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Posts posted by mpgangle

  1. Sorry, not what you are wanting to hear. :rolleyes:


    I took them at the same time everyday. Didn't miss a pill. She is 22 now. (please know I wouldn't change a thing)


    With me it was very easy to get in the family way. So after my second I took more drastic measures.


    Thank you - a real answer!!!!! :lol: But there wasn't anything I "want" to hear, I really am just curious...


    ... and scissors.gif is not 100% effective either.



    that's why they say it's only like 98% effective




    just make sure he pulls out every time for some added insurance and be careful when taking antibiotics


    And miss the best part?! B) ;)

  2. So I noticed in another thread that a few people mentioned getting pregnant on birth control. Since I wake up at different times during the week, I've always wondered what my "window of opportunity" for taking meds is. Also, sometimes I take advantage of the "2 the next day" rule. :blush: Incidentally, I don't have a preference whether or not I get pregnant at this point, I take the meds for different reasons.


    If anyone is willing, can you please say what your practices were, in terms of how strictly you take them at the same time every day and whether you missed any AT ALL that month or the month before? I've always thought that if you took them correctly, you would never get pregnant. I mean, I know there's always a chance, but I thought that in reality it just didn't happen that way.


    Thanks for sharing in advance!!!


    p.s. Please please please: the first person to say something about abstinence or God's will not to take BC or anything else trite and non-helpful, I will hunt you down and flick you right in the earlobe! :p

  3. We couldn't be there on Wednesdays either, but I would really appreciate a PM with the results of today's meeting. We're just starting to develop/print our own photos - will you be discussing film, digital, or both?

  4. But....I'm not doing CASA anymore. :( Hubby is about to get a new job, and will have to go into work at 6. We didn't want me to get 1/2 way into training and have to drop out, so we're just waiting until Spring (things will be calmer, and I can find somebody to watch her).


    Bummer! :mellow: Well, there is a store that looks really great, and I know that they have group knitting so you can learn. It's called Purly Gates, and it's in Marietta Square. I think I read in another post that you go there for records (I remember thinking "Where do they sell records?"), so maybe that would be convenient for you.

  5. Stitch N Bitch Nation is the "sequel", and it has lots more patterns and a refresher of the basics. Both are awesome! If you bring your stuff to CASA training tomorrow, I'll show you the basics during our breaks. And if you don't have anything, let me know and I'll be happy to bring stuff.

  6. My 17 year did. We dropped him off at Cumberland and went back up toward the finish to watch . Unbelievable amount of participants! He paced himself and didn't push and came in 60th overall, 49th in the mens division and first in the 15-18 yr. old division... not bad for a daily jog! :D


    Holy cow, that's great! Congratulations to him! :D

  7. Chris, you were OFF by $1.00 Dollar :(


    But I see from your answer that you got your ENTERTAINMENT Value! :p


    We had 22 Winning Tickets $2.00 to $10.00


    The correct answer would be....post-1715-1188666271.gif

    Way To Go M's Girl!


    You are the WINNER of a $19.95 p.com membership :p


    Fer real??! That's really cool! I actually went through all the cards and added them up. I am a total geek, but it paid off. Woohoo!!! Thanks - so what do I have to do?

  8. New rule:

    Men go through domestic training to learn the "basics" of cohabitating with women such as taking out the trash, putting the toilet seat down, picking up clothes off the floor, and must receive a certificate BEFORE the marriage vows are said!



    New rule:

    People date to find out if they like the person for who they are, and if not, they don't get married to them. For example: if the person loots, or if they're white, in which case they don't loot, or if they don't know how to clean up after themselves, you find someone else! Ooh, I'm feeling righteous tonight! :p :P *giggle giggle*

  9. Attitude


    > There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and noticed she had only three hairs on her head.


    > Well," she said, "I think I'll braid my hair today?" So she did and she had a wonderful day.


    > The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and saw that she had only two hairs on her head.


    > "H-M-M," she said, "I think I'll part my hair down the middle today." So she did and she had a grand day.


    > The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that she had only one hair on her head.


    > "Well," she said, "today I'm going to wear my hair in a pony tail." So she did and she had a fun, fun day.


    > The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that there wasn't a single hair on her head.


    > "YEA!" she exclai med, "I don't have to fix my hair today!"


    Attitude is everything.


    > Be kinder than necessary,

    > for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.


    > Live simply,


    > Love generously,


    > Care deeply,


    > Speak kindly.......


    > Leave the rest to God.

    > Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...

    > It's about learning to dance in the rain



    She must have looked pretty stupid with that 3-hair braid... KIDDING KIDDING KIDDING KIDDING!!!!!!! :p

  10. I lived on ginger ale and saltines my first couple of months. It will pass! (but then you'll be in the gas stage, then the tired stage, then the new baby stage, then the teenager stage... Heh heh heh. Did you just get more nauseous? :wacko:

  11. No one delviers to us now but it was about 3 bucks when they did. Do you all tip when you pick it up? One of the girls at Mellow Mushroom got really snotty with me when I didn't tip them.


    The manager at Pizza Hut at 120/EPaulding actually crosses out the tip line... but for delivery we're at about $4-5 now, or whatever will round it up to a nice number. :-)

  12. Along the same lines, I sometimes encounter employees who refuse to acknowledge my son's existence when he speaks to them. He will say things like "Thank you", or "It's my Daddy's birthday." After he repeats himself several times, I jump in just in case they didn't understand him. Not once has someone responded courteously - most just say "I heard." How do you explain to a little kid why the "nice grown-up" refuses to talk to him? ACC, have you experienced that one?

  13. Our "must" restaurant is The Moon Under Water. We sit outside and watch the water and people walking by. The curry will melt your tongue and is soooo good, and the naan and crunchy bread (name?) are addictive.


    There is a bookstore nearby called Haslam's that is wonderful. It's a mom-and-pop place, and they have a lot of great things for kids. Maybe you could take them in for a book?


    If you go over to St. Pete's beach, just before you get to the Don Cesar, there's a public beach that is really nice - amazing, really. Past the Don, there's Pass-A-Grille, and it has a great ice cream place and great beach. If they're old enough, you could take them to Boca Ciega Bay and rent kayaks. Dolphins will come play with you.


    And I don't know if it's kid-friendly, but there's always the Salvador Dali museum.


    Hope this helps! My husband and I have very strong attachments to the area and miss it a ton.

  14. One of our family members is named Gabriel, and almost half the people he meets calls him Gabrielle, and some shorten it to Gay-bril. My grandparents-in-law like to eat at Kristy Kreme (I stay home), others in our family "warsh" the "erl" out of their clothes after they take out the transmission, and my husband tries to make me believe that "Mashachusy" is the best he can do for the state containing Boston. Back in Michigan, everything has an "s": Farmer Jack's, K-Mart's, etc. Milk is melk there. I hear "kyupon" for "coupon", and that one actually gets under my skin.



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