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Posts posted by retiredteacher

  1. My brother and I both have neuropathy although his is much worse. We both take Cymbalta, an antidepressant that is approved for treatment of neuropathy. It helps us a lot. We both have left it off to see if it was really helping and as soon as it was out of our systems we could tell the difference and went right back on it.

  2. We have a new Trane AC unit, under warranty, that has not seemed as cool as normal lately. We called the service man to come out and guess what the problem is?


    Someone (we have lots of kids passing through our yard) had removed the caps and the service man says that he has seen several like this recently. Kids are apparently huffing the refrigerant from the unit. Now it could be just mischief or it could be the huffing that leads to the missing caps but I thought I'd let you guys know.


    Check your units to make sure all the parts are there. He's going to order locking caps for us!

  3. My son is 26, lives with me and helps me with my mom. He does not work outside of the home. This affords me some independance and I was able to work half-time myself until last spring when Mom got worse.


    AARP does my taxes and I have claimed my son for the last 2 years. They verified it before I was allowed to claim him.

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