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Posts posted by retiredteacher

  1. I had two in an apartment we lived in years ago. My son was sitting at the DR table and I saw a bat fly up the stairs from the basement toward him. I yelled for him to duck and the bat flew into my kitchen and was hanging on my curtains. I grabbed the dust mop and beat the bugger to death. They're pretty clumsy on the ground so it wasn't hard.


    Another time we found our cats playing with something on the stair landing in the basement. When I saw it, I covered it with a laundry basket and called maintenance.


    They had gotten in the attic and were coming down between the wall studs to the laundry closet. I learned to keep the laundry doors closed!

  2. My best friend's oncologist, Dr. Oyola, is over by Cobb Hospital. He is so nice and his office staff and nurses are amazing! I went with my friend to her appts and chemo and they were so nice and caring. The Dr. has the cutest accent and once I heard someone tell him that he was good-looking and he blushed as red as a beet! You couldn't find a better doctor.

  3. My grandmother was my port in a storm growing up. I spent every weekend that I could with her and my granddaddy. She taught me about flowers, cooking and Jesus. She always sang as she washed dishes. Once when I was helping her clean windows, she said that I was her "dividend" after raising her girls. She always had a bottle of jergen's lotion by the kitchen sink and I keep one for whenever I need to feel her close by.


  4. So, he's probably off of Washington Road somewhere. The only old seafood restaurant that I know of in that area is Rhineharts Oyster Bar. There's another one in south Augusta, T's, that has been there forever and is just off of Bobby Jones Expressway.

  5. When mine were young, they inspected each other's work before I saw it. It got the job done much better because they loved pointing out each other's "misses."


    When we first moved to Atlanta in '96, my son and I lived with my best friend's family. They had a full basement so we were comfortable! We all took turns cleaning the kitchen in the evening. My friend always cooked because none of us could cook like she does! One morning she thanked me for cleaning the kitchen the night before. I asked her how she knew I did it. She said that I was the only one who EVER wiped the cabinet behind the faucet on the sink! Nobody else ever noticed it but her. It's true!

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