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Posts posted by retiredteacher

  1. GATornado, I have better boys, celebrity, rutgers and early girls in the ground. After planting those, I saw an early girl bush tomato at walmart and I'd never seen them before so I got one. Put that baby in a pot on my deck about 10 days ago and it has 8 little tomatoes today! Try one of those in a pot, they're good medium size tomatoes.

  2. Now, we make a salad in my family that consists of torn lettuce, a slice of pineapple, a dab of mayo, and grated cheddar on top. Some people use pears.


    Also, there is Waldorf salad which is chopped apple, raisins and walnuts. The dressing is mayo, lemon juice and sugar.


    Then we have carrot salad and that uses the same dressing as the wadorf salad. My mom is 89 and if she has no appetite - she'll still eat the fruit salads or carrot salad.

  3. My nephew is a Marine in Iraq. We got a call yesterday and he was very upset. His company was hit by an IED on Friday and there were some casualties. He was not with them that day, having been assigned to another unit temporarily. His wife is expecting their first child next week. I am so afraid for him since the attacks seem to have stepped up in the last few days. Please pray for him as you pray for the rest of our men and women in peril.

  4. OK, take this for what it's worth. My son's a big movie fan. Knows who directed what and so on. He walked out after an hour. Bored with it I guess or some reason I wouldn't understand! If you go to movies for fun and suspend belief, you'll probably like it.

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