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Posts posted by mpgangle

  1. those are great ideas. He hates sports per se, but has an interest in learning golf or tennis. He lives in a small rural area so fencing is not available (and that would be an EXCELLENT outlet for him). He's not much of a team player. He's also not hyper at all, just cannot focus or pay attention to detail on some things.


    yep, our family is VERY non tradtional which is another reason why I think therapy might do him some good.


    I'll keep you in the back of my mind in case I think of something else. Plus, look, I just bumped the thread. ;)

  2. I kind of glazed over a couple of the replies, so sorry if I repeat, but:


    Have you considered a learning disability? Maybe he's trying to hide it by using his super intelligence (which it sounds like he has!) and by acting "over it."


    Also, a suggestion. Is there one thing he is totally passionate about? No matter what the problem is (IMO), you could try to really nurture that interest. Almost every interest is tied to school subjects. For example, if he's really into sci fi, have him relate all of his essays to science fiction. He can read Stephen Hawking for physics class. He could take fencing classes to stay active, and it might have an allure for him that more traditional physical activities do not.


    I really hope that helps!!! :)


    ETA: And I know NOTHING about your family situation, but it sounds like it may be a little non-traditional. Is that close? I'm wondering whether it might be a good idea to get someone outside the family to act as a mentor, like a Big Brother or something

  3. Can you tell whereI hang out? :lol: SM....I'll be kidless today so I'll try to swing in and ask "the one who shall not be mentioned" about stuff :)


    Voldemort?? :huh:


    Where in the world did you find a spider who does seams? And where is this cemetery? My husband loves taking photos at cemeteries. Such cool pics, from everyone. Keep 'em coming!



  4. Anyone remember the show with Tony Shalhoub and Neil Patrick Harris? We thought it was hilarious, but apparently not many others did; it only lasted one season. My son loves him as Luigi in Cars. :) I don't think we've missed a second of Monk since it began. Although it's gotten sillier, it's such a great show. And I'm never right about whodunit.


    And we are SO getting into Psych. Keeps getting funnier and funnier.

  5. Well I am so glad that you were able in a matter of minutes to get your friends bill taken care of. At least they will have power. God Bless You


    There are no more websites, no more friends with storage buildings and no more of anything..Just whatever is left. thank you. What is left though is my family and my belief in God no matter what happens or where He chooses to take us. On that note I consider this my last post. You have a blessed day!!!


    This post has been edited by ???xxxxxxxxxx???: Yesterday, 04:23 PM




    Edited to take out name.

  6. It was across the street. In one of those red-cross blood drive trailers.

    Tthe bar-b-q appreciation festivities were set up in the actual parking lot of the funeral home,

    the blood drive was in the "overflow" parking lot.

    (no pun intended).

    Just an idea...

    sure, it's a tad morbid, but

    next time something like that weirds you out,

    think about how you would feel if someone you loved

    could have been saved from dieing prematurely from a critical injury

    if only there was available blood at their time of need.

    Just something to ponder.


    Thanks, that does help actually. It wouldn't have kept me home, though. I kind of like feeling woozy, so it would probably have been fun, ha ha. I reread my post, and it sounds a little like a cop-out because it went late. I guess I left out a few things I had to do after the court day and got home just in time to put little one in bed.


    If I want to donate blood, say, this weekend, where would I go? I have no idea around here.

  7. I was supposed to be there, and I wasn't. I'm soooooo sorry, because I was really looking forward to it. The last time I tried to donate (in Michigan), I couldn't, so I wanted to try again. I was in court all day observing for CASA. I think that this will translate into helping lots of people, too, so I guess it's all good stuff.


    But man, I didn't know it was at a funeral home! I'd have been spooked, too, to be honest. I have a little problem with that general subject area... :mellow:

  8. Thanks you so so much, everyone, for all of the support - it means a lot. I really won't be offended if anyone has any criticism, but I have to admit, there's a little part of my ego that says "Okay back, meet hand". :blush: I would love to post more when we make more, in case you all want to check them out. I personally love looking at other people's photos. My husband and I both love photo'ing strange things, like the spigot of a fire hose or pay telescopes at tourist attractions, so we probably won't do many of people.To answer a couple of questions:

    I'm curious...did you buildout a new space for a darkroom or set it up in a spare bathroom? It has been years since I've printed anything but I can still smell the chemicals....
    Hee hee... we used our son's bathroom, which is fine with him because he's always wanted to use our tub! You wouldn't believe how small the space is. We would love to build a special room for it, but it will be a couple years, probably, before we finish that part of our basement. Nicholas Cole: Thanks so much - I very well may call you with questions as we learn more. I could never do the work with people that you or SM do, or the painting the AOBDE does! And by the way, we did tape ourselves into the bathroom before we remembered to bring in the developing times. Oopsie! You are right about the "I thought it was there!" :rolleyes: --M's
    Wow.. Your own darkroom! That just sounds like fun. Great shot.. I have a b&w iron fence shot hanging in my breakfast nook. I love the pattern, contrast and distance all rolled into one shot.
    Well you obviously have great taste! :p
  9. Mrs. A - I'd love to help! Just let me know when you guys get ready!

