folks!

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