    DLM - Thank you so much - the support means a whole lot.

    PM - You are welcome to stop by and relive the good ole days if you ever want. :-)


    :wub: :wub:

  10. My husband and I made our first print this evening, and we're really excited that we now have the ability to develop and print our own photos! I wanted to share this with you all.




    Technical stuff if you're wondering: It's black and white, 8x10, 35mm. We didn't expect to use this negative for printing at first, so you can see that it's scratched. I didn't want to make any digital changes to it, though, because I want it to stay true to film photography. Maybe later, I'll play around a little with digital manipulation, but not yet. I think it would be improved by using a filter for contrast. We just didn't get to that tonight, because it was getting late.


    ETA: More technical: With the enlarger, used F11 and 5 sec exposure.

  11. So in other words, you need a good liar? B) I'll do it if Oscar will do it with me! :ph34r: I wonder if we could make a deal, CC - let me explain: I'm an aspiring filmmaker, but all of my work has been on paper and in photography so far. I took night classes for several years after I was married, but when my son was born, I had to put my career on hold. Well, soon after he was born, I was diagnosed with shingles and all of our money went to pay for my medical bills, none of which were covered by my husband's insurance because the insurance company said that my illness was caused by malpractice. So... we pursued a malpractice suit, but we lost because the jury said that (duh!) you can't get shingles from a pelvic exam (sorry if that's TMI). So here we are, on the verge of being broke but not having given up on our dreams. My problem is this: I don't have a videocamera, and I don't know anyone else who has a professional one. If I agree to audition for your new show, could you possibly let me borrow it for about half an hour (you could feel free to supervise me) so I could put together a VERY short audition film for my university application? I have used them before, and I'm a very reliable person. I'd be happy to provide you with references if that would make you feel more comfortable, and I can supply the film. Maybe we could film both of our projects at the same time? :)


    --M's Girl

    aka Patty


    p.s. I'm healthy now, thanks to good docs and good meds!

  12. I wasn't on bc when I got pregnant with Dd. I was married, 18, and had been told my entire life that I'd never have children. Who needs birth control if you can't have kids? That's also why we went ahead and got married...we weren't going to have kids. Three months later...oops! Then, when Nevaeh was three months old I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I was in the middle of chemo when I wound up pregnant again. This time I WAS on birth control, on top of the chemo. My doc about flipped when he found out. The chemo was having adverse reactions in 'that area', and the baby was suffocating. If I had kept the pregnancy, he and I would have both died. I didn't even get to make a 'choice'...the doctor did it for me, and it was the hardest thing I've ever been through. Needless to say, right now I'm on the pill, using condoms, and still pulling out. And I've been cancer free for a little over two years. :wub:


    Wow. Well, you were brave and you made the right decision. I'm glad you are still with us. :)

  13. Maybe the folks at the gas station were just astounded by your radiant beauty? Seriously, though, you may often find that people don't really answer you, and that may have nothing to do with your race. Since we've moved out of the city, we've noticed that clerks aren't as likely to look you in the eye and clearly answer you when you ask them something. Sometimes I have to really push to get a clear answer (and I'm white, BTW).


    I don't know if this will help, but if you ever get frustrated like that again, just remember that you are part of the solution. I get discouraged sometimes because I feel different than a lot of people I see around, in terms of attitude and background, but then I realize that it's a time of flux for the area. I was really surprised, though, to find out how many people there are here a lot like me, and I'm very happy here.


    Welcome to the area!

  14. We go to Taki because it's convenient, but if you want something off the menu, good luck. It's supposed to be a compliment to tell the chef to make whatever he wants, but when we did that at Taki, they were totally stumped and kept handing us a menu ("but it's the special menu!"). Oy.


    We LOVE RuSan's and usually go to the Town Center location. We go every other Friday for the buffet, and now they know us there. One of the things that makes them unique is that they interact with your kid so you can enjoy your meal. They'll distract ours when we're in the buffet line, and we are so thankful. We get fantastic service - they remembered us after just once being there. The Ansley location is a more partylike atmosphere and louder, but also more fun.


    Now the ultimate is Nickimoto's. They have the freshest, best fish and know how to use it. I'd suggest not going anywhere for dollar sushi night, because they don't use the best fish or the best cuts and it's thinner slices (so different proportions with the rice). At least don't judge a restaurant on their dollar sushi.


    Nickimoto's has Sushi, Sake, and Dragamaki on Monday nights (or used to) - it is such a riot. It's a drag revue and loads of fun.

